
Take my hand if there is kinship between us

خذ بيدي ان بيننا نسب

1. Take my hand if there is kinship between us
Of virtue, estrangement, and courtesy

١. خذ بيدي ان بيننا نسب
الفضل والاغتراب والأدب

2. A young man holds out to a young man in intimacy
While we three, there is no closeness between us

٢. يدلى الفتى للفتى بمقربة
وذي ثلاث ما بيننا قرب

3. You are our sheikh and no intercessor for us
And who would intercede for the noble if they granted

٣. انت رجانا ولا شفيع لنا
ومن شفيع الكرام ان وهبوا

4. Generosity rolls in your hands as
The clouds rolled over your slippers

٤. تمرغ الجود في يديك كما
تمرغت فوق نعلك السحب

5. And if the land pleased you, it revolved around you
Guarded by the shooting stars that watch over you

٥. وإن ارضا وليتها فلك
يحرسها من يراعك الشهب

6. For its people a fierce and mighty man
And a guardian from you, sympathetic and loving

٦. لأهلها صارم وذو لبد
وكافل منك مشفق واب

7. So he opened but did not have enough hospitality and bounty
That is how the eminent are when they speak

٧. ففت ولم تسع سؤددا وندى
كذاك اهل العلا إذا خطبوا

8. Your face is the morning of richness and I have a time
Hopeful of its favor and awaiting

٨. وجهك صبح الغنى ولي زمن
آمل اقباله وارتقب

9. What then is my answer if it is said what richness
Have you attained and what has seeking availed you

٩. فما جوابي ان قيل أي غنى
نلت وماذا أفادك الطلب

10. While you are like the sun in their dwellings
Rising every morning over the hillsides

١٠. وأنت كالشمس في منازلهم
طلوعها كل بكرة بجب

11. You dwelled next to a palm tree making it bear fruit
And tapped from it a clan of the unseen

١١. جاورت كفا غداك صيبها
واتنقعت منه عصبة غيب

12. Filling them with money before
So it has become for your grave the conquest

١٢. ملأنها بالنقود من قبل
فصار منها لقبرك الغلب

13. And the paper turned away from its pulpits
A people, if they speak eloquently, they wail

١٣. ونفر الورق عن منابرها
قوم إذا ما تفصحوا نعبوا

14. So who can restrain the enemies and their tongues
When their serpents’ venom makes them curse

١٤. فمن يكف العدا وألسنها
إذا بحيات ضغنهم لسبوا

15. If it were not for your knowledgeable market
A full moon whose udder I would milk

١٥. ان لم يكن منك سوق عارفة
بدر لي ضرعها واحتلب

16. Do not approve for me to live in barrenness
With no clouds for me to have a pocket

١٦. لا ترض لي ان اعيش في سمل
وليس غير السحاب لي جيب

17. After it spread that I have a supporter in you
Through whom I seek in matters, I account

١٧. من بعد ما شاع ان لي سندا
منك به في الامور احتسب

18. And it was said the judge of judges, may his banner remain high
To him Fathi stretches out and traces his lineage

١٨. وقيل قاضي القضاة دام علا
اليه فتحي يدلى وينتسب

19. And its cloudy hands pulled me
Where anguish pours forth, it pours out

١٩. واجتذبتني يد غمائمها
حيث يكون الغليل تنسكب

20. Unleash my tongue and listen to its wonders
If you are one whom rapture shakes

٢٠. اطلق لساني واسمع عجائبه
ان كنت ممن يهزه الطرب

21. I am a man whose craft is amorous verse and panegyric
And my art is rhetoric and speeches

٢١. انا امرؤ صنعتي التغزل والمد
ح وفني الانشاء والخطب

22. Meanings offer themselves to me in their blossoms
So I pick them while others gather firewood

٢٢. تلقى المعاني إلي زهرتها
فاجتنيها والغير يحتطب

23. And how many houses have I filled with wisdom
And if you wish, Ruins of Arabs

٢٣. وكم بيوت ملأنها حكما
وهن ان شئت خرد عرب

24. I make lawful a draught of the pure water for the heart
