1. As if I and the mother of life had never
Known a sincere friend whose advances she would not fear,
١. كأني وأم العمر لم يجر بيننا
خَليلُ صَفاءٍ لا تخافُ طلائعُه
2. And I had never confided in her a secret, nor spoken
To her a word of love, while night's restless sleeper slept.
٢. ولم ألق أُمَّ العَمرِ سراً ولم أقل
لها مَوهِناً والليلُ قد نام هاجعُهُ
3. Do you not know that no sooner had we met
Than we were parted, and that separation ever follows union?
٣. ألم تعلمي أن التلاقي لم يكد
يكونُ وأنَّ الهجر لا بد تابعُه