1. By my life! If Yazīd ibn Nahshal
Becomes but a grave covered with dust, sniffed at by the winds,
١. لَعَمري لَئِن أَمسى يَزيدُ بنِ نَهشَلٍ
حَشا جَدَثٍ تَسفى عَلَيهِ الرَوائِحُ
2. He was truly one who was generous with his open palm
When the miserly, stingy hands were mean.
٢. لَقَد كانَ مِمَّن يَبسِطُ الكَفَّ بِالنَدى
إِذا ضَنَّ بِالخَيرِ الأَكُفُّ الشَحائِحُ
3. After you, the spiteful one showed his spite,
And the squint-eyed shut their eyes against me.
٣. فَبَعدَكَ أَبدى ذو الضَغينَةِ ضَغنَهُ
وَسَدَّ لي الظَرفَ العُيونُ الكَواشِحُ
4. I remembered him whose generosity died with his death,
Ending in a way that ruined life when life was good.
٤. ذَكَرتُ الَّذي ماتَ النَدى عِندَ مَوتِهِ
بِعاقِبَةٍ إِذ صالِحُ العَيشِ طالِحُ
5. When I stay up, the early night passes away,
Rolled up by a piece of night that leans toward dawn,
٥. إِذا أَرَقٌ أَفنى مِنَ اللَيلِ ما مَضى
تَمَطّى بِهِ ثِنيٌ مِنَ اللَيلِ راجِحُ
6. So that Yazīd may weep, disputing with adversaries,
And troubled by what the winds blow down.
٦. لِيُبكَ يَزيدُ ضارعٌ لِخُصومَةٍ
وَمُختَبِطٌ مِمّا تُطيحُ الطَوائِحُ
7. He watered a grave that by evening was desolate
With a bucket and a small skin, lent by a neighbor.
٧. سَقى جَدَثاً أَمسى بِدَومَةٍ ثاوِيا
مَنَ الدَلو وَالجَوزاءَ عادٍ وَرائِحُ
8. It became stripped after the earth uncovered his shroud -
Do you know how a bier walks without feet?
٨. عَرى بَعدَما جَفَّ الثَرى عَن نِقابِهِ
بِعَصماءَ تَدري كَيفَ تَمشي المَنائِحُ