
The passions of love assail me from every quarter

يخالجن أشطان الهوى كل وجهة

1. The passions of love assail me from every quarter
By the one with the myrtle, so I feared they would never heal

١. يُخالِجنَ أَشطانَ الهَوى كُلَّ وِجهَةٍ
بِذي السِدرِ حَتّى خِفتُ أَن لَن تَرَيَّما

2. Instincts that left no rest for the soul once they rose
Above reason, challenging the spirit's journey; how grave and momentous!

٢. غَرائِزُ لَم يَترُكنَ لِلنَفسِ إِذ عَلَوا
عَلى الصُهبِ تَحدي السيرَ روحاً وَأَعظُما

3. The companions of daybreak, then their company persisted
On every gentle, compliant creature fully matured

٣. سَراةَ الضُحى ثُمَّ اِستَمَرَّ حُداتُهُم
عَلى كُلِّ مَوّارِ المِلاطَينِ أَخزَما

4. On every free steed, purebred and highborn
Rivaling, in their vigor, honored ancestors

٤. عَلى كُلِّ حُرِّ اللَونِ صافٍ نِجادُهُ
يُواهِقُ جَوناً ذا عَثانينِ مُكرَما

5. When riders strive their utmost, they excuse and forgive
But if they fall short, they suffer terrible upbraidings

٥. إِذا اِجتَهَدَ الرُكبانُ ذَمَّت وَسامَحَت
وَإِن قَصَّروا عاجوا سَماماً مُخَزَّما

6. As though the hunting dogs or the doctor's eye
Were upon the caravan, the finest and noblest of them

٦. كَأَنَّ ظِباءَ السِيِّ أَو عينَ عالِجٍ
عَلى العيرِ أَو أَبهى بَهاءً وَأَفخَما

7. As though the summer clouds beneath their veils
Flashed lightning from their edges, and smiled

٧. كَأَنَّ غَمامَ الصَيفِ تَحتَ خُدورِها
جَلا البَرقَ عَن أَعطافِهِ فَتَبَسَّما

8. The day we parted, all greetings of friendship ceased
How can there be greetings of affection after what transpired?

٨. تَهادَينَ يَومَ البَينِ كُلَّ تَحِيَّةٍ
وَكَيفَ التَهادي بِالوِدادَةِ بَعدَما

9. We fled in horror from a stricken land
Whose color, in its terror, was blackest of all

٩. تَفَرَّقنَ عَن أَهوالِ أَرضٍ مَريضَةٍ
تَرى لَونَها مِنَ المَخافَةِ أَقتَما

10. The tribe was divided, though they had been one
None but a vile, deceitful one could have sundered their bond

١٠. فَأَصبَحَ جَمعُ القَومِ شَتّى وَلَم يَكُن
يُفَرِّقُ إِلّا ذا زُهاءٍ عَرَمرَما

11. As though, in their valley, was the crescent moon of Banu 'Amir
When in truth naught was there but hot sands and desolation

١١. كَأَنَّ بِواديهِم هِلالَ بنَ عامِرٍ
وَإِن لَم يَكُن إِلّا حَميماً أَو اِبنَ ما

12. It split, like a valley into two ravines
Both defiled by sand and decorated with pebbles

١٢. كَما اِنشَقَّ وادٍ شُعبَتَينِ كِلاهُما
يُعارِضُ عَرنيناً مِنَ الرَملِ أَحزَما

13. Where the shy creatures shelter in dread of harm
Huddled in their burrows while the lone swimmer is still

١٣. تَبيتُ بِها الوَجناءُ مِن رَهبَةِ الرَدى
بِأَقتابِها وَالسابِحُ الطِرفُ مُلجَما

14. Evil intruders, their flanks shuddering
Muffling the bells on their camels, that they not chime

١٤. رَذايا بَغايا مُقشَعِرّاً جُنوبُها
يَغُضّونَ مِن أَجراسِها أَن تَزَغَّما

15. Muffling the camel drivers' calls, but for their whistling
And the women's babble, but for their lisping

١٥. يَغُضّونَ صَوتَ العيسِ إِلّا صَريفَها
وَصَوتَ الصَريحِيّاتِ إِلّا تَحَمحُما

16. O people of Qatan, I worshipped your abodes
In awe of a house, or one greater and nobler

١٦. بَني قَطَنٍ إِنّي عَبَدتُ بُيوتَكُم
بِرَهوَةَ داراً أَو أَعزَّ وأَكرَما

17. So descend not from the noble height of your homes
To a ruin that cannot resist the torrents' violence

١٧. فَلا تَنزِلوا مِن رَأسِ رَهوةَ دارِكُم
إِلى خِرَبٍ لا تُمسِكُ السَيلَ أَثلَما

