1. Whoever enters the opium den, let him put his life in his hands before him.
And if you hear of my drinking liquor, excuse it after his life with his death.
١. من يدخل الافيون بيت لهاته
فليلق بين يديه نقد حياته
2. Or it is said that his disposition is companionship and fun for him, do not blame him for that is of his habits.
What is his concern that misfortune has made him despondent. He does not wake from his slumber for an age.
٢. وإذا سمعتم بأمري شرب الردى
عزوه بعد حياته بمماته
3. If I had seen your love before what dissolved the opium and mingled with his being.
At the age of the full moon he grazes in the garden of flowers like a gazelle in its playfulness.
٣. أو قيل ملته الصحاب وملهم
لا تعذلوه فذاك من عاداته
4. From over the cheek of fate he drags the train of his garment spread among the people while he is dead.
You see him when the breeze plays with his forelock. It picks the clusters of the branch in its motions.
٤. ما شأنه وحشاه بؤوى ارقما
لا يستفيق الدهر من وثباته
5. And when he walks lost among his lovers, the destinies drip from his perils.
He intends and does whatever he wishes as if the angel of death yielded from his glances.
٥. لو با بثين رأيت حبك قبل ما
الافيون انحله وحل بذاته
6. You would have seen the image of beauty in his mirror and lifted the full moon from his threshold.
Beauty, how does it mix with his being? And now how did become part of his attributes?
٦. في مثل عمر البدر يرتع في ريا
ض الزهر مثل الظبي في لفتاته
7. How malice if it clung to a man no trace of him remains for the onlookers except his features.
I grieve the days of youth. Blessed is the time of childhood and play in its hours.
٧. من فوق خد الدهر يسحب ذيل
ثوب مداه بين الناس وهو مواته
8. Days when I do not fear time that was folding like a bosom friend over its blemishes.
It continued to turn its eyes away from me and I seized the essence of life from it in its heedlessness.
٨. وتراه ان عبث النسيم بقده
ينقد شروى الغصن في حركاته
9. Until it changed and transformed as if it were the morals of the star of religion in its states.
My Master if the sinner came to him stumbled he would find nothing but forgiveness for his stumble.
٩. وإذا مشى تيها على عشاقه
تنقطر الاجال من خطراته
10. And if estrangement came to its end with him, the response would match stopping its extent.
And if he undertook the sciences discussing them, the Discloser does not disclose its goals.
١٠. يرنو فيفعل ما يشاء كأنما
ملك المنية صال من لحظاته
11. O you who see the sinner’s face illuminated by the traces of swallowed anger before it is too late.
If one protected by your sublime praise commits a sin, it is to him like a rose at its times.
١١. لرأيت شخص الحسن في مرآته
ورفعت بدر التم من عتباته
12. No wonder the generous stumbles and rarely does the tongue of man be devoid of its slips.
So excel in your affection, for thus is man built upon his stumbles.
١٢. حسن ولا كيف يخالط ذاته
والآن صار الكيف بعض صفاته
13. So pardon, your servant has come to you with an intercessor if you yourself do not overlook his lapses.
An excuse that appeared in the lined parchment of his poetry that casts spell on you from its compositions.
١٣. والكيف حقد ان تشبت بامرىء
لم يبق للرائين غير سماته
14. She devises in her musk-scented lines that came to you from my home from its breaths.
From every line a severing for the rancor as if it were the saw of life from its tools.
١٤. أسفي على عهد الشباب وحبذا
زمن الصبا واللهو في ساعاته
15. So the coward hovers in his field and returns frightened of the mines of demise.
Open for it the door of acceptance, for it will count before your eminence among his virtues.
١٥. ايام لا اخشى الزمان وكان كالا
صحاب منطوياً على علاته
16. You still are amiable with gentle charm in the ages like a mole on smooth skin.
The lure of love no longer spent the night in its burrows and comfort broke from its comfort.
١٦. ما زال يغضى طرفه عني وانهب
منه صفو العيش في غفلاته
١٧. حتى تبدل واستحال كأنه
اخلاق نجم الدين في حالاته
١٨. مولى إذا الجاني اتاه بهفوة
لم يلق غير العفو عن هفواته
١٩. وإذا انتهت هجراً إليه نهاية
كان الجواب بقدر رد نهاته
٢٠. وإذا تصدى للعلوم مباحثا
لا يكشف الكشاف عن غاياته
٢١. يا من يرى الجاني ينير وجهه
آثار كظم الغيظ قبل فواته
٢٢. ان يجن ذنبا من يوالي مدحك
السامي له كالورد في أوقاته
٢٣. لا غرو ان يكبو الجواد وقلما
يخلو لسان المرء من فلتاته
٢٤. فاستبق ودك بالسماح فهكذا
الانسان مبني على عثراته
٢٥. فاصفح فعبدك قد اتاك بشافع
ان لم تجاوز انت عن زلاته
٢٦. عذراء تجلى في محبر طرسها
تملي عليك السحر من نفشاته
٢٧. تحتال في مسكي برد سطورها
جاءتك من دارين من نفحاته
٢٨. من كل سطر للضغينة قاطع
فكأنه منشار عمر عداته
٢٩. فهم الجبان يحوم في ميدانه
ويعود خوفا من قنا الفاته
٣٠. فافتح لها باب القبول فانها
ستعد عند علاك من حسناته
٣١. لا زلت باللطف الجميل محببا
في الدهر مثل الخال في مجناته
٣٢. ما بات مغرى الحب في لوغاته
وانفكت الراحات من راحاته