1. Whenever I came to Layla, she was veiled,
Her coldness in the morning distressed me,
١. وَكُنتُ إِذا ما جِئتُ لَيلى تَبَرقَعَت
لَقَد رابَني مِنها الغَداةَ سُفورُها
2. I looked out over the sands, hoping,
To see the fire of Layla or her watcher might see me.
٢. وَأُشرِفُ بِالقورِ اليَفاعِ لَعَلَّني
أَرى نارَ لَيلى أَو يَراني بَصيرُها
3. The dove in the valley sings softly,
May the rain from the clouds give you drink.
٣. حَمامَةَ بَطنِ الوادِيَينِ تَرَنَّمي
سَقاكِ مِنَ الغُرِّ العِذابِ مَطيرُها
4. Show us, your feathers still soft,
You remain amid the green thickets chirping.
٤. أَبيني لَنا لا زالَ ريشُكِ ناعِماً
وَلا زِلتِ في خَضراءَ دانٍ بَريرُها
5. My soul conquers me, following its passion,
And my soul comes to me, warning of its passion.
٥. تُغالِبُني نَفسي عَلى تَبَعِ الهَوى
وَقَد جاءَ نَفسي مِن هَواها نَذيرُها
6. A thing the soul hopes for is no misfortune,
Yet it fears the harm that might come to it.
٦. وَأَمرٌ يُرَجّي النَفسَ لَيسَ بِضائِرٍ
وَتَخشى عَلَيها ضَيرَةَ ما يَضيرُها
7. And I have told my stubborn soul good advice,
The words of a caring one, if it would but hear.
٧. وَقَد قُلتُ لِلنَفسِ اللَجوجِ نَصيحَةً
مَقالَ شَفيقٍ لَو تَعيهِ ضَميرُها
8. I informed it that life and its people
Are like a loan to be returned by the borrower.
٨. فَأَنبَأتُها أَنَّ الحَياةَ وَأَهلَها
كَعارِيَةٍ أَوفى بِها مُستَعيرُها
9. To its people, loaned things must be returned
With good grace by whom they were borrowed.
٩. إِلى أَهلِها إِنَّ العَوارِيَ حَقُّها
أَداءٌ بِإِحسانٍ إِلى مَن يُعيرُها
10. Stop, and ask the dove, o my friends,
To tell of its people, lest we startle it.
١٠. قِفا فَاِسأَلا يا صاحِبَيَّ حَمامَةً
تُخَبِّرُنا عَن أَهلِها أَو نُطيرُها
11. The dove in the valley sings softly,
May the rain from the clouds give you drink.
١١. حَمامَةَ بَطنِ الوادِيَينِ تَرَنَّمي
سَقاكِ مِنَ الغُرِّ الغَوادي مَطيرُها