
Tell the secretive Abu Qais, do you threaten us

قل للسري أبي قيس أتوعدنا

1. Tell the secretive Abu Qais, do you threaten us
While our home has become separated from your homes

١. قُل للسريّ أَبي قَيسٍ أَتوعِدُنا
وَدارُنا اصبحت مِن دارِكُم صَدَدا

2. Abu al-Walid, by God if you had done
What would make you comprehensive, you would have never forbidden it forever

٢. أَبا الوَليد أمَا وَاللَهِ لَو عَمِلَت
فيكَ الشَمولُ لما حَرَّمتَها أَبَدا

3. Nor would you have forgotten its ardors and pleasures
Nor equated it with money or children

٣. وَلا نَسيتَ حُميّاها ولذَّتِها
وَلا عَدلتَ بِها مالاً وَلا وَلَدا

4. Have you not seen the brother of Ijmal, unkempt
When he rises on his throne, bowing down

٤. أَما رأيتَ أَخا الإِجمالِ مُنجدِلاً
اذا تَعلّى عَلى كُرسِّيهِ سَجَدا