1. A need of you arose in me from Salma's love
While your people were between valleys and sands
١. سَمَت لَكَ حاجَةٌ مِن حُبِّ سَلمى
وَصَحبُكَ بَينَ عَروى وَالطواحِ
2. So I remained in this sweetness, having tasted it
Euphrates of commixture, lofty winds
٢. فَبِتُّ كَذي اللَذاذَةِ خالَسَتهُ
فُراتُ المَزجِ عاليَةُ الرِباحِ
3. A merchant valued it with arms
With expensive gift and generosity
٣. سَباها تاجرٌ مِن أَذرِعاتٍ
بِأَغلاءِ العَطِيَّةِ وَالسَماحِ
4. And you are not one who abstains from mention of Salma
And your heart is not deaf to commiseration
٤. وَلَستَ بِعازِفٍ عَن ذِكرٍ سَلمى
وَقَلبُكَ عَن تُماضِرَ غَيرُ صاحِ
5. You smile about stones of cold torture
As if it were the light of meadows
٥. تَبَسَّمُ عَن حَصى بَرَدٍ عَذابٍ
أَغَرَّ كَأَنَّهُ نورُ الأَقاحي
6. When you taste it, filtered honey
Which bees stored in a waving banner
٦. إِذا ما ذُقتَهُ عَسَلٌ مُصَفّى
جَنَتهُ النَحلُ في عَلَمٍ شَناحِ
7. And the commiseration cut through the belly of the troop
Yemeni in estrangement and departure
٧. وَقَد قَطَعَت تُماضِرُ بَطنَ قَوٍّ
يَمانِيَةِ التَهَجُّرِ وَالرَواحِ
8. As if when its burdens lightened
Below Dhi al-Ahzab, lower than a smooth rock
٨. كَأَنَّ حُمولَها لَمّا اِستَقَلَّت
بِذي الأَحزابِ أَسفَلَ مِن نَساحِ
9. Cells of fleeing gazelles
Enemies not ceasing, earnest in journey
٩. خَلايا ذَنبَريٍّ عابِراتٍ
عَدَو لَي عامِداتٍ لِلقِراحِ
10. As if places therein by a burrow
Ink of a teacher reciting it by heart
١٠. كَأَنَّ مِنازِلاً بِالفَأوِ مِنها
مِدادُ مُعَلِّمٍ يَتلوهُ واحي
11. And not a day Salima revives
With news of swordsmanship or morning
١١. وَما يَومٌ تُحييهِ سُلَيمى
بِخَبراءِ البِجادَةِ أَو صَباحِ
12. With ominous visit, lasting
Nor misfortune from the days appearing
١٢. بِمَشؤومٍ زِيارَتُهُ طَويلٍ
وَلا نَحسٍ مِنَ الأَيّامِ ضاحي
13. And not bloodshed comprising peace
And lotuses between end and respite
١٣. وَما أَدماءُ مُؤَلِفَةٌ سَلاماً
وَسَدراً بَينَ تَنهِيَةٍ وَراحِ
14. Containing it passages of harshness
Instead of blade from the sword's body
١٤. تَضَمَّنَها مَسارِبُ ذي قِساءٍ
مَكانَ النَصلِ مِن بَدَنِ السِلاحِ
15. With better than commiseration the day it stood
To bid us farewell for separation and dispersal
١٥. بِأَحسَنَ مِن تُماضِرَ يَومَ قامَت
تودِعُنا لِبَينٍ فَاِنسِراحِ
16. Shall I convey to Bani Qatn a messenger
Words of a brother reproaching without subtlety?
