1. Gone is the body from which the community of excellence benefits
With it, there are no feelings or bones
١. زال عن جسمك الذي امة الفضل
به لا ضمائر وعظام
2. What body is moistened to inhale excellence
And folds of pearl drawn away from it
٢. أي جسم يندى فينتشق الفضل
وتثنى بالدر عنه المسام
3. It's as if the folds are mouths of praise
Filled with pearls before the generous
٣. فكأن المسام افواه مدح
ملأنها بالدر قبلي الكرام
4. A foreign form without it is foreignness of
Family and all the generous are aggrieved by it
٤. غربة الشكل دونها غربة الأ
هل وكل به الكريم يضام
5. A foreignness like the nights pregnant with fortune
And my sigh from it twins twins
٥. غربة كالليال بالحظ حبلى
وزفيري منها تؤام تؤام
6. Not weary of him though he's a guest but
A guest with a filled residence tires of the stay
٦. لم يضق منه وهو ضيف ولكن
رب ضيف بمل منه المقام
7. The notables sought you, even the nobility
And the meanings, some of them are diseased
٧. قصدنك الاعيان حتى المعالي
والمعاني من بعضها الاسقام
8. Then they departed and the ties of reward came
Reporting your mark, substantial
٨. ثم زالت واقبلت صلة الاج
ر عواف تحكي نداك جسام
9. You are the pillar of excellence and for all
Seeking around it and fulfillment
٩. باني أنت ركن فضل وللكل
التماس من حوله واستملا
10. You have worry and determination and you have length and
Shame if the ambitious do not worry
١٠. لك هم وهمة ولك الطو
ل وعار ان لا يهم الهمام
11. You are one who hearts grieve if he is incapacitated
And healed by his recovery are bodies
١١. انت ممن تضنى القلوب إذا اعت
ل وتشفى ببرئه الاجسام
12. You attained support of recovery so the worries dispersed
And its pains followed
١٢. ادركت نصرة الشفاء ففرالهم
واستتبعت به الآلام
13. Nothing remained in the people, and praise be to God
Sick except the eyelids, diseased
١٣. ما بقى في الانام والحمد لل
هِ مريض الّا الجفون السقام