1. I have given sincere advice to my patron
Until he rejects it and finds fault with my view
١. وَمَولىً رَفَدتُ النُصحَ حَتّى يَرُدَّهُ
عَلَيَّ وَحَتّى يَعذِرَ الرَأيَ عاذِرُه
2. If he is not pleased with your opinion in his chest
And you are not broken if he rejects your view
٢. إِذا كانَ لا يُرضى بِرَأيِكَ صَدرُهُ
وَلا أَنتَ إِن لَم يَرضَ رَأيَكَ قاسِرُه
3. So beautiful patience - in despair there is comfort
When rain does not fall on your land from its rain clouds
٣. فَصَبرٌ جَميلٌ إِنَّ في اليَأسِ راحَةً
إِذا الغَيثُ لَم يُمطِر بِلادَكَ ماطِرُه