١٦. أَلا أَبلِغ بَني قَطَنٍ رَسولاً
كَلامَ أَخٍ يُعاتِبُ غَيرَ لاحِ
17. So I did not part from them until they thought
And the keening of them became manifest
١٧. فَما فارَقتُهُم حَتّى اَظَنّوا
وَبَيَّنَ مِن شَواكِلِهِم نَواحي
18. And I do not leave my camels for you when they pasture
Qutman or Kanafir meadow
١٨. وَما تُخلى لَكُم إِبِلي إِذا ما رَعَت
قُطمانَ أَو كَنَفَي رِكاحِ
19. And they did not forbid the bounty of Ibn Su'ur
Fasting to Idhira'a so Al-Layah
١٩. وَلَم تَحموا عَلى نَعَمِ اِبنِ سُؤرٍ
صَوامَ إِلى اِذيَرعَ فَاللَياحِ
20. So for them in its pasture there is no refuge
Nor in its enclosure least drink
٢٠. فَما لَهُم بِمَرتَعِهِ مُنَدّى
وَلا بِحِياضِهِ أَدنى نِضاحِ
21. Awf ibn Ka'b suns himself beneath it
With the whiteness of Al-Mashrafiyyah and spears
٢١. تَشَمَّسُ دونَها عَوفُ بنِ كَعبٍ
بِبَيضِ المَشرَفِيَّةِ وَالرِماحِ
22. And the family of Muqais did not fail it
Regarding a war I desired, and no peace
٢٢. وَآلُ مُقاعِسٍ لَم يَخذُلوها
عَلى حَربٍ أُريدَ وَلا صَلاحِ
23. And a group of sons aid it
Protectors of war, disliked for butting
٢٣. وَيَنصُرُها مِن الأَبناءِ جَمعٌ
حُماةُ الحَربِ مَكَروهو النِطاحِ
24. And the builder of glory, Himman ibn Ka'b
And the builder of glory who was granted success
٢٤. وَباني المَجدِ حِمّانُ بنُ كَعبٍ
وَباني المَجدِ وُكِّلَ بِالنَجاحِ
25. And if I call on allies they will help me
With a group the shouts do not confuse
٢٥. وَإِن أَدعُ الأَجارِبَ يُنجِدوني
بِجَمعٍ لا يُهَدُّ مِن الصِياحِ
26. They are my father, and I knew from them
My position, not doubting rest
٢٦. أُولَئِكَ وَالدِي وَعَرَفتُ مِنهُم
مَكاني غَيرَ مُؤتَشَبِ المُراحِ
27. Lead after them between esparto grass
And every insolent, offensive Salhabah
٢٧. تُقادُ وَراءَها بَينَ الشَماني
وَبِصوَةَ كُلُّ سَلهَبَةٍ وَقاحِ
28. And every despicable, branching Timirah
Forgetting the vehemence of the truthful she-camels
٢٨. وَكُلُّ طِمِرَّةٍ شَنحٍ نَساها
وَعَجلى الشَدِّ صادِقَةِ المِراحِ
29. When the girth is disturbed on their saddle pads
From toil, the face veil is disturbed
٢٩. إِذا اِضطَرَبَ الحِزامُ عَلى حَشاها
مِنَ الأَعمالِ مُضطَرَبَ الوِشاحِ
30. And young camels hunting prey heedlessly
And Qub of Al-Khadiriyyah in the morning
٣٠. وَخِنذيذٍ تَصيدُ الرَبدَ عَفواً
وَقُبَّ الأَخدَرِيَّةِ في الصَباحِ
31. As if their range in Bani Rahbah
Were vestiges of weapons to Qutman
٣١. كَأَنَّ مَجالَهُنَّ بِبَطنِ رَهبى
إِلى قُطمانَ آثارُ السِلاحِ
32. As if the cultivated she-camels among them
Were loosened Sind slave girls
٣٢. كَأّنَّ وَرايِدَ المُهراتِ فيهِم
جَواري السِندِ مُرسَلَةُ السِباحِ
33. As if the milkers in Bani Rahbah
Were carcasses of victims near their hunter
٣٣. كَأَنَّ الشاحِجاتِ بِبَطنِ رَهبى
لَدى قُنّاصِها بُدنُ الأَضاحي
34. So whoever lends us sincere loan
When destitution and winds stripped bare
٣٤. فَمَن يَعمَل إَلَينا قَرضَ صِدقٍ
عَلى حينِ التَكُشُّفِ وَالشِياحِ
35. Will find it when it uncovers its treasure
Like clarified butter in unadulterated skin
٣٥. تَجِدهُ حينَ يَكشِفُ عَن ثَراهُ
كَذُخرِ السَمنِ في الأَدَمِ الصَحاحِ
36. And he who works with deception does not harm us
And cycles will take him in their grasp
٣٦. وَمَن يَعمَل بِغُشٍّ لا يَضِرنا
وَتَأخُذُهُ الدَوائِرُ بِالجُناحِ