1. Take forgiveness and command what you are worthy of
You have control over all command and prohibition
١. خذ العفو وأمر بالذي أنت أهله
فتحت يديد الامر والنهى كله
2. Do not forget guests who have relied on your generosity
Even if the favor is well known, I am its place
٢. ولا تنس أضيافاً على جودك رتموا
وإن كان معروفا فأنا محله
3. Look upon us and sow your favors among us
For what you sow in us will not go to waste
٣. تبصر بنا وازرع جميلك عندنا
فزرعك فينا لا يضيع مغله
4. I am the wandering star in every land
Whose notables revere and honor it
٤. أنا الكوكب السيار في كل بلدة
تراعيه أعيان العلا وتجله
5. My poems circulate throughout the lands
And eloquence and profundity serve me
٥. تطوف على سمع البلاد قصائدي
ويخدمني سهل الكلام وجزله
6. I am the son of those who mastered the steep path
And their ways, generosity and desires
٦. أنا ابن الذين استوثقوا صهوة العلا
ودربهم وبل السخاء وطله
7. We see what others complain of in time
Even if it dwelled in the heart's grain we sense its fineness
٧. نرى الذي في شكوى الزمان لغيرنا
ولو سكنت في حبة القلب نبله
8. No good in the excellence of a lad among his people
If his excellence does not match time's blows
٨. ولا خير في فضل الفتى بين قومه
إذا لم يوازي صدمة الدهر فضله
9. I am patient in the face of every blow
And every sword that you do not know its sharpness
٩. وإني لصبار لدى كل صدمة
وكل حسام ليس تدريه فابله
10. The lowly of origin forgot my excellence and did not forget
And the foolishness of the mind in people is enough
١٠. اضاع دنى الاصل فضلي ولم يضع
ويكفي سخيف العقل في الناس جهل
11. O Lord provide me a sword and may he come to me
So I killed him with Sal's sword
١١. ويا رب باغ سل سيفا وجاءني
فكان بسيف سله قتله
12. And for all of us, the requital of those who betray is betrayal
And every person among us will be requited by his deeds
١٢. وكلنا جزاء الغادرين لغدرهم
وكل امرىء منا سيجزيه فعله
13. So do not gloat today over our afflictions
For tomorrow may bring the same for them
١٣. فلا تشمت اليوم العدا بمصابنا
لعل غدا يأتي لهم فيه مثله
14. It is time, man feels safe in the night of his security
Yet before dawn breaks, it startles him with its specters,
١٤. هو الدهر يمسى المرء في ليل أمنه
وقبل انشقاق الفجر يدهيه ختله
15. None who experienced time and fate were cautious
Except those complete in reason
١٥. وما جرب الايام والدهر وارعوى
من الناس الاكل من تم عقله
16. By my life, I have accompanied my time and its people
Yet I saw nothing but what I see and desire
١٦. لعمري لقد صاحبت دهري وأهله
فلم أر إلّا ما أرى وأملّه
17. Except for the Aga, may God protect his worth
And perpetuate his justice in Mount Tur
١٧. سوى حضرة الآغا رعى الّله قدره
ودام به في قلعة الطور عدله
18. So I thanked him much, not blaming him
And I carried from him, not diminishing
١٨. فاحمدت منه أحمدا لا اذمه
وحملت منه نائلا لا اقله
19. We descended so he gave us life
He almost revived us from Mount Tur's ruins
١٩. نزلنا فحيانا وحيت رجاله
وكاد يحيينا من الطور اثله
20. So each showed the origins of their lineage
And a lad's deeds announce if his origin is absent
٢٠. فاسفر كل عن أصالة غرسه
وفعل الفتىينبي اذا غاب اصله
21. I will mention them in every land I settle
For the mention of a lad extends to the Day of Resurrection
٢١. ساذكرهم في كل ارض حللتها
وذكر الفتى للحشر يمتد حبله
22. Through him, enemies from all sides trusted us
And were it not for him, no path of righteousness would be tread
٢٢. امنا به الاعداء من كل جانب
ولولاه لم تسلك من البر سبله
23. So his side did not cease to be the fearful's cave
Nor ceased to be united as he desired its unity
٢٣. فلا زال كهف الخائفين جنابه
ولا زال مجموعاً كما شاء شمله