
The daughter of Kalbi saw my cloak too short,

رأتني ابنة الكلبي أقصر باطلي

1. The daughter of Kalbi saw my cloak too short,
And the tears of the leader of the cavalry almost spilled.

١. رَأَتني اِبنَةُ الكَلبِيِّ أَقصَرَ باطِلي
وَكادَت نَدامى رائِدِ الخَيلِ تُنزَفُ

2. And my cheeks became as if their heads
Were fragile winter plants after evenly growing.

٢. وَأَصبَحَ أَخداني كَأَنَّ رُؤوسَهُم
حَماطُ شِتاءٍ بَعدَ نَبتٍ مُنَصَّفُ

3. And I used to be a pleasant companion to her with little money
I would stop and leave before one who lingers.

٣. وَقَد كُنتُ بِالبيدِ القَليلِ أَنيسَها
أَقوفُ وَأَمضي قَبلَ مَن يَتَقَوَّفُ

4. So I became like what fate makes for the youth -
I trace the signs which I used to know.

٤. فَأَصبَحتُ مِمّا يُحدِثُ الدَهرُ لِلفَتى
أَقُصُّ العَلاماتِ الَّتي كُنتُ أَعرِفُ

If she saw a rider's she-camel one day

٥. إِذا ما رَأَت يَوماً مَطِيَّةَ راكِبٍ
تُبَصِّرُ مِن جيرانِها أَو تُكَوِّفُ

6. She would look from her neighbors or bend her neck.
She would say, "Move on, gains are plentiful,"

٦. تَقولُ اِرتَحِل إِنَّ المَكاسِبَ جَمَّةٌ
فَقُلتُ لَها إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ أَتَعَفَّفُ

7. So I said to her, "I am a man who preserves himself."

٧. وَأَرجو عَطاءَ اللَهِ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
وَيَنفَعُني المالُ الذَي أَتَسَخَّفُ

8. And I hope for the gift of God from every side,
And wealth benefits me which I disdain.

٨. وَأُبغِضُ إِرقاصاً إِلى رَبِّ دارِهِ
لَئيمٌ لَهُ كِتَّانَتانِ وَمِطرَفُ

9. And I hate going humbly to the lord of his abode,
A scoundrel who has two shifty cloaks and a turban.

٩. تَجَبَّرُ مالاً بَعدَ لُؤمٍ وَدِقَّةٍ
كَما شُدَّ بِالشَعبِ الإِناءُ المُكَتَّفُ

He is arrogant with money after villainy and baseness,

١٠. كَمُستَمسِكٍ بِالحَبلِ لَولا اِعتِصامُهُ
إِذنٌ لَتَراماهُ مِنَ الجَولِ نَفنَفُ

11. As the waterskin is tied up with straps.
Like one holding onto a rope, if not for his clinging,

١١. ينامُ الضُحى حَتّى يَطولَ رُقادُهُ
وَيَقصُرُ سِتراً دونَ مَن يَتَضَيَّفُ

12. He would be tossed from the sand hills.
He sleeps until his slumber is long,

١٢. يَكونُ عَلى الديوانِ عِبأً وَباعُهُ
قَصيرٌ كَإِبهامِ النُغاشِيِّ أَجدَفُ

13. And his cover is short of one who is hosting.
He is a burden on the council and his sale

١٣. وَإِن أُنزِلَ الخُدَّامُ يَوماً لِضَيعَةٍ
يُقالُ لَهُ اِنزِل عَن حِمارِكَ أَقلَفُ

14. Is short like the thumb of the Nughashi, cut off.
And if the servants are sent down one day to a farm,

١٤. وَإِن أَيَّهَ القَومُ الكِرامُ أَجابَهُ
بِجُرجَيهِ مَوشِيُّ الأَكارِعِ مُوكَفُ

15. It is said to him, "Get off your donkey, slow fool."
And oh people of honor, he answers them

١٥. عَلى تُكُآتٍ مِن وَسائِدَ تَحتَها
سَريرٌ كَأَنقاءِ النَعامَةِ يَرجُفُ

16. With his lame she-camel, the top of whose humps are cut off.
On mattresses under which

١٦. فَلَأياً بِلَأيٍ ما يُكَلِّمُ ضَيفَهُ
لِحينٍ وَلا تِلكَ المَطِيَّةُ تُعلَفُ

17. Is a bed trembling like ostrich chicks.
So shame that he does not speak to his guest

١٧. فَيُعطي قَليلاً أَو يَكونُ عَطاؤُهُ
مَواعِدَ بُخلٍ دونَها البابُ يَصرِفُ

18. For a while, and that she-camel is not fed.
And he gives little or his gifts are

١٨. رِصادَ سحوقِ النَخلِ يُرصَدُ حِجَّةً
وَدونَ ثَراها ليفُها المُتَلَيِّفُ

19. Promises of stinginess with a door shutting between them.
Lying in wait for the droppings of date palms, he lies in ambush