And in the throat of my envious enemies, flame.

٢٤. اسوغ من جرعة الزلال على ال
قلب وفي حلق حاسدي لهب

25. And sometimes I am weary of amorous dalliance, but what
Are sweeter than the blow of hunting and striking

٢٥. وربما ملت للجون فما
عذب رضاب الظباء والضرب

26. I make the magic of the tongue lawful in the gold of the heart
And in the throat of my envious enemies, flame.

٢٦. احل سحر اللسان في ذهب ال
قلب وفي حلق حاسدي لهب

27. The gathering falls in rapture at night
Prostrating when hearing it and drawing nearer

٢٧. يبيت الجليس من طرب
يسجد من سمعه ويقترب

28. The fiction of goblets was pleasing to me as a habit
And virtues of the select have pleased with it as well.

٢٨. راقت كذوب الكؤس لي شيم
وراق معها فضائل نخب

29. This is on the forehead of the eminent, a mark
While that is in the bud of desire, down

٢٩. هذي على جبهة العلا رقم
وتلك في ميسم المنى شنب

30. O Egypt, the stranger has no abode with you
Other than sorrows and constriction

٣٠. يا مصر ما للغريب من نزل
عندك الا الهموم والكرب

31. My abode of estrangement which you have concerned yourself with
You are my abode, and how excellent is Aleppo

٣١. دار اغترابي التي عنيت بها
أنت وداري وحبذا حلب

32. An abode where sorrows guested it
And feed on its fragrance, O sweet basil.

٣٢. دار تميت الهمون نلحتها
وتغتذي من عبيرها الكثب

33. Neither have the noble made it their concern
Nor defended it from injustice, a place of return

٣٣. لا قربها للكرام مضيعة
ولا حماها للضيم منقلب

34. Embrace its prosperity if you descend upon it
For its prosperity are the most precious nobility

٣٤. صافح ثراها إذا نزلت بها
فمن ثراها الاعزة النجب

35. I left it and since olden times the nobles
Divided in the lands and diverged

٣٥. فارقتها والكرام من قدم
تقسموا في البلاد وانشعبوا

36. It is upon me not to sleep, its homesickness
Lodged between the ribs, its sorrows cleaved

٣٦. علي أن لا تنام لوعتها
بين الضلوع همومها شعب

37. Ah! And what does the stranger have in a land
If he is badly-treated or insulted?

٣٧. آه ومن للغريب في بلد
ان سقب مسه وان لغب

38. I laugh out of pain in my kin, and it pleases me
When they are alone, to shed tears

٣٨. اضحك في اسرتي وترقني
إذا خلوا عبرتي فانتحب

39. I shake the trunk of pleasance but it shows
Naught but its thorns and unripe clusters

٣٩. اهز جذع المنى وما يبدي
الا نواه وشوكه رطب

40. What garden could there be a nightingale like me
That hides my misery and makes a careful pick?

٤٠. أي رياض يكون بلبلها
مثلى ويخفى اسى وينتخب

41. The one I trusted betrays me
I do not blame the one who wages war

٤١. يسومني الضيم من وثقت به
لام من يرتضي به الحرب

42. I do not accept betrayal, how can I accept it
While glory refuses it in dignity and repute?

٤٢. لا اقبل الضيم كيف اقبله
والمجد يأباه في والحسب

43. By its light the sun is radiant at its rising
Before the darkness can overtake to veil it

٤٣. والشمس صوء بالضوء مطلعها
قبل لحاق الظلام تحتجب

44. It is thought my fracture is from the blow of a calamity
But rather from one I loved, the sublime

٤٤. يظن صدعي لقرع نائبة
وإنما من احبه النوب

45. It is as if I am of a glass body
Struck in its breaking, the cause evident

٤٥. كأنني من زجاجة جسد
اصابه في انكساره السبب

46. So wipe away my tears for none but you, my hand
For the tears of the free, it is right to protect them

٤٦. فامسح دموعي فما سواك يدي
فعبرة الحر صونها يجب

47. Maybe safety will join me
And this split heart will cleave

٤٧. لعل نيل الامان يلحقني
وصدع هذا الفؤاد ينشعب