18. A people, when they encamp in a valley
Drive away the birds, so the birds see no bloodshed

١٨. أُناسٌ إِذا حَلَّت بِوادٍ بُيوتُهُم
نَفى الطَيرَ حَتّى لا تَرى الطَيرُ مَجثَما

19. Their lances shade the sun at noon
When the warriors fix them, straight and true

١٩. تُظَلِّلُ مِن شَمسٍ النَهارِ رِماحُهُم
إِذا رَكَزَ القَومُ الوَشيحَ المُقَوَّما

20. You see horses of every color galloping through their homes
Running to and fro, whinnying

٢٠. تَرى كُلَّ لَونِ الخَيلِ وَسطَ بُيوتِهِم
أَبابيلَ تَعدو بِالمِتانِ وَهُيَّما

21. A highborn one, I warned him to his face
But when he disobeyed me, in the contest, he regretted

٢١. وَذي عِزَّةٍ أَنذَرنَهُ مِن أَمامِهِ
فَلَمّا عَصاني في المَضاءِ تَنَدَّما

22. He wished, by his tanned hide, he had obeyed me
When matters went awry and he was utterly routed

٢٢. فَوَدَّ بِضاحي جِلدِهِ لَو أَطاعَني
إِذا زَلَّ وَاِعرَورى بِهِ الأَمرُ مُعظَما

23. Schemers who came between them after their reunion
And, with their plots, scattered the sweet herb's fragrance

٢٣. وَفَرَّقَ بَينَ الحَيِّ بَعدَ اِجتِماعِهِم
مَشائيمُ دَقُّوا بَينَهُم عِطرَ مَنشِما

24. Rebels like flames of wildfire, driven
By a Syrian mischief-maker, most sinister of all

٢٤. غُواةٌ كَنيرانِ الحَريقِ تَسوقُهُ
شآمِيَّةٌ في حائِلِ العِربِ أَصحَما

25. When a blaze flares up on one side, its evil
Kindles another blaze, and they merge

٢٥. إِذا لَهَبٌ مِن جانِبٍ باخَ شَرُّهُ
ذَكا لَهَبٌ مِن جانِبٍ فَتَضَرَّما

26. Among the people are impudent ones - if you forbid them
From evil, they persist as gum persists when scraped

٢٦. وَفي الناسِ أَذرابٌ إِذا ما نَهَيتَهُم
عَن الشَرِّ كَالنُشّابِ يُنزَعُ مُقدِما

27. May God reward my people with an intercessor, a seeker
Of justice for the oppressed and the oppressor alike

٢٧. جَزى اللَهُ قَومي مِن شَفيعٍ وَطالبٍ
عَنِ الأَصلِ وَالجاني رَبيعاً وَأَنعُما

28. If only my people welcomed money from me
I would send flows of bounty to the heights of glory

٢٨. وَلَو أَنَّ قَومي يُقبَلُ المالُ مِنهُمُ
لَمَدّوا النَدى سَيلاً إِلى المَجدِ مُفعَما

29. They would lack no Nahshal - mature and wise -
Who knows honest men's ways, long experienced

٢٩. لَما عَدِموا مِن نَهشَلٍ ذا حَفيظَةٍ
بَصيراً بِأَخلاقِ اِمرِىءِ الصِدقِ خِضرِما

30. Bearing the tribe's burdens among them
When called to glory's market, he shoulders responsibility

٣٠. حَمولاً لأَثقالِ العَشيرَةِ بَينَها
إِذا أَجشَموهُ باعَ مَجدٍ تَجَشَّما

31. But a people refused - though their brother attained
Mankind's ascent - and chose blood over milk

٣١. وَلَكِن أَبى قَومٌ أُصيبَ أَخوهُمُ
رُقى الناسِ وَاِختاروا عَلى اللَبَنِ الدَما

32. I see our people weeping, hearts filled with sorrow
Though we have often given them cause for lament

٣٢. أَرى قَومَنا يَبكونَ شَجوَ نُفوسِهِم
وَقَد بَعَثوا مِنّا كَذلِكَ مَأتَما

33. Over a tragedy that devastated the tribe, for the absence
Of one like lightning, when a knight of firm resolve falters

٣٣. عَلى فاجِعٍ هَدَّ العَشيرَةَ فَقدُهُ
كَرورٍ إِذا ما فارِسُ الشَدِّ أَحجَما

34. But when calamities abound, and authority cracks
God blames whoever was most blameworthy

٣٤. فَإِذا جَلَّتِ الأَحداثُ وَاِنشَقَّتِ العَصا
فَوَلّى الإِلَهُ اللَومَ مَن كانَ أَلوَما