
O innovator of love, your love has entangled me

يا مبتدع العذل ان عذلك اشراك

1. O innovator of love, your love has entangled me
With excuses I have cast arrows at you

١. يا مبتدع العذل ان عذلك اشراك
عذرا بعذار رميت منه باشراك

2. People are infatuated with you, my love
Like a herd of gazelles fleeing with laughter

٢. للناس غرام يا عاذلي وغرامي
من سرب ظباء النقا بالعس مضحاك

3. Your cheeks are adorned like brocade
Bewitched by magic and beauty, excellently stitched

٣. تسبيك بديباج خده شعرات
قد نمنمها السحر والجمال لها حاك

4. By Allah, beauty is none other than the beauty of excuses
So look, even my gaze deceives you

٤. تاللّه وما الحسن غبر حسن عذار
فانظره وسلتي فقد تريبك عيناك

5. The line of his excuse is only beauty
O Lord, I hope for the one with the divine book

٥. ما خط عذاره سوى حسنات
يا رب وارجو بذي الصحيفة القاك

6. O full moon, you came to conclude beauty
Musk came to conclude the beauty of your smile

٦. يا بدر كمال جئت للحسان ختاما
المسك ختاما أتى لحسن محياك

7. I swore by a line like twined branches, your cheek
Came adorned like a wreath with two gardens blooming

٧. اقسمت بسطر كاللاز ورد بخد
كالعسجد حلته وجنتا فحلاك

8. There is nothing in you but your breaking of the pact with me
So do what you wish, for my heart desires only you

٨. ما فيك سوى نقضك للعهد معيب
وافعل ففؤادي على فعالك يهواك

9. I lived a morning with you, O you who appeared like the morning
And the night is good, safe from harm

٩. انعمت صباحا يا من بدا كصباح
والليل بخير عن الذوائب مساك

10. Whatever pleases you, increase for me if I increase affection for you
I do not know anyone who claims to love you and yearns for you more than me

١٠. ما شئت فزدني اذا ازدك وداداً
ما اجهل من يدعى هواك وبشناك

11. You were a full moon lighting up our night
And today, how many crescent moons are deprived of seeing you?

١١. قد كنت وكنا وأنت بدر دجانا
واليوم فكم باهلال نحرم رؤياك

12. Was it wise to boycott someone like me
O love, and be led astray by what you were warned against?

١٢. هل كان من الرشد ان تقاطع مثلي
يا حب وتنقاد مع غواية نهاك

13. Suppose my watcher over you were like me, utterly devoted
Who distracted you from me? I have every right in this matter

١٣. هب ان رقيبي عليك مثلي مضنى
من صدك عني انا وحقك في ذاك

14. I have endured the bitterness of envy in my affection
It would not have healed were it not for you

١٤. تليت غليل الحسود في وظني
ما كان ليشفى من التغص لولاك

15. I entrusted you with the sapling of love to bear fruit
I did not expect hatred would make you recoil

١٥. اودعتك غرس الهوى ليثمر ودا
ما كان رجائي ان العناوة مجناك

16. If this is the punishment for one who loves you
I ransom you - tell me, have I left anyone but you?

١٦. ان كان عقاب الذي يحبك هذا
افديك فقل لي فما تركت لا عداك

17. I sing while I am a nightingale within you, so listen
To the echo of my singing and let your ears delight

١٧. اجفى وانا العندليب فيك وعار
تصغى لصدى عاذلي وتطرب اذناك

18. Do not listen to the claims of others, for we are not equal
Your fading away and the falsity of what he claimed has deceived you

١٨. لا تصغ لدعوى السوى فليس سواء
مغربك وتزوير ما ادعاه ومغراك

19. If you were fair, you would know that I
Am utterly devoted to you, while they all spite me out of envy

١٩. لو انك انصفت لاعتلمت بأني
مضناك وكلهم لكيدي مضناك

20. O branch, even if you do not soften to my reproach
There is no excuse in spreading your complaints

٢٠. يا غصن وان دمت لم تلن لعتابي
لا غرو لي العذر في اذاعة شكواك

21. I complain of you to the one whose pleasure even kings seek
The one who surpassed all creation with his generous essence

٢١. اشكوك لمن تطلب الملوك رضاه
من فاق جميع الورى بعنصره الزاك

22. From the progeny of Abu Bakr the imam, imam
Of happiness, virtue and guidance, an angel

٢٢. من نسل ابي بكر الامام امام
للسؤدد والفضل والهداية ملاك

23. The one of high station, I mean the father of gifts, my master
Extending kindness to humanity forever and magnanimous when you meet him

٢٣. ذو الرفعة اعني ابا المواهب مولى
بالبشر مدى الدهر والسماحة يلقاك

24. You will find his overflowing sea does not ebb
Like clouds bursting, take him as a sword

٢٤. يممه تجد من يديه فائض بجر
لا تنضب سحب البنان منه بامساك

25. And seek his council and protection, and take him as a sword
Above all swords - O father of gifts, you have enriched me

٢٥. واستدر به واعتقل وخذه حساما
عن كل حسام ابو المواهب اغناك

26. If you come to him fearful while being a lover
There is no escape, the lion of the den will not let you flee

٢٦. ان تأت له خائفا وانت محب
لا بد واسد العرين ما تتوقاك

27. O sea of the Al family, O cloud of bounty
Blessed is the patron who came to you and befriended you

٢٧. يا بحر لآل ويا غمام نوال
طوبى لموال اتى اليك ووالاك

28. My master, forgive my many sins, for none pardons them
Love has abandoned me, and little is my patience

٢٨. مولاي اقل عثرتي فليس مقيل
والحب جفاني وقل صبري الاك

29. From one like you, O son of nobles, I gained success
And more pride - so increase, as your patron increases you

٢٩. من مثلك يا ابن الكرام طبت نجارا
وازددت فخارا فزد يزيدك مولاك

30. God has made you a full moon among your kin
You remain illuminated thereby, and they are orbiting planets for you

٣٠. قد اطلعك اللّه بين قوسك بدراً
لا زلت منيراً بهم وهم لك افلاك

31. A sword trembles for you, wielded gently or harshly
Like the lethal sword of your grandfather

٣١. يهتز على الحالتين منك حسام
بذلا وخصاما كسيف جدك فتاك

32. O family of that imam who surpassed - you have succeeded
Though my praise falls short, for grasping your full glory eludes me

٣٢. يا عترة ذاك ا لامام فاق وفقتم
ان قصر مدحي لكم فعجزي ادراك

33. Praise cannot match glory, only reaching you
You are the jewels of the universe, praise but seeks you

٣٣. ما المدح بمجد سوى الوصول اليكم
انتم درر الكون والمدائح اسلاك

34. Perpetual blessings and peace be upon the Master of Mankind and upon you
With pure angels

٣٤. لا زال على سيد الورى وعليكم
ازكى صلوات من السلام باملاك

35. No secret of love transcends the heart of a lover
There is no shame in love, nor are angels ashamed

٣٥. ما جاوز سر الهوى فؤاد محب
في الباس وما ذل في المحبة املاك