1. With letters I sent forth, on their faces
Rivalling gazelles, following steadily,
١. وَحَرفٍ قَد بَعَثتُ عَلى وَجاها
تُباري أَينُقاً مُتَواتِراتِ
2. Their shadows, when they moved on, appeared
To be howdahs on our camels, succeeding.
٢. تَخالُ ظِلالَهُنَّ إِذا اِستَقَلَّت
بِأَرحُلِنا سَبائِبَ تالِياتِ
3. At every halt they left, for the people there,
Others to take their place, not disappearing.
٣. لَهُنَّ بِكُلِّ مَنزِلَةٍ رَذايا
تُرِكنَ بِها سَواهِمَ لاغِباتِ
4. You would see the Kairites grieving when
They stayed behind them, left remaining.
٤. تَرى كيرانَ ما حَسَروا إِذا ما
أَراحوا خَلفَهُنَّ مُرَدَّفاتِ
5. You see the free birds drinking from them
Eyes that appeared and disappeared intermittently.
٥. تَرى الطَيرَ العِتاقَ تَنوشُ مِنها
عُيوناً قَد ظَهَرنَ وَغائِراتِ
6. As if their moaning, when they set forth,
Answered each other like mourners weeping.
٦. كَأَنَّ أَنينَهُنَّ بِكُلِّ سَهبٍ
إِذا اِرتَحَلَت تَجاوُبُ نائِحاتِ
7. It seemed the camel-litters above the camel pads
Were made in the time of tribulation strongly.
٧. كَأَنَّ قُتودَ رَحلي فَوقَ جَأبٍ
صَنيعَ الجِسمِ مِن عَهدِ الفَلاةِ
8. Their imperfections were repaired and they spent the night
Pregnant, like fortresses and impregnable.
٨. أَشَذَّ جِحاشَها وَخَلا بِجونٍ
لَواقِحَ كَالقِسِيِّ وَحائِلاتِ
9. So he spent the night honored and they spent it
Fasting around him, succeeding each other.
٩. فَظَلَّ بِها عَلى شَرَفٍ وَظَلَّت
صِياماً حَولَهُ مُتَفالِياتِ
10. Valleys that waited for gifts from him
However he wished, sitting steadfast.
١٠. صَوادِيَ يَنتَظِرنَ الوِردَ مِنهُ
عَلى ما يَرتَئي مُتَقابِعاتِ
11. He sent them ships, so they hurried
To him, like loving sandgrouse.
١١. فَوَجَّهَها قَوارِبَ فَاِتلَأَبَّت
لَهُ مِثلُ القَنا المُتَأَوِّداتِ
12. He bites those heavy with milk among them
As the cub bites the she-camel's teat
١٢. يَعَضُّ عَلى ذَواتِ الضُغنِ مِنها
كَما عَضَّ الثِقافُ عَلى القَناةِ
13. With a murmur he repeats, and his anxiety
Refuses to finish, to the end.
١٣. بِهَمهَمَةٍ يُرَدِّدُها حَشاهُ
وَتَأبى أَن تَتَمَّ إِلى اللَهاةِ
14. They had hoarded gifts from him,
So he gave them virgin camels, very dark.
١٤. وَقَد كُنَّ اِستَثَرنَ الوِردَ مِنهُ
فَأَورَدَها أَواجِنَ طامِياتِ
15. On their sides were feathers of ostrich
Resembling carved ivory armlets.
١٥. عَلى أَرجائِهِنَّ مِراطُ ريشٍ
تُشَبِّهُها مَشاقِصُ ناصِلاتِ
16. Abu Khamis met them with yearlings
Among them none were superior.
١٦. فَوافَقَهُنَّ أَطلَسُ عامِرِيٌّ
بِطَيِّ صَفائِحٍ مُتَسانِداتِ
17. Concealing his arrows and his bow,
With which the blood of the guides flows.
١٧. أَبو خَمسٍ يُطِفنَ بِهِ صِغارٍ
غَدا مِنهُنَّ لَيسَ بِذي بَتاتِ
18. He took aim when he shot an arrow at them
With which to strike the battling hosts.
١٨. مُخِفّاً غَيرَ أَسهُمِهِ وَقَوسٌ
تَلوحُ بِها دِماءُ الهادِياتِ
19. His mother was frantic when they fled
And bit her fingers in disappointment.
١٩. فَسَدَّدَ إِذ شَرَعنَ لَهُنَّ سَهماً
يَؤُمُّ بِهِ مَقاتِلَ بادِياتِ
20. And they excited for him little goats
You could see among them tents.
٢٠. فَلَهَّفَ أُمَّهُ لَمّا تَوَلَّت
وَعَضَّ عَلى أَنامِلَ خائِباتِ
٢١. وَهُنَّ يُثِرنَ بِالمَعزاءِ نَقعاً
تَرى مِنهُ لَهُنَّ سُرادِقاتِ