
Abu Mundhir, you examined matters and questioned them

أبا منذر رمت الامور فقستها

1. Abu Mundhir, you examined matters and questioned them
Like a hard bargainer carefully weighing options.

١. أَبا منذِرٍ رُمتَ الامورَ فَقِستَها
وَساءلت عَنها كالحَريصِ المُساوِمِ

2. Yet no man of wisdom did you test his views
Against your best judgment, the wisdom of beasts.

٢. فَما كانَ ذو رأيٍ مِنَ الناسِ قِستَهُ
بِرأيِكَ الأمثلَ رأيَ البَهائِمِ

3. Without your leadership Iraq would not exist
Nor would the Persian kings have bowed in defeat,

٣. أَبا منذرٍ لَولا مَسيرُكَ لَم يَكُن
عراقٌ وَلا اِنقادَت مُلوكُ الأعاجِمِ

4. None since you would have made the pilgrim's hajj
Or dwelt in the valley after the seasons changed.

٤. وَلا حَجَّ بَيتَ اللَهِ مُذ حَجَّ راكِبٌ
وَلا عَمَرَ البَطحاءَ بَعدَ المَواسِمِ

5. Between San and Jazza how many you left dead,
Mighty lord who felled the stoutest warriors.

٥. فَكَم مِن قَتيلٍ بَينَ سانٍ وَجزَّةٍ
كَثيرِ الأَيادي مِن مُلوكٍ قَماقِمِ

6. In the land of Juzjan I left lions to visit them,
Hyenas and crows to feast on fallen heroes.

٦. تَرَكتُ بأرضِ الجوزَجانَ تَزورُهُ
سِباعٌ وَعِقبانٌ لحزِّ الغَلاصِمِ

7. The swords of Zuwaqa among them cut a path
Where destitute souls still lament their fate.

٧. ذَوي سوَقةٍ فيهِ مِن السَيفِ خطةٌ
بِهِ رَمَقٌ حامَت عَلَيهِ الحوائم

8. Some flee while others owe us a blood debt,
Captives who suffer at the hands of executioners.

٨. فمن هارِبٍ مِنّا وَمن دائِنٍ لنا
أسيرٍ يُقاسي مُبهماتِ الأداهِمِ

9. To save you, Tamim and Amir have sacrificed lives,
As well as Mudar's ruddy clans in the thick of battle.

٩. فَدَتكَ نُفوسٌ مِن تَميمٍ وَعامِرٍ
ومِن مُضَرِ الحَمراءِ عندَ المآزمِ

10. They roused the anger of the Khan against us till
His hordes hoped to make our wealth their spoils.

١٠. هُمُ أَطمَعوا خاقانَ فينا فَأَصبَحَت
جَلائِبُهُ تَرجو اِحتَواءَ المَغانِمِ