1. My days are prolonged in yearning for the quenching of Arwa
Suspicions discarded, no longer harbored
١. كِلا يَومَي طُوالَةَ وَصلُ أَروى
ظَنونٌ آنَ مَطَّرَحُ الظَنونِ
2. And it matters not if she is generous, bestowing upon us
The slightest morsel, it would be a gift
٢. وَما أَروى وَإِن كَرُمَت عَلَينا
بِأَدنى مِن مُوَقَّفَةٍ حَرونِ
3. Archers circle around it, their twisted horns on guard
And the water I came to draw for Arwa
٣. تُطيفُ بِها الرُماةُ وَتَتَّقيهِم
بِأَوعالٍ مُعَطَّفَةِ القُرونِ
4. Birds flutter over it like moist leaves
I startled the wild cats and drove off from it
٤. وَماءٍ قَد وَرَدتُ لِوَصلِ أَروى
عَلَيهِ الطَيرُ كَالوَرَقِ اللَجينِ
5. The stance of the vicious wolf like a wicked man
And I am not, when worries besiege me
٥. ذَعَرتُ بِهِ القَطا وَنَفَيتُ عَنهُ
مَقامَ الذِئبِ كَالرَجُلِ اللَعينِ
6. The most helpless in calamities
So shed your worries with the incense of Lauh
٦. وَلَستُ إِذا الهُمومُ تَحَضَّرَتني
بِأَخضَعَ في الحَوادِثِ مُستَكينِ
7. With smoke like the billows of bellows
When you have brought me and unloaded my gear
٧. فَسَلِّ الهَمَّ عَنكَ بِذاتِ لَوثٍ
عُذافِرَةٍ كَمِطرَقَةِ القُيونِ
8. At Araba then gush forth with the blood of sacrifices
To you I sent my she-camel complaining
٨. إِذا بَلَّغتِني وَحَطَطتِ رَحلي
عَرابَةَ فَاِشرَقي بِدَمِ الوَتينِ
9. Of leanness after her plumpness
So excellent is she who set out to him
٩. إِلَيكَ بَعَثتُ راحِلَتي تَشَكّى
كُلوماً بَعدَ مَقحَدِها السَمينِ
10. Her neck grinding like millstones
If she kneels on high ground, she casts off
١٠. فَنِعمَ المُعتَرى رَحَلَت إِلَيهِ
رَحى حَيزومِها كَرَحى الطَحينِ
11. Her saddle ropes like the stick of a vagrant
And if she is prodded onto the hilltops, she descends
١١. إِذا بَرَكَت عَلى عَلياءَ أَلقَت
عَسيبَ جِرانِها كَعَصا الهَجينِ
12. To you with the gait of a gentle guide
The first drops from a waterskin its carrier
١٢. وَإِن ضُرِبَت عَلى العِلّاتِ حَطَّت
إِلَيكَ حِطاطَ هادِيَةٍ شَنونِ
13. Suspended by its loops with twine
Whenever she attacks the wild cats, she leaves them
١٣. تُوائِلُ مِن مِصَكٍّ أَنصَبَتهُ
حَوالِبُ أَسهَرَيهِ بِالذَنينِ
14. With a blow of her head butting their brows
Of a tree whose sacred fruit is forbidden to him
١٤. مَتى يَرِدِ القَطاةَ يَرِك عَلَيها
بِحِنوِ الرَأسِ مُعتَرِضَ الجَبينِ
15. The horse of the valley who nurses the fetus
Bearing the innards of a pregnant she-camel in heat
١٥. شَجٍ بِالريقِ أَن حَرُمَت عَلَيهِ
حَصانُ الفَرجِ واسِقَةُ الجَنينِ
16. On a carrier whose lineage is disgraced
She leads them from the valley of palm trees
١٦. طَوَت أَحشاءَ مُرتِجَةٍ لِوَقتٍ
عَلى مَشَجٍ سُلالَتُهُ مَهينِ
17. To the trotting place of a lost camel, fresh and sweet
As if the whiskers of her cheeks corralled
١٧. يَؤُمُّ بِهِنَّ مِن بَطحاءِ نَخلٍ
مَراكِضَ حائِرٍ عَذبٍ مَعينِ
18. The hide of a one-eyed hyena, slick with sap
Her bellows have sweated and freely yielded
١٨. كَأَنَّ مَحازَ لَحيَيهِ حَصاهُ
جَنابا جِلدِ أَجرَبَ ذي غُضونِ
19. Pearls from a bracelet, pure white and matched
When the ostrich rests his chicks against
١٩. وَقَد عَرِقَت مَغابِنُها وَجادَت
بِدِرَّتِها قِرى حَجِنٍ قَتينِ
20. The dunes of sand grouse amidst gravel
And if the shared path puzzles her
٢٠. إِذا الأَرطى تَوَسَّدَ أَبرَدَيهِ
خُدودُ جَوازِئٍ بِالرَملِ عينِ
21. With tracks in the smooth sands of fox burrows
When dawn splits the night away from him
٢١. وَإِن شَرَكُ الطَريقِ تَوَسَّمَتهُ
بِخَوصاوَينِ في لُحجٍ كَنينٍ
22. It splits like the shorn head of a sheep
I saw the she-camel of Aus rise up
٢٢. إِذا ما الصُبحُ شَقَّ اللَيلَ عَنهُ
أَشَقَّ كَمَفرَقِ الرَأسِ الدَهينِ
23. To virtues, peerless
Benefiting praise and benefitting glory
٢٣. رَأَيتُ عَرابَةَ الأَوسِيَّ يَسمو
إِلى الخَيراتِ مُنقَطِعَ القَرينِ
24. For she is no lifeless clod of clay
Whenever a flag is raised for glory
٢٤. أَفادَ مَحامِداً وَأَفادَ مَجداً
فَلَيسَ كَجامِدٍ لَحِزٍ ضَنينِ
25. Arwa meets it with her right hand
And none can match the elite of your clan
٢٥. إِذا ما رايَةٌ رُفِعَت لِمَجدٍ
تَلَقّاها عَرابَةُ بِاليَمينِ
26. To a quarter of the wager or value
Spears of Rudaina and seas of Lujj
٢٦. وَمِثلُ سَراةِ قَومِكَ لَم يُجارَوا
إِلى رُبُعِ الرِهانِ وَلا الثَمينِ
27. Their diving ships tossing with the vessels
A ransom for your abundant generosity
٢٧. رِماحُ رُدَينَةٍ وَبِحارُ لُجٍّ
غَوارِبُها تَقاذَفُ بِالسَفينِ
28. Hoped for by suspicions of doubts
On a morning I found your sea no meager pool
٢٨. فِدىً لِعَطائِكَ الجَزلِ المُرَجّى
رَجاءَ المُخلَفاتِ مِنَ الظُنونِ
29. With waves beyond count and no muddy visions
٢٩. غَداةَ وَجَدتُ بَحرَكَ غَيرَ نَزرٍ
مَشارِعُهُ وَلا كَدِرَ العُيونِ