
I sent you her gentle spirit,

بعثت إليك بطيفها الآرام

1. I sent you her gentle spirit,
And from the visit let that suffice,

١. بعثت إليك بطيفها الآرام
ومن الزيارة حسبك الالمام

2. And if the beloved goes far and sadness returns to you,
Then her spirit is enough for you, and wishes are dreams.

٢. واذا الحبيب نأى وراجعك الكرى
فالطيف حسبك والمنى احلام

3. As for me, the eyelids of my eyes have never known
Anything but wakefulness for their likeness in dreams.

٣. اما انا فجفون عيني لم يكن
الا القتاد لشخصهن منام

4. And my eyelids pouring with tears
Are like continuous rain ruining their kohl.

٤. وكأن آماقي وتسكاب البكا
طلل محته بمرها الايام

5. As if Layla's life were the days of intimacy,
And as if her moments were years.

٥. وكأن ليلى عمر ايام النوى
وكأنما ساعاته اعوام

6. And I, whose heart and body are devoted
To the beloved's intimacy - no failing or sickness.

٦. وانا الذي اعتلق الفؤاد وجسمه
لنوى الاحبة لاعج وسقام

7. Two adversaries, though each claims to love her,
And my life's misfortune stirs up discord.

٧. خصمان كل ان تحكم قاتل
ولثل عشتي تخلق الاخصام

8. I am someone who in every land has a helper,
And scattered poems and passion aplenty;

٨. انا من له في كل ارض انة
وقصائد مبثوثة وغرام

9. Someone who is inclined by the charms of the fair,
And it's as if my breaths beside them are wine;

٩. وله لاشباه المحاسن صبوة
ولورد امواه الجمال اوام

10. Someone who excels in praise of them - if their sighs appear,
It's as though they contain arrows.

١٠. أنا من يميل له المخاطب نشوة
وكأن انفاسي لديه مدام

11. Between me and fate are upheavals
That don't cease between us or conflict.

١١. ويجيد عنه ان بدت زفراته
فكأنها مما احتوا سهام

12. However we come together, I see you with my ruin,
And you see me obsessed and distraught.

١٢. بيني وبين الدهر هيجاوات
ليست تنقضي ما بيننا وصدام

13. Ask the morning breeze - if the morning breeze touched your hand -
Did my loving eyes sleep through your disdain?

١٣. مهما التقاني من نواك تحجفل
عاينته ببقاك وهو لهام

14. O you, if you don't know passion,
Don't disparage it, for passion holds firm.

١٤. فسل الصبا ان صافحتك يد الصبا
هل عين عشقي مع جفاك تنام

15. And your father - I'd be content with you
And sincerely make my speech from your disdain.

١٥. يا هذه ان أنت لم تدر الهوى
لا تحجديه فللهوى استحكام

16. Magic is only in my eloquence
And beauty only concluded by my signet ring.

١٦. وابيك كنت احد منك لواحظا
وبكل قلب من جفاي كلام

17. Safe from illusions overtaking it
Lest they extend a hand to its sanctity.

١٧. والسحر الا في لساني منطق
والحسن الا في يدي ختام

18. Abstaining, not drawing near its tryst,
Nor does its imagination reach it.

١٨. لدن القوام مصونة اعطافه
عن ان تمد يدا لها الاوهام

19. Until sickness crept into my gaze,
And indeed its injustice meets darkness.

١٩. متمنعا لا الموعد يدني وصله
يوما ولا لخياله إلمام

20. Its cures multiplied - with a glance,
It formed a watcher, and in calling, blame.

٢٠. حتى خلقت السقم في بنظرة
ولقد يلاقي ظلمه الظلام

21. A thousand avoidance in your love - so draw near it -
For people after you, fortune and peace.

٢١. وتنوعت ادواؤه فبطرفه
شكل الرقيب وفي الصياح ملام

22. And I have met from fate and its people
What tribes cannot withstand with their pledge.

٢٢. الف التجنب في هواك فقربه
للناس بعدك حظوة وسلام

23. Do you not see me shunned or have not seen -
Is there anyone among them I'd hope for conciliation?

٢٣. ولقد لقيت من الزمان واهله
ما لا تقوم بحبله الاقوام

24. Except the prince Abu Nud and glory Othman -
The resolute, complete man of perfection;

٢٤. او ما تريني معرضا او لم ترى
هل فيهم من يرتجى فيسام

25. The fierce fighter, by whom idols are smashed
With God, and the pigeons flock to none but him.

٢٥. الا الأمير ابو الندى والمجد عثمان
الهمام الاصبد التمتام

26. A hero - if war stirs its flames,
The sparks of scowls, he is among them a firebrand.

٢٦. الخائض النقع الذي من دونه
يدني الحمام لغيره الاحجام

27. He leaves the ostrich, and the gathering of the tribe cannot be mended,
And with the pigeons, the tribe cannot be completed.