١٩. وَإِنَّ لَنا مِن نِعمَةِ اللَهِ هَجمَةً
يُهَدهِدُ فيها ذو مَناكِبَ أَكلَفُ

20. And beneath their litter are his interwoven strips.
And we have from the blessing of God an attack

٢٠. طَويلُ القَرى خاظي البَضيعِ كَأَنَّما
غَذَتهُ دِيافٌ وَالقَصيلُ المُقَطَّفُ

21. In which one with sturdy shoulders takes the withered dates.
Of tall build, speedy in the barren land, as if

٢١. إِذا بَيَّتَتهُ الريحُ يُنبي سَقيطُها
خَبائِرُهُ كَأَنَّما هِيَ قَرطَفُ

22. He were nourished by panic grass and plucked coloquintida.
When the winds spend the night with him, their breezes

٢٢. يُمَشّي عَلَيها يَرفَأَيٌّ كَأَنَّهُ
ظَليمٌ بِصَحراءِ الأَباتِمِ أَصدَفُ

23. Reveal his hidden burrows like paper wasp nests.
A lanky youth walks on them as if

٢٣. وَنَجدِيَّةٌ حُوٌّ كَأَنَّ ضُروعَها
أَداوى سَقاها مِن جَلاميدَ مُخلِفُ

24. He is a bandit in the plains of Abta wandering alone.
And a black she-camel, her udders empty as if

٢٤. وَجَرداءُ مِن آلِ الصَريحِ كَأَنَّها
قَناةٌ بَراها مُستَجيدٌ مُثَقِّفُ

25. Her teats were milked by one who delays to join the group.
And a bald she-camel from the family of Sarah as if she is

٢٥. وَفِتيانُ صِدقٍ مِن عَطِيَّةِ رَبِّنا
بِمِثلِهِمُ نَأبى الظَلامَ وَنَأنَفُ

26. A canal her hair shaved by an eloquent refiner.
And sincere youths from the gift of our Lord

٢٦. وَجُرثومَةٌ مِن عِزِّ غَرفٍ وَمالِكٍ
يَفاعٌ إِلَيها نَستَفيدُ وَنُثلِفُ

27. With their like we refuse the darkness and disdain.
And a brave tribe from the honor of Garf and Malik

٢٧. وَلَكِن لَيالينا بِبُرقَةِ بَرمَلٍ
وَهَضبِ شَرَورى دونَنا لا تَصَدَّفُ

28. To them we incline and form an alliance.
But our nights are at the lightening of Barmeel

٢٨. لَيالِيَ مالي غامِرٌ لِعِيالِها
وَإِذ أَنا بَرّاقُ العَشِيّاتِ أَهيَفُ

29. And the plateau of Sharoura, below us, do not crack.
Nights of my family filled, yet I

٢٩. إِلَيها وَلَكِن لا تَدومُ خَليقَةٌ
لِمَن في ذِراعَيهِ وُشومٌ وَأَوقُفُ

30. Am bright in the evenings, confused.
I head to them but harmony does not last

٣٠. وَداوِيَّةٍ بَينَ المياهِ وَبَينَها
مَجالٌ عَريضٌ لِلرِياحِ وَمَوقِفُ

31. For one who has on his forearms markings and tattoos.
And a village between the waters and it

٣١. قَطَعتُ إِلى مَعروفِها مُنكَراتِها
بِعَيرانَةٍ فيها هِبابٌ وَعَجرَفُ

32. Is an ample plain for the winds and a stopping place.
I interrupted its good and its objectionable

٣٢. هِجانٌ تَبُزُّ العُفرَ فَيءَ ظِلالِها
وَتَذعَرُ أَسرابَ القَطا يَتَصَيَّفُ

33. With camel herds in them stupidity and impudence.
Clamors that tear away the ground squirrels so the shade

٣٣. كَأَنّي عَلى طاوي الحَشا باتَ بَينَهُ
وَبينَ الصِبا مِن رَملِ خَيفَقَ أَحقُفُ

34. Of their burrows scatters and the cats are disturbed.
As if I spent the night on the incline of the valley between it

