
The longing has split his lovelorn heart

صدع الظعائن قلبه المشتاقا

1. The longing has split his lovelorn heart
With anguish from Ramah, as she wanted to part

١. صَدَعَ الظَعائِنُ قَلبَهُ المُشتاقا
بِحَزيزِ رامَةَ إِذ أَرَدنَ فِراقا

2. She gave him false hopes when giving them
Those were the pacts, which were then broken

٢. مَنَّينَهُ فَكَذَبنَ إِذ مَنَّينَهُ
تِلكَ العُهودَ وَخُنَّهُ الميثاقا

3. He had set the trysting-place as the appointment
He was true, though she did not keep the engagement

٣. وَلَقَد جَعَلنَ لَهُ المُحَصَّبَ مَوعِداً
فَلَقَد وَفَينَ وَعاقَهُ ما عاقا

4. O name! A delirious passion has addled my mind
With the secret of your love, hanging, suspended

٤. يا أَسمُ قَد خَبَلَ الفُؤادَ مُرَوِّحٌ
مِن سِرِّ حُبِّكِ مُعلِقٌ إِعلاقا

5. Did you rob him of his senses, or have you not seen
A heart led astray by love, and then become sane?

٥. فَسَلَبتِهِ مَعقولَهُ أَم لَم تَرَي
قَلباً سَلا بَعدَ الهَوى فَأَفاقا

6. He resolved to have self-control from a lover when
She turned from him; he now desires a union

٦. عَزَمَ التَجَلُّدَ عَن حَبيبٍ إِذ سَلا
عَنهُ فَأَصبَحَ ما يَتوقُ مَتاقا

7. You came to him the day you departed
Sweet tasting, cooling, shining bright

٧. وَتَعَرَّضَت فَأَرَتكَ يَومَ رَحيلِها
عَذبَ المَذاقَةِ بارِداً بَرّاقا

8. In the full moon at its perfection
For the like of her the heart was thrilled and elated

٨. في واضِحٍ كَالبَدرِ يَومَ كَمالِهِ
فَلَمِثلُها راعَ الفُؤادَ وَراقا

9. I recognized a ruin, uninhabited
I stopped and interrogated it insistently

٩. وَعَرَفتُ رَسماً دارِساً مُخلَولِقاً
فَوَقَفتُ وَاِستَنطَقتُهُ اِستِنطاقا

10. Until when standing there long in Dimnah
Silent, which the spring had given fine dress

١٠. حَتّى إِذا طالَ الوُقوفُ بِدِمنَةٍ
خَرساءَ حَلَّ بِها الرَبيعُ نِطاقا

11. A desert whose traces appear in its ruins
After friends, Creating, then ceasing to create

١١. قَفرٌ مَغانيها تَلوحُ رُسومُها
بَعدَ الأَحِبَّةِ مُخلِقٌ إِخلاقا

12. I urged on the ruins, questioning them
While the eye flows with copious tears

١٢. عُجتُ القَلوصَ بِها أُسائِلُ آيَها
وَالعَينُ تُذرى عَبرَةً تَغساقا

13. So I sent the whispering winds like
Silent pursuers, hastening, speeding

١٣. فَبَعَثتُ هِلواعَ الرَواحِ كَأَنَّها
خَنساءُ تَتبَعُ نائِياً مِخراقا

14. Blackness stopped them; they see for them
A purpose and flames that lick them

١٤. سَفعاءُ وَقَّفَها السَوادُ تَرى لَها
زَمَعاً وَصَلنَ شَوىً لَهُنَّ دِقاقا

15. They passed the night to a rocky alcove
Lightning flashes pour upon them

١٥. باتا إِلى حِقفٍ تَهُبُّ عَلَيهِما
نَكباءُ تَبجِسُ وابِلاً غَيداقا

16. From the direction of a lofty pillar obeying its command
Lightning flashes hasten its pillars

١٦. مِن صَوبِ سارِيَةٍ أَطاعَ جَهامُها
