
I stayed up while friends slept, and melancholy

أرقت ونام الأخلياء وعادني

1. I stayed up while friends slept, and melancholy
Returned to me with the night, grief in my heart and weariness.

١. أَرِقتُ وَنامَ الأَخلِياءُ وَعادَني
مَعَ اللَيلِ هَمٌّ في الفُؤادِ وَجيعُ

2. And memories of Malik stirred sorrow within me
So I did not rest except with a heart filled with dread.

٢. وَهَيَّجَ لي حُزناً تَذَكُّرُ مالِكٍ
فَما بِتُّ إِلّا وَالفُؤادُ مَروعُ

3. Whenever a teardrop was held back after a teardrop
It refused and a tear flowed as well as sobs.

٣. إِذا عَبرَةٌ وَرَّعتُها بَعدَ عَبرَةٍ
أَبَت وَاِستَهلَّت عَبرَةٌ وَدُموعُ

4. Remembering a beloved after tranquility I recalled him
Though the rising of stars was nearing.

٤. لِذِكرى حَبيبٍ بَعدَ هَدءٍ ذَكَرتُهُ
وَقَد حانَ مِن تالي النُجومِ طُلوعُ

5. When my eyes were sleepless, doves cooing in the branches
Reminded me of him.

٥. إِذا رَقَأَت عَينايَ ذَكَّرَني بِهِ
حَمامٌ تُنادى في الغُصونِ وُقوعُ

6. Their warbling ignited a blaze in me for Malik
And in my chest from passion were ruptures.

٦. دَعَونَ هَديلاً فَاِحتَرَقتُ لِمالِكٍ
وَفي الصَدرِ مِن وَجدٍ عَلَيهِ صُدوعُ

7. As if I never sat with him, never touched for a night
I see him, we never woke while together.

٧. كَأَن لَم أُجالِسهُ وَلَم أُمسِ لَيلَةً
أَراهُ وَلَم نُصبِح وَنَحنُ جَميعُ

8. A youth who never lived a day blamed
And around him were meadows that grazed him.

٨. فَتىً لَم يَعِش يَوماً بِذَمٍّ وَلَم يَزَل
حَوالَيهِ مِمَّن يَجتَديهِ رُبوعُ

9. He has followers almost as if people know
He is a summer and spring to those who draw near.

٩. لَهُ تَبَعٌ قَد يَعلَمُ النَاسُ أَنَّهُ
عَلى مَن يُداني صَيِّفٌ وَرَبيعُ