1. You woke up with the face of comfort and the happy bird
A goblet full, and after mixing the description of a rose in it
١. تصبَّح بِوجهِ الراحِ وَالطائِر السَعدِ
كميتاً وبعد المزجِ في صفةِ الوردِ
2. It contained foam whiter as if it were
A slain man from Sudan with curly hair
٢. تَضمَّنها زِقٌ أَزبُّ كَأَنَّهُ
صَريعٌ مِن السودانِ ذو شَعرٍ جَعدِ
3. And when we undid his head from its band
Blood flowed like musk or Indian ambergris
٣. وَلَمّا حَلَلنا رأسَهُ مِن رباطِهِ
وَفاضَ دماً كالمِسكِ أَو عنبرِ الهندِ
4. And we found him in some corners as if he were
A brother of happiness shaking from the severity of the cold
٤. وَجَدناهُ في بعضِ الزَوايا كَأَنَّهُ
أَخو قِرَّةٍ يَهتَزُّ مِن شِدَّةِ البَردِ
5. A brother of happiness showing us the face of a delicate complexion
The color of smooth skin from a boy of India
٥. أَخو قِرَّةٍ يُبدي لَنا وجهَ صفحةٍ
كَلَونِ رَقيقِ الجِلدِ مِن وَلَدِ السَندِ
6. It will make Abu Al-Hindi forget the medicine of Salim
Jugs that curdled cream did not stick to
٦. سَيغني أَبا الهنديّ عَن وَطبِ سالِمٍ
أَباريقَ لَم يعلق بِها وَضرَ الزبدِ
7. Blood stained leather bags as if their necks
Were necks of the daughters of water startled by thunder
٧. مُفدَّمةً قَزّاً كأنَّ رِقابَها
رِقابَ بَناتِ الماءِ أُفزِعنَ بِالرَعدِ
8. Their leather bags were emptied by the servants when their mood was good
And they scented it with musk and pink ambergris
٨. جلتها الجَوالي حينَ طابَ مِزاجُها
وَطَيَّبنَها بالمسكِ وَالعَنبَرِ الوَردي
9. When they finished what was in it, they came with the like of it
Generous people of generosity and glory
٩. إِذا أَنفَذوا ما فيهِ جاؤا بِمِثلِهِ
غَطارفةً أَهل السَماحَةِ وَالمَجدِ
10. Pouring smoothly from arranged pitchers
And yellow cups, all of beautiful size
١٠. تمجُّ سُلافاً مِن قَواريرَ صُفِّفَت
وَطاسات صفر كلّها حَسَنُ القَدِّ
11. A goblet settled firmly in the world ninety pilgrimages
Radiant in its drinking, necessary limit
١١. كميتاً ثوت في الدنِّ تِسعين حجَّةً
مُشعشعةً في شربِها واجِبُ الحَدِّ
12. A liquor, when the Sheikh tastes it, his joints tremble
And his passion increases to passion
١٢. عَقار إِذا ما ذاقَها الشَيخُ أَرعَشَت
مَفاصلُهُ وازدادَ وَجداً إِلى وَجدِ
13. And he cries over what he missed of his youth
The cry of a prisoner in shackles and chains
١٣. وَيَبكي عَلى ما فاتَهُ مِن شَبابِهِ
بُكاءَ أَسيرٍ في الصِفادِ وَفي القيدِ
14. So two days, one day for the prince I visit him
And a day for the beating of the tambourine, comfort, and backgammon
١٤. فَيَومانِ يَومٌ للأَميرِ أزورهُ
وَيَومٌ لقرعِ الصَنجِ وَالرّاحِ وَالنّردِ
15. Abu Al-Hindi says when his night was good
And Al-Jawza circled the single planet
١٥. يَقولُ أَبو الهِنديِّ إِذ طابَ لَيلُهُ
وَحلَّقتِ الجَوزاءُ بِالكَوكَبِ الفَردِ
16. I witnessed young men whose father was Tameem
Beautiful faces of lute and happiness
١٦. شَهِدتُ بِفِتيانٍ تَميمٌ أَبوهُم
حِسانُ وُجوهٍ مِن رَبابٍ وَمِن سَعدِ