
I saw Najran coming towards me

رأيت وقد أتى نجران دوني

1. I saw Najran coming towards me
While Layla stayed behind at her abode in Sadir

١. رَأَيتُ وَقَد أَتى نَجرانُ دوني
وَلَيلى دونَ أَرحُلِها السَديرُ

2. For Layla, in the darkness, there was the light of a fire
Gleaming as if it were the Shira star

٢. لِلَيلى بِالغُمَيِّمِ ضَوءَ نارٍ
يَلوحُ كَأَنَّهُ الشِعرى العَبورُ

3. When I said it was a dark night
The blackness of night and the cold north wind

٣. إِذا ما قُلتُ خابِيَةٌ زَهاهاً
سَوادُ اللَيلِ وَالريحُ الدَبورُ

4. She could barely raise her gaze, if they did raise it
None could see her light except the keen-sighted

٤. فَما كادَت وَلَو رَفَعوا سَناها
لِيُبصِرَ ضَوءَها إِلّا البَصيرُ

5. So I remained as if I had drunk old wine
Matured, as it spins into fervor

٥. فَبِتُّ كَأَنَّني سافَهتُ خَمراً
مُعَتَّقَةً حُمَيّاها تَدورُ

6. I said to my companions - will the dawn and morn
Take me to Layla after this estrangement?

٦. فَقُلتُ لِصُحبَتي هَل يُبلِغَنّي
إِلى لَيلى التَهَجُّرُ وَالبُكورُ

7. And my travels, when the darknesses cast
Their tents, and the resting places do not wander

٧. وَإِدلاجي إِذا الظَلماءُ أَلقَت
مَراسِيَها وَهادٍ لا يَجورُ

8. And my saying, whenever I passed a camp,
"To another camp, O people, let's move on"

٨. وَقولي كُلَّما جاوَزتُ خَرقاً
إِلى خَرقٍ لِأُخرى القَومِ سيروا

9. With a camel litter, as if the litter poles
Were shaken by her shy, aloof character

٩. بِناجِيَةٍ كَأَنَّ الرَحلَ مِنها
وَقَد قَلِقَت مِنَ الضُمرِ الضُفورُ

10. On the backs of strong camels, enduring,
From those that Er encamps in shadows

١٠. عَلى أَصلابِ جَأبٍ أَخدَرِيٍّ
مِنَ اللائي تَضَمَّنَهُنَّ إيرُ

11. It grazed on the edges of pastures
From luxurious places to worn, dug up ones

١١. رَعى بُهمى الدَكادِكِ مِن أَريكٍ
إِلى أُبلى مُناصيهِ حَفيرُ

12. So when it saw the villages become animated
Their surfaces glistening and glowing

١٢. فَلَمّا أَن رَأى القُريانَ هاجَت
ظَواهِرُها وَلاحَتهُ الحَرورُ

13. Its muscles tensed up, and it curled its tail
And hunched its withers, like a folded mat

١٣. وَأَحنَقَ صُلبُهُ وَطَوى مِعاهُ
وَكَشحَيهِ كَما طُوِيَ الحَصيرُ

14. A drink summoned it, made by one of high pedigree
A broth with truffles or a creek

١٤. دَعاهُ مَشرَبٌ مِن ذي أَبانٍ
حِساءٌ بِالأَباطِحِ أَو غَديرُ

15. So it trotted alongside them with determination
As the worker trots alongside his she-camels

١٥. فَظَلَّ بِهِنَّ يَحدوهُنَّ قَصداً
كَما يَحدو قَلائِصَهُ الأَجيرُ

16. I feel it in my chest when its nostrils
Sniffed their sequence, it brays a lot

١٦. أَقَبُّ كَأَنَّ مَنخِرَهُ إِذا ما
أَرَنَّ عَلى تَواليهِنَّ كيرُ

17. It produces sounds, you'd think the voice was of one who yells
When seeking the flute or lyre to play

١٧. لَهُ زَجَلٌ تَقولُ أَصَوتُ حادٍ
إِذا طَلَبَ الوَسيقَةَ أَو زَميرُ

18. Taming them, it fought off peers
A fight not even donkeys fought

١٨. مُدِلٌّ شَرَّدَ الأَقرانَ عَنهُ
عِراكٌ ما تَعارَكَهُ الحَميرُ

19. And it spent the morn in the wilderness, turning
Its gaze cautiously, so very alert

١٩. وَأَصبَحَ في الفَلاةِ يُديرُ طَرفاً
عَلى حَذَرٍ تَوَجُّسُهُ كَثيرُ

20. It produces sounds, you'd think its legs when
It stood up rested, were feeble

٢٠. لَهُ زَجَلٌ كَأَنَّ الرِجلَ مِنهُ
إِذا ما قامَ مُعتَمِداً كَسيرُ

21. So it brought them closer, trotting hard
To pastures not muddied by many

٢١. فَأَورَدَهُنَّ تَقريباً وَشَدّاً
شَرائِعَ لَم يُكَدِّرها الوَقيرُ

22. It waded through the water ahead of them
Until it was clear its valley was barren

٢٢. فَخاضَ أَمامَهُنَّ الماءَ حَتّى
تَبَيَّنَ أَنَّ ساحَتَهُ قَفيرُ

23. When it submerged, it cried out among them
And the brilliant dawn did not know him

٢٣. فَلَمّا أَن تَغَمَّرَ صاحَ فيها
وَلَمّا يَعلُهُ الصُبحُ المُنيرُ