
As though I had saddled the camel a sturdy mount,

كأني كسوت الرحل جونا رباعيا

1. As though I had saddled the camel a sturdy mount,
Girded with leather straps from the donkeys' hide.

١. كَأَنّي كَسَوتُ الرَحلَ جَوناً رَباعِياً
بِليتَيهِ مِن زَرِّ الحَميرِ كُلومُ

2. I had with me a whip that was rough on the camel's eye
Whenever it strayed or was stubborn and hard to subdue.

٢. عُلَندى مِصَكّاً قَد أَضَرَّ بِعانَةٍ
لِما شَذَّ مِنها أَو عَصاهُ عَذومُ

3. It curled up in the cave's nooks during the siesta
And did not rouse till the noon heat made it distraught.

٣. تَرَبَّعَ أَكنافَ القَنانِ فَصارَةٍ
فَما وانَ حَتّى قاظَ وَهوَ زَهومُ

4. Until the midday sun rose and baked the sands around it,
When hot winds blew, scorching, and dust clouds mounted.

٤. إِلى أَن عَلاهُ القَيظُ وَاِستَنَّ حَولَهُ
أَهابِيُّ مِنها حاصِبٌ وَسَمومُ

5. It weakened the rest of the she-camels, emaciated
Their bodies, and in their faces fatigue was paramount.

٥. وَأَعوَزَهُ باقي النِطافِ وَقَلَّصَت
ثَمائِلُها وَفي الوُجوهِ سُهومُ

6. It drove them on until their thirst was slaked,
When little fat was left on their frames to count.

٦. وَحَلَّأَها حَتّى إِذا تَمَّ ظِمؤُها
وَقَد كادَ لا يَبقى لَهُنَّ شُحومُ

7. All day he remained dividing his time,
Perplexed, wondering where he should go.

٧. فَظَلَّ سَراةَ اليَومِ يَقسِمُ أَمرَهُ
مُشِتٌّ عَلَيهِ الأَمرُ أَينَ يَرومُ

8. A nagging care kept after him
And an immigrant wife who brought him much woe,

٨. وَأَقلَقَهُ هَمٌّ دَخيلٌ يَنوبُهُ
وَهاجِرَةٌ جَرَّت عَلَيهِ صَدومُ

9. With a baby he had to provide for,
Rising above them sometimes, and fasting below.

٩. بِرابِيَةٍ يَنحَطُّ عَنها مُعَشِّراً
وَيَعلو عَلَيها تارَةً فَيَصومُ

10. Over their heads they seemed like birds
Observing the sun-fast, suffering its glow,

١٠. وَظَلَّت كَأَنَّ الطَيرَ فَوقَ رُؤوسِها
صِياماً تُراعى الشَمسَ وَهوَ كَظومُ

11. Fearing the patrolman of the wastes, a tyrant
To their young, carried in the crook of their elbow.

١١. مَخافَةَ مَخشِيِّ الشَذاةِ عَذَوَّرٍ
لِنابَيهِ في أَكفالِهِنَّ كُلومُ

12. Until night came and darkness enfolded them
With its flood upon them, the running sands' flow.

١٢. إِلى أَن أَجَنَّ اللَيلُ وَاِنقَضَّ قارِباً
عَلَيهِنَّ جَيّاشَ الجِراءِ أَزومُ

13. And Orion clung to the settled darkness,
Cleaving fast when their tracks were hard to know.

١٣. وَكَمشِها ثَبتُ الحِضارِ مُلازِمٌ
لَمّا ضاعَ مِن أَدبارِهِنَّ لَزومُ

14. He led them to brackish, troubled water,
With floating scum like washing froth in its bow.

١٤. فَأَورَدَها ماءً بِغَضوَرَ آجِناً
لَهُ عَرمَضٌ كَالغِسلِ فيهِ طُمومُ

15. Nearby a groom had readied the saddle-bags
And with his hands the racers were easy to trow.

١٥. بِحَضرَتِهِ رامٍ أَعَدَّ سَلاجِماً
وَبِالكَفِّ طَوعُ المِركَضَينِ كَتومُ

16. When they approached the water, driven by thirst,
The sturdy she-camels were quick to follow.

١٦. فَلَمّا دَنَت لِلماءِ هيماً تَعَجَّلَت
رَباعِيَةٌ لِلهادِياتِ قَدومُ

17. She stooped her hands to drink and cooled her innards
Against a thirst in her, though the water was foul.

١٧. فَدَلَّت يَدَيها وَاِستَغاثَت بِبَردِهِ
عَلى ظَمَإٍ مِنها وَفيهِ جُمومُ

18. With widespread pinions the falcon dived at her
His body feathers ruffling, aggressive and growling.

١٨. فَأَهوى بِمَفتوقِ الغِرارَينِ مُرهَفٍ
عَلَيهِ لُؤامُ الريشِ فَهوَ قَتومُ

19. He pierced her breast and fended off her front
While the smooth spear slipped in, safe and sound.

١٩. فَأَنفَذَ حِضنَيها وَجالَ أَمامَها
طَميلٌ يُفَرّي الجَوفَ وَهوَ سَليمُ

20. She turned away and the drove of camels turned too,
As though fire blazed in the tracks they were treading.

٢٠. فَوَلَّت وَوَلّى العَيرُ فيها كَأَنَّما
يُلَهَّبُ في آثارِهِنَّ ضَريمُ

21. He left her bending to the fever in her brow
With both nostrils high from the babbling and threading.

٢١. وَغادَرَها تَكبو لِحُرِّ جَبينِها
كِلا مَنخِرَيها بِالنَجيعِ رَذومُ