
Tell whoever remains of the charm of Mila passing by

فقولا لباقي رسم ميلاء باللوى

1. Tell whoever remains of the charm of Mila passing by
The hills twist between the dunes and the rugged terrain

١. فقولا لباقي رَسم ميلاءَ باللوى
لوى الهضب بين المغرِ والمتخرم

2. Tents fluttering in the wind within their rooms
Bent like a necklace of splintered silver

٢. خيامٌ تهفُّ الريحُ في حجراتِها
ونيٌّ كطَوقِ الفضَّةِ المُتَفَصِّمِ

3. Peace be upon you, O quarter of Lia
You have greeted responsibly though you did not speak

٣. عليك السلام أيها الربعُ باللِّوى
وحييتَ مسؤولاً وإن لم تَكَلَّمِ

4. As Mila was once whole and ripe
All together and the people of the house were undivided

٤. بما كُنتَ إذ ميلاءُ ميلاءُ والنوى
جميعٌ وشعبُ الدارِ لم يتقسمِ

5. Just as whoever wished wished but I do not see
Any livelihood for the living with blessings

٥. كما يتمنَّى من تمَنَّى ولا أرى
لياناً من الدنيا لحيٍّ بأنعُمِ

6. If some parts of Mila are empty, it is not devoid
Of the daughters of Hasha from their concealed love

٦. فإن يَخلُ من ميلاءَ ربعٌ فما خلا
بَنات الحَشَا من حُبِّها المتمنمم

7. Mila has not changed since it dispersed
Among it the house from old and the one with value

٧. ولا عدلت ميلاءَ منذُ تباعدت
بها الدارُ من بِكرٍ ولا ذات قيِّمِ

8. Dewy fragrant blossoms that heal agony
Whoever sees it will not complain of sickness even if sick

٨. شعوفٌ بريا المسك تشفي من الجَوى
ومن يَرَها لا يشتكي السُقمَ يَسقَمِ

9. Flat sands in moderation as if
Articulate sands given the features of a bracelet

٩. رَداحُ المُرَدَّى في اعتدالٍ كأنها
صَريمَةُ رَملٍ نُطِّقَت خُوطَ ساسَمِ

10. She wears the Kazz without clothes
Chaste and heavily perfumed from Yemen

١٠. تَلوثُ خِمارَ القَزِّ في غَيرِ لبسةٍ
عَفَت والمُسَدَّى من يَمَانِ مُسَهَّمِ

11. With palms bent over she is seen
Swaying gently

١١. بأغيد عمهوجٍ ترى بَينَ
الاتحمي المنمنم

12. Glistening as if the eyes will shine when they see
Scenes from it, the heated brand

١٢. مُقدّاً يكادُ الطرفُ يبرق أن يَرَى
مناظِر مِنهُ حرَّةَ المُتَوسَّمِ

13. When she laughs she is not rebuked and when she smiles
From the water and from the one with an injury that was not harmed

١٣. إذا ضحكت لم تنتهر وتبسمت
عن المي وعَن ذي فلجةٍ لم يُثلمِ

14. It has winds that blow the motes from its exterior
Of harm or straight and firm sticks

١٤. له مائحيجلو القذَى عن متونه
مِنَ الضِّرو أو عُودِ الأراكِ المُقَوَّم

15. And a singer in the wilderness in which the echo sings
The cooing of the doves from the cote

١٥. وداوية قفر يُغَنِّي بها الصدى
غِناءَ حمامِ الأيكَةِ المترنِّمِ

16. We walked through it out of love for Mila after
We tested the hardships of the preserved journey

١٦. سرينا بها من حُبِّ ميلاءَ بعدما
بلَونا عُلالاتِ المطيِّ المخزَّمِ

17. To approach Mila or to be rewarded for what
We fulfilled so we may be rewarded on a day of misery with blessings

١٧. لندنو من ميلاءَ أو نُعقَبَ الذي
قَضَينا فَنُجزى يَومَ بُؤسٍ بأَنعُمِ

18. It went well for whoever sought closeness and his love for it
Is a partner with death soaked with flesh and blood

١٨. صَحا مَن تَصابى من لِداتِي وحُبُّها
شَرِيكُ المنايا سِيطَ بِاللَّحمِ والدَّمِ