1. Three festivals arrived with a smile
Spring, Nawruz, and Eid al-Adha
١. ثلاثة أعياد أتت وهي تبسم
ربيع ونيروز وعبد معظم
2. Three joys that saw you in office
So they came with blessings upon you
٢. ثلاث مسرات رأتك بمنصب
فجاءت مع النهي عليك تسلم
3. It is a blessing that you are well
While events slumber and ache
٣. وان من النعماء انك سالم
وعينك يقظى والحوادث توم
4. Approach them with the rest of the Owner of the Great Office
As my ability reaches the highest part of the line
٤. تقربها باقي ذرى جل منصب
كما قرفي اعلى قنا الخط لهذم
5. So for Damascus al-Sham you have not ceased
To have provisions distributed therein
٥. فمن لدمشق الشام انك لم تزل
على يدك الارزاق فيها تقسم
6. They saw you and praised God, and remembered
Though from afar, your previous kindness
٦. رأوك فثنوا باهللال فعهدوا
بعيدين لكن الابر المقدم
7. They hurried during the Eid with your blessings
And the crowds gathered, rich and poor
٧. اكبوا على نعماك في العيد فالتقى
على بابك الفوجان مثر ومعدم
8. And all returned with hands outstretched
To God, that God rewards you for them
٨. وعادوا جميعا باسطين اكفهم
إلى اللّه ان اللّه يجزيك عنهم
9. My friends say to me, “Blessed Eid upon you”
And how are you, I said, “Content”
٩. تقول لي الاصحاب عيد مبارك
عليك وكيف الحال قلت منعّم
10. Dew walks in the sickness of my state, so I frown
A scab on its wounds and ointment in its corners
١٠. تمشى الندى في سقم حالي فاتحجد
نجاحة جرح في زواياه مرهم
11. As long as the generosity of Daftrī Muhammad remains
For me, each day from him is an Eid and season
١١. وما دام جود الدفتري محمد
فلي كل يوم منه عيد وموسم
12. A youth whom I seated fearing for the Truth a seat
To refine therein his silence and speech
١٢. فتى اجلستهُ خشية الحق مجلسا
تهذب فيه صمته والتكلم
13. He has benefit from it when the zealous preacher gathers anger
And teaches him the manners of dignity so he is forbearing
١٣. له منه اذ ما يجمع الغيظ واعظ
يلقنه خلق الكرام فيحلم
14. And is affectionate to the criminal until he makes us
Indebted by the hand to him through that which makes him a criminal
١٤. ويحنو على ذي الجرم حتى يديننا
ليد لي اليه بالذي هو مجرم
15. So generous that absent from him was imagined
While the people said, “Generosity has died”
١٥. تكرم حتى ظن حاشاه معدما
على حين قال الناس مات التكرم
16. And the garment of linen is not what is above his shoulder
But it is a coat of honor from glory, a banner
١٦. وليس لباس الخز ما فوق عطفه
ولكنه برد من المجد معلم
17. My hopes follow his kind deeds
So he fulfilled for me what was not imagined
١٧. تثبع آمالي بألطاف بره
فحقق لي ما لم يكن بتوهم
18. I will weave from the beauty of his praise for his glory
A pattern bedecked with stars and seamless
١٨. سانسج من حسن الثناء لمجده
طرازا يسدى بالنجوم ويلحم
19. Stars of meaning that merit attests
Upon the canine tooth of the highest, a strung necklace
١٩. نجوم معان يشهد الفضل انها
على لبة العلياء عقد منظم
20. If my thoughts reveal him, the mention of him soars
Until I see him competing with the stars
٢٠. إذا ابرزته فكرتي طار ذكره
إلى أن تراه وهو للنجم يزحم
21. The shoulder of the generous inclines to him and bends
And forgets with him all but to protect the critic
٢١. يلين له عطف الكرام وينثني
وينسى لديه الا تحمى المسهم
22. And I have no merit in what I say, but rather
His hands with me are tongues that speak
٢٢. ولا فضل لي فيما اقول وإنما
أياديه عندي ألسن تتكلم