1. Reassure your heart, O free man
Whose heart is not shaken by calamities
١. طمن فؤادك أي حر
لم يرع بالخطب قلبه
2. Spare reproach, ransom for one
Who found cure in resignation to his illness
٢. ودع الملام فداء من
عالجت في التسليم طبه
3. Do not reproach him much for what
He did, for deeds belong to their Lord
٣. لا تكثرن هلا فعل
ت عليه فالفعال ربه
4. A man strains his effort
And softens the difficult within his capability
٤. المرء يصعب جهده
ويلين بالمقدور صعبه
5. Do not blame me, for in the base times
Blaming is an attribute of them
٥. لا تتهمني فالمؤا
خذ في الزمان النذل ندبه
6. While your father, in the time of frivolity
My practice and his practice did not change
٦. وابيك من زمن الترع
رع لم يزل دأبي ودأبه
7. And of the wonders, before the blamers
Is his generosity to me and his stinginess to his son
٧. ومن العجيب لدى اللئا
م عطاؤه ولدي سلبه
8. O fate, one like me does not waver
From the summit of glory a bit
٨. يا دهر مثلي لا يقل
قل عن سنام المجد جنبه
9. I do not care if they threw
And raved my honor, whoever raved
٩. انا لا ابالي ان رمي
ت وسب عرضي من اسبه
10. The sword throws sparks
When it hardened in the solid strike
١٠. السيف يرمي بالفلو
ل اذا قسا في الصلد ضربه
11. The eye, the insects make it bleed
And the lions are unable to hunt it
١١. والعين يدميها الذبا
ب ويعجز الآساد دبه
12. And the blade rises above the plane
And the plane does not harm the blade's sharpening
١٢. والتبر يعلوه الترا
ب ولا يضر التبرتربه
13. While your father, the sensible does not throw
And his superiority remains and his mind
١٣. وابيك ما تكب اللبيب
وفضله باق ولبه
14. They know that my star burns
The transgressors, its flames
١٤. هم يعرفون بان نجمي
تحرق الطاغين شهبه
15. While patience equips me when
Fate pounced and bit like a dog
١٥. والصبر يقريني اذا
وثب الزمان وعض كلبه
16. That my path is of a people so if
Death is not worthy of drinking
١٦. ان مجنى قوم فان
الموت ليس يسوغ شربه
17. Or it is said, they disliked it, while poison
Is disliked nearby its drinking
١٧. او قيل قد ملوه فالسم
الذعاف يمل قربه
18. As for boredom, I am
Used to it from those I loved
١٨. اما الملال فانني
عودته ممن احبه
19. And if there was pretension in amity
How can there be estrangement of amity
١٩. واذا تكلف في الودا
د اخوا الوداد فكيف غربه
20. So roll out the rug, for the unrolling
Has folded among the people like a flock
٢٠. فاطو البساط فالانبسا
ط قد انطوى في الناس سربه
21. And poetry, I made it my heir
And its bequests scattered in the air as clouds
٢١. والشعر اخلف نوؤه
وتقشعت في الجو سحبه
22. It did not cease to blow its breaths
Until the stinginess of Bakhil dried its pasture
٢٢. ما زال تلفحه سمو
م البخل حتى جفت عشبه
23. How do you expect an idol, whether
You praised it or blamed it, to be equal
٢٣. كم ترتجى صنما سوا
ءٌ فيه مدحته وثلبه
24. Discrediting lineage, dry palm
Dry face, tough hide
٢٤. مستنكر الانساب جعد
الكف جعد الوجه صلبه
25. My brother, whoever you are a poet
The Creator, The Sustainer is enough for you
٢٥. أأخي من يك شاعرا
فالخالق الرزاق حسبه
26. Inevitably there must be evil
That fills the air, and enemies are its spring
٢٦. لا بد من شرر يعم
الجو والاعدا مصبه
27. So watch my pulsations, if they calmed
For my storms are hoped for its blowing
٢٧. فارقب خفوقي ان سكنت
فعاصفي يرجى مهبه
28. The envious do not look at
My state, but the Seer is His cover
٢٨. لا ينظر الحساد حا
لي انما المنظور غبه
29. Or did they not know that the protector
Birds falter then finds its nest again
٢٩. أو ما دروا ان الحما
م يفل ثم يجد غربه
30. The moon separates in the horizons
After it hid its setting
٣٠. والبدر يفرق في المطا
لع بعد ما اخفاه غربه
31. The meadow withers then wears
The light and the leaves thicken
٣١. والروض يذبل ثم يكسى
النور والاوراق قضبه
32. The disease one day gets cured
So with medicine, its Lord cures
٣٢. والداء ان يوما يشفت
فبالتداوي يشف ربه
33. If fate one day secures
Its calamities, it will surprise you with its events
٣٣. والدهر ان تأمن نوا
ئبه يفجأك خطبه
34. Do not be fooled by its peacefulness
For behind the fate's peace is its war
٣٤. لا يخدعنك بسلمه
فوراء سلم الدهر حربه