
And we hastened, though parting was near,

وأعجلنا وشك الفراق وبيننا

1. And we hastened, though parting was near,
A talk, like the breathing of two who are ill, irksome,

١. وَأَعجَلَنا وَشكُ الفِراقِ وَبَينَنا
حَديثٌ كَتَنفيسِ المَريضَينِ مُزعِجُ

2. A talk, that if flesh could pray in its burning,
Would come to its friends while yet scarcely singed.

٢. حَديثٌ لَوَ اَنَّ اللَحمَ يَصلى بِحَرِّهِ
غَريضاً أَتى أَصحابَهُ وَهوَ مُنضَجُ