1. We greet you, O Salma, so greet us!
And if you quench the honor of people, then quench our thirst!
١. إِنّا مُحَيّوكِ يا سَلمى فَحَيّينا
وَإِن سَقَيتِ كِرامَ الناسِ فَاِسقينا
2. And if you call to glory and generosity
One day the elite of the honorable people, then call us!
٢. وَإِن دَعَوتِ إِلى جُلّى وَمَكرُمَةٍ
يَوماً سُراةَ كِرامِ الناسِ فَاِدعينا
3. We are the sons of Nahshal, we do not claim for a father
Beside him, nor does he acquire sons through us.
٣. إِنّا بَني نَهشَلٍ لا نَدّعي لِأَبٍ
عَنهُ وَلا هُو بِالأَبناءِ يَشرينا
4. If an ultimate goal is to be attained one day by generosity
It will meet our front runners and prayers.
٤. إِن تُبتَدَر غايَةٌ يَوماً لِمَكرُمَةٍ
تَلقَ السَوابِقَ مِنّا وَالمُصَلّينا
5. No master among us will ever perish
Except that we beget a masterful lad in his place
٥. وَلَيسَ يَهلَكُ مِنّا سَيِّدٌ أَبَداً
إِلّا اِفتَلَينا غُلاماً سَيِّداً فينا
6. We will risk our lives in times of turmoil
Even if we were to bask in security and be overcome by laziness
٦. إِنّا لنُرخِصُ يَومَ الرَوعِ أَنفُسَنا
وَلَو نُسامُ بِها في الأَمنِ أُغلينا
7. Pure white are our parting camels that bear our supplies
We roam with our wealth, the traces of our hands
٧. بيضٌ مَفارِقُنا تَغلي مَراجِلُنا
نَأسو بِأَموالِنا آثارَ أَيدينا
8. If there were one among a thousand of us who called out
"Who is the knight?" they would all respond "It is us!"
٨. لَو كانَ في الأَلفِ مِنّا واحدٌ فَدَعَوا
مَن فارِسٌ خالَهُم إِيّاهُ يَعنونا
9. When archers turn aside, fearing to be hit
By the onslaught of lances, we face them with our hands
٩. إِذا الكُماةُ تَنَحَّوا أَن يُصيبَهُمُ
حَدُّ الظُّباةِ وَصَلناها بِأَيدينا
10. You will not see them, even if their misfortune is great,
Among the wailers, crying over the dead
١٠. وَلا تَراهُم وَإِن جَلَّت مُصيبَتُهُم
مَع البُكاةِ عَلى مَن ماتَ يَبكونا
11. Hardship rides us at times, yet relief
Comes to us from our protective companions and our raiding swords
١١. وَيركَبُ الكُرهَ أَحياناً فَيَفرُجُهُ
عَنّا الحِفاظُ وَأَسيافٌ تُواتينا