٢٧. بطل اذا ما الحرب خاض قناعها
شرر العوابس فهو فيه ضرام

28. You see enemies out of awe like nightmares
Engulfing them in his likeness in their dreams.

٢٨. يذر الخميس ولا التئام الشمله
ومع الحمام الشمل لا يلتام

29. A lion - when enemies see his sharp sword,
Their hearts, before their bodies, are rubble.

٢٩. وترى العداة من المهابة جحفلا
تغشاهم في مثله الاحلام

30. He is like the true religion, strengthened
By God, while the idols are crushed by him.

٣٠. اسد اذا نظر العداة حسامه
فقلوبهم قبل الجسوم حطام

31. A sword Time has shaken from its sheath,
And beside him people are bits of straw.

٣١. فكأنه الدين القويم مؤيداً
باللّه وانحطمت به الاصنام

32. Good birth is from his good deeds,
And from his views, inspiration.

٣٢. سيف تقلده الزمان مهندا
والناس خلق ما عداه كهام

33. He and virtues are ever present, and the garden -
Mankind's eye is toward him in slumber.

٣٣. الطيب الميلاد من افعاله الحسنى
ومن آرائه الالهام

34. Wisdom is the garden his being illuminates,
While others are thorns and thickets.

٣٤. هو والفضائل ديمة وحديقة
والناس عين نحوه ونيام

35. Generosity is an ocean, and he is its pearl;
Glory is a home, and he is its pillar.

٣٥. والحلم روض خلقه نواره
والآخرون والرمث والقلام

36. O origin of roses, and he is a cloud,
And the origins of envy, and he is a sword.

٣٦. والجود بحر وهو در بتيمه
والمجد بيت وهو فيه قوام

37. Meeting your time with valor like charity,
As brocade and the belt are joined.

٣٧. يا مصدر الوراد وهو غمامة
ومصادر الحساد وهو حسام

38. You have negated all past times,
And done what the eyelids cannot do.

٣٨. وافيت عصرك والشجاعة كالندى
وهما كديباج القريض وسام

39. You have sent clouds of your help, flashing lightning,
So may those in Damascus redeem you when they resort to you,

٣٩. فاعدت من ازمان كل ما مضى
وفعلت ما لا يفعل الصمصام

40. Seeking to gain from a glance of yours,
One that would heal the sick among us.

٤٠. وبعثت سحب نداك يخفق برقه
ففداك من بالشام لما شاموا

41. The greatest union of manhood and munificence
In a youth, whom days have extended to us!

٤١. واتوك يستشفون منك بنظرة
تشفى بها من مثلنا الاسقام

42. So we ask God that you remain for us, and that
Your life may ransom our years.

٤٢. فاشد ما التقت المروءة والندى
بفتى ومدتنا به الايام

43. And may your son - O man of resolution - persist
In bowing until it is said: Son of the resolute man!

٤٣. فاللّه نسأل ان تدوم لنا وان
تفديك من اعمارنا الاعوام

44. My master, O you of the two lights - a plea
Of one whose hopes have ended in sorrows:

٤٤. ويديم نجلك يا همام بسجده
حتى يقال ابن الهمام همام

45. A heart whose journeying doesn't cease,
And in drawing near, the vertebrae ache.

٤٥. مولاي ذا النورين دعوة نازح
آماله بعد النقا آلام

46. It left him knowing people in solitude
Except for his religion, Islam.

٤٦. قلب الركاب لغربة لا تنقضي
ومع التقرب يقلق الضرغام

47. And my complaint seeks no other door than yours,
For eyes are for heads a dwelling.

٤٧. تركته معرفة الورى في وحدة
الرهبان لولا ديته الاسلام

48. Without your merit, who would guarantee
Poets' protection or regard for their belongings?

٤٨. وأبي بعتب غير بابك قصده
ان العيون لها الرؤوس مقام

49. Spare me and others, for poems are permitted
To none but you - to all others prohibited.

٤٩. من غير فضلك ضامن لرعاية
الشعراء او لمتاعها مستام

50. Time has departed - so its final dot has come,
Take pride, for the era is concluded by you.

٥٠. واكف هذا الناس مثل قلوبهم
ينحت منها يذبل وشمام

51. I came to you, and my hopes were my companions,
And despair the letter Qaf, and hope ahead.

٥١. انعامهم يوم النوال لمدحة
لا فض فوك وحسبك الانعام

52. Explaining: my day I will favor praising you,
And that my aim in you is perfection.

٥٢. سيان عندهم فحول الشعر
والمستتنحلوه كلاهما نظام

53. I learned that from you I obtain riches
When I praised you while worries slept.

٥٣. دعني وغيرك فالقصائد حلها
الا عليك على الجميع حرام

54. If you patronize me, you patronize a poet for yourself
Whose poetry amazes minds.

٥٤. ذهب الزمان فجئءت نقطة نونه
فافخر فانفك للزمان ختام

55. Of rare making, he does not humiliate himself for pleasure,
And by his chaste spirit rules unruly souls.

٥٥. ولقد قصدتك والاماني صحبتي
واليأس قاف والرجاء امام

56. You will find enemies nil in his eyes, but
Only lack of generosity - and it is right for you to destroy.

٥٦. مفرسا اني سارجح حامدا
يومي وان القصد فيك توام

57. I am the eye of the knowledge of poetry, renewing its features,
And into it my letter Meem and Lam have entered.

٥٧. وعلمت اني منك اجتلب الغنى
لما مدحتك والهمون نيام

58. And it is right for poets to refrain
From the protectiveness of my poetry's plunge.

٥٨. ان تصطنعني تصطنع لك شاعرا
سجدت لمحكم شعره الافهام

٥٩. صعب الشكية لا يذل للذة
وبنفسه العصماء ساد عصام

٦٠. تجد الاعادي العدم فيه وإنما
عدم السخاء وحقك الاعدام

٦١. انا عين علم الشعر جدد رسمه
ولجا اليه ميمه واللام

٦٢. ويحق للشعراء ان يتكفكفوا
عن حومة شعري بها المقدام