
With myself a friend who has rejected me

بنفسي خليلاي اللذان تبرضا

1. With myself a friend who has rejected me
My tears so that sorrow might quicker reach my mind

١. بِنَفسي خَليلايَ اللَذانِ تَبَرَّضا
دُموعِيَ حَتّى أَسرعَ الحُزنُ في عَقلي

2. And were it not for sorrow I would not live among men after him
Yet if I wish, one like me could make me happy

٢. وَلَولا الأَسى ما عِشتُ في الناسِ بَعدَهُ
وَلَكن إِذا ما شِئتُ أَسعَدَني مِثلي