1. Your efforts are like a branch of a star from which more branches spread
It's enough what they do and what you do
١. مساعيك فرع النجم عنها يفرع
فحسب العدا ما يصنعون وتصنع
2. They captured the glorious one, but to the extent that they mended
Your first smile, so they became joyful and sailed away
٢. اسروا الفلى لكن بمقدار ان رأبوا
بشاشتك الاولى فهشوا واقلعوا
3. They forgot that the one who addressed the darkness resides in you
No doubt you cut off from the human the morning light
٣. نسوا ان خلا فيك ان خاطب الدجا
لا وشك عن بشر الصباح يقطع
4. You rose with a face loftier than desire beneath it
With the howling and clamor of misguidance being uprooted
٤. طلعت بوجه شاهق البغى دونه
بثل وعرنين الضلال يجدع
5. And you came dragging the train of its entire structure
To you, and every stationary one bows down
٥. وعدت تجر الذيل كل بنائه
إليك وكل واقف يتخضع
6. Your abundance is plentiful and your plenty beneath it
Like the management of the jealous prince is lost
٦. وعرضك موفور ووفرك دونه
كتدبير حساد الامير مضيع
7. And how many who died, your glory rose up protecting them
It guards and the Compeller of the heavens pushes away
٧. وكم صد مات قام مجدك دونها
يحامى وجبار السموات يدفع
8. And your state among the glorious is like your state before it
You warded off vileness from the most quenching without being frightened
٨. وحالك في الجلى كحالك قبلها
وقيت الردى من اروى لا يروع
9. So your superiority matches, its light cannot be concealed
And the sun of the morning from that horizon rises
٩. فخاركافق ليس يخفى ضياؤه
وشمس الضحى من ذلك الافق تطالع
10. Lofty thought stopped short of plumbing your depth
At which the orbit of the horizon shakes
١٠. توقف سامي الفكر عن غورك الذي
لدى شأوه سيارة الافق طع
11. If a land is stricken with drought, it calls you so its barrenness
Is clouded with dew that evaporates from its like
١١. إذا أجدبت أرض دعتك فعمها
سحاب ندى عن مثله تتقشع
12. As if you own the money that becomes deposits by evening
When there is nothing left for it to be distributed
١٢. كأن لديك المال يمسى ودائعا
إذا ما بقي حتى عليها يوزع
13. Upon your smiling face greetings from us
That establish along with bliss even if they spring from pain
١٣. على وجهك البسام منا تحية
تقيم مع النعمى وان سرت تنبع
14. Your den is safe and your shelter protected
Your branch lush and your valley awe-inspiring
١٤. عرينك مأمون وشيلك في حمى
وغصنك مياد وواديك مروع