٣٤. يَشيمُ البُروقَ الَلامِعاتِ وَفَوقَهُ
مِن الحاذِ وَالأَرطى كِناسٌ مُجَوَّفُ

35. And the morning breeze in sand that poured down grainy sediment.
It takes in the shining lightening and above it

٣٥. يَكُفُّ بِرَوقَيهِ الغُصونَ وَيَنتَحي
بِظِلفَيهِ في هارِ النَقا يَتَقَصَّفُ

36. Of peaks and hillsides are hollow reed-pipes.
It folds its branches with its flashes and turns aside

٣٦. كَما بَحثَ الحِسيَ الكِلابِيَّ مُنهِلٌ
رِضابُ النَدى في روعِهِ يَتَزَلَّفُ

37. With its shadows among the saplings of the trees they scrape against.
As Al-Hesa the dog searched the watering place

٣٧. إِذا ناطِفُ الأَرطاءِ فَوقَ جَبينِهِ
تَحَدَّرَ جَلّى أَنجَلُ العَينِ أَذلَفُ

38. The dripping of dew in its pasture trickled down.
When the dew of the hillside flows over its forehead,

٣٨. وَأَصبَحَ مَولِيُّ النَدى في مُرادِهِ
عَلى ثَمرِ البُركانِ وَالحادِ يَنطُف

39. A clear, continuous stream the eye of the lamb is blinded by pours forth.
And the companion of the dew attained his desire

٣٩. فَلَمّا بَدَت في مَتنِهِ الشَمسُ غُدوَةً
وَأَقلَعَ دَجنٌ ذو هَمائِمَ أَوطَفُ

40. For the fruit of the meadow and the plentiful stream.
So when the sun rose up to it in the morning

٤٠. أَظَلَّت لَهُ مَسعورَةً يَبتَغي بِها
لُحومَ الهَوادي اِبنا بُرَيدٍ وَأَعرَفُ

41. And a dusky camel stallion with small humps set out.
It shaded it perfectly, seeking with it

٤١. سَلوقِيِّةٌ حُصٌّ كَأَنَّ عُيونَها
إِذا حُرِّبَت جَمرٌ بِظَلماءً مُسدِفُ

42. The game of the valleys, the son of Bureed and more knowledgeable.
A thick-necked reddish she-camel, as if her eyes,

٤٢. تُضَرَّى بِآذانِ الوحوشِ فَكُلُّها
حَفيفٌ كَمِرّيخِ المَناضِلِ أَعجَفُ

43. When excited, are embers in the darkness bursting forth.
She is decked with the ears of wild animals so they are

٤٣. فَكَرَّ بِرَوقَيهِ كَمِيٌّ مُناجِدٌ
يَخُلُّ صُدورَ الهادِياتِ وَيَخصِفُ

44. A rustling like the rival galaxies swift of motion.
So it turned aside with its flashes, a protector,

٤٤. فَلَمّا رَأَى أَربابَها قَد دَنَوا لَهُ
وَأَزهَفَها بَعضُ الَّذي كانَ يُزهِفُ

45. Penetrating the chests of the she-camels and scraping them.
When it saw its masters had come close to it

٤٥. أَجَدَّ وَلَم يُعقِب كَما اِنقَضَّ كَوكَبٌ
وَذو الكَربِ يَنجو بَعدَما يُتَكَنَّفُ

46. And some of those who used to drive it away drew near,
It quickened its pace and did not turn like a shooting star

٤٦. وَأَصبَحَ كَالبَرقِ اليَماني وَدونَهُ
حُقوفٌ وَأَنقاءٌ مِن الرَملِ تَعزِفُ

47. And the distressed escapes after being shrouded.
And it became like the Yemeni lightning, and beneath it

٤٧. وَلَيلَةِ نَجوى مُرجَحِنٌّ ظَلامُها
حَوامِلُها مِن خَشيَةِ الشَرِّ دُلَّفُ

48. Are rocky mounds and ostrich nests of sand it churned up.
And the night of anchored stars, its darkness -

٤٨. مَخوفٍ دواهيها يَبيتُ نَجِيُّها
كَأَنَّ عَميداً بَينَ ظَهرَيهِ مُدنَفُ

49. Its protectors are folds of fear wrapped up.
Terrifying, its skills the savior of its people spends the night

٤٩. إِذا القَومُ قالوا مَن سَعيدٌ بِهَذِهِ
غَداةَ غَدٍ أَو مَن يُلامُ وَيُصلَفُ

50. As if a pillar between its back is propped up.
When the people said, “Who is fortunate in this,

٥٠. هُديتُ لِمُنجى القَومِ مِن غَمَراتِها
نَجاءَ المُعَلّى يَستَبينُ وَيَعطِفُ

51. Tomorrow morning, or who is blamed and pierced?”
I was guided to deliver the people from its floodwaters -

٥١. وَقومٍ تَمَنَّوا باطِلاً فَرَدَدتُهُم
وَإِن حَرَّفوا أَنيابَهم وَتَلَهَّفوا

52. The ascent of the towering peak perceptible and inclined.
And a people who wished for falsehood, so I turned them back,

٥٢. إِذا ما تَمَنَّوا مُنيَةً كُنتُ بَينَهم
وَبَينَ المُنى مِثلَ الشَجا يُتَحَرَّفُ