نَكباءَ تَمري مُزنَها أَوداقا

17. He folded his hands to his cheeks distressed
Scattering the plaits of the tresses

١٧. فَثَنى يَدَيهِ لِرَوقِهِ مُتَكَنِّساً
أَفنانَ أَرطاةٍ يُثِرنَ دُقاقا

18. As if he were a blind man, taking counsel with himself
His kin have gone and ties are severed

١٨. وَكَأَنَّهُ عانٍ يُشاوِرُ نَفسَهُ
غابَت أَقارِبُهُ وَشُدَّ وَثاقا

19. On a hill, whose plants it was proud of
Blooming, with wild beasts nesting in it

١٩. في عازِبٍ أُنُفٍ تَباهى نَبتَهُ
زَهراً وَأَسنَقَ وَحشُهُ إِسناقا

20. The two felt dread in the dawn, from fear
Of a growling hyena, so they recoiled in fear

٢٠. فَتَوَجَّسا في الصُبحِ رِكزَ مُكَلِّبٍ
أَو جاوَزاهُ فَأَشفَقا إِشفاقا

21. He has ragged garments, short and worn
Wrapped round his waist, encircling

٢١. سَمِلِ الثِيابِ لَهُ ضَوارٍ ضُمَّرٌ
مَحبُوَّةٌ مِن قِدِّهِ أَطواقا

22. With it he came in the morning, while in its folds
Spaciousness, his weeping and wailing echoing loud

٢٢. فَغَدا بِها قُبّاً وَفي أَشداقِها
سَعَةٌ يُجَلجِلُ حُضرُها الأَشداقا

23. Hoping and anticipating his companion
Would heal his grief when the dawn breaks

٢٣. يَرجو وَيَأمُلُ أَن تَصيدَ ضِراؤُهُ
يوفي النِجاءَ يُبادِرُ الإِشراقا

24. He went tossing his belly hair from time to time
Like a lizard, its color changed bizarre

٢٤. وَغَدا يُنَفِّضُ مَتنَهُ مِن ساعَةٍ
كَالسَحلِ أَغرَبَ لَونُهُ إِلهاقا

25. Was that or this? Or did a ship sail by
Leaving the decoy a swift bird fluttering?

٢٥. أَفَتِلكَ أَم هَذا أَمَ اَحقَبَ قارِبٌ
أَبقى الطِرادُ لَهُ حَشاً خَفّاقا

26. Effacer of tracks, forgetter of dwellings, roamer of plains
Doddering, turning its back, dragging its train

٢٦. مَحصُ الشَوى شَنِجُ النَسى خاظي المَطى
صَحِلٌ يُرَجِّعُ خَلفَها التَنهاقا

27. In hardship of epochs, their loins exalted
New generations, while their blackness paled

٢٧. في عانَةٍ حُقبٍ عَلَت أَصلابَها
جُدَدٌ وَحانَ سَوادُها الأَعناقا

28. Their saliva flowed on their chins, which deceived them
With coolness on their shoulders, customs

٢٨. سالَت عَلى أَذنابِها وَتَخالُها
بُرداً عَلى أَكتافِها أَخلاقا

29. He denies bucks as the old man startles them
A decrepit that butts them, biting the flanks

٢٩. يَنفي الجِحاشَ كَما يُشِذُّ بِكارَهُ
قِرمٌ يُنَهِّزُها يَعُضُّ حِقاقا

30. A troop that passed by ruins and gave it
Those it did not desire, without a marriage payment

٣٠. جَأبٌ خَلا بِحَلائِلٍ وَسَقَت لَهُ
فَحَمَلنَ لَم يُغرَم لَهُنَّ صَداقا

31. They turned away when it fancied wickedly
Until it went on and rejected morals

٣١. فَصَدَدنَ عَنهُ إِذ وَحِمنَ عَواذِلاً
حَتّى اِستَمَرَّ وَأَنكَرَ الأَخلاقا

32. After vileness they shoot him with glances
A sun that has enraged them with burning

٣٢. يَرمَحنَهُ بَعدَ اللِمامِ أَوابِياً
شُمساً فَقَد أَحنَقنَهُ إِحناقا