
My youth and vigor were influential

شبت جدي وجدي مؤثر

1. My youth and vigor were influential
The veins of youth did not contend with me

١. شبَتٌ جَدّي وَجَدّي مُؤثرٌ
لَم يُنازِعني عروقَ المؤتَشِبْ

2. I am from the established roots of Banu Shayban
And the horsemen of the Arabs, Banu Yarbou'

٢. مِن بَني شيبانَ أَصلي ثابِتٌ
وَبَني يَربوعَ فرسانُ العَرَبْ

3. I gather wealth, though I don't gather it
I seek pleasure in the water of grapes

٣. أجمعُ المالَ وَما أَجمعُهُ
أَطلبُ اللَذَةَ في ماءِ العِنبْ

4. Taking my provision from its shop
With the two legs, tail docked

٤. وَاِستبائي الزِّقَّ مِن حانوتِهِ
شائلَ الرجلينِ مَعضوبَ الذَنبْ

5. And when poured for drinking, I left it
An Abyssinian severed my legs from it

٥. وَإِذا صُبَّت لِشِربٍ خلتَها
حَبَشِيّاً قطعَت منه الرُّكَبْ

6. O my friend, serve me its pardon
In the white vessels, not cans

٦. يا خَليليَّ اسقياني عفوَها
بِالبَواطي البيضِ لَيسَت بالعُلَبْ

7. Of a Khosravani drink, which when
An old man tastes, he sings and rejoices

٧. من شَرابٍ خُسروانيٍّ إِذا
ذاقَهُ الشَيخُ تَغَنّى وَطربْ

8. The people leave when they rejoice
In shouting, contention and clamor

٨. يَترُك القَومَ إِذا ما طَرِبوا
في صياحٍ وَمِراءٍ وَصخَبْ

9. And when he gets drunk, they stood him up
Raising the limbs off him with wood

٩. وَإِذا ما مُنتشٍ قامَت بِهِ
رَفعَوا الأَوصالَ منهُ بِالخَشَبْ

10. Then they wailed, then they wept
Then they roared with laughter, what play!

١٠. ثُمَّ ناحوا نوحَةً ثُمَّ بَكَوا
ثُمَّ ضَجّوا ضَحِكاً يا للَّعِبْ

11. Bent over on his forehead
Frothing at the lips, relaxing the nerves

١١. وَهوَ مُنكَبٌّ عَلى جبهَتِهِ
مُزبِدَ الشدقين مُستَرخي العَصَبْ

12. The drink exalted him, oh what loss for him
After well-being, he turned away and left

١٢. رفعَ الشَربُ لَهُ يا فَوخَهُ
بَعدَ لأيٍ ما تَوَلّى وَاِنقلَبْ

13. An hour, then they called him by name
The man answered with voice and leapt

١٣. ساعَةً ثُمَّ دَعوهُ باسمهِ
فَأَجابَ المَرءَ صَوتاً وَوثبْ

14. He shakes the dust off his head
Of soil, ashes, and straw

١٤. يَنفضُ الرأسَ عَلَيهِ غبرةً
مِن تُرابٍ وَرَمادٍ وَقشَبْ

15. They brought him pure ablution water
To pray, but he staggered and frowned

١٥. وَأَتَوهُ بطهورٍ طَيِّبٍ
ليُصَلّي فَتَلَكّا وَقَطَبْ

16. What man has been prodded by a prod
Using it as a pillow, and a tambour of delight

١٦. أَيُّ رِجلٍ وكزَتهُ وَكزَةً
يَتَوَسَّدها وَطَنبور طَربْ

17. With pants raised high for him
The lice have gone from them

١٧. وَسَراويلٌ لَهُ مَرفوعَةٌ
حَلَق النَيفَق منها قَد ذهَبْ