
His right hand has gone astray, and his oath has perished

ضلالاً لواشيها وتبت يمينه

1. His right hand has gone astray, and his oath has perished,
He has the religion of his claim, and the heart has its religion,

١. ضلالاً لواشيها وتبَّت يمينهُ
له دينُ دعواه وللقلب دينه

2. And his companion is either scattered fear,
Or the imminent separation of a beloved who betrays him,

٢. وصاحبه إمّا شتات يروعه
بوشك فراق أو حبيب يخونه

3. And I have continued to pine with love since you displayed
Your beauty and perfected your coyness,

٣. وما زلت صبّا بالحمى منذ أبرزت
أهلَّته حسناً وتمَّت عصونه

4. The sand dunes make me long for her, and her bellowing,
And the wild cows judge his mind and awareness,

٤. يتيمني لدن الكثيب وهيفه
وتحكم حور السرب في وعينه

5. And the heaviness of anxiety and sorrow has burdened me,
Standing in a pasture from which its cattle have strayed,

٥. وحملني ثقل الكآبة والأسى
وقوفي بربع خفَّ عنه قطينه

6. And the dark one tells of everlasting love,
It has its color in embracing and its softness,

٦. وأسمر يحكي الأسمر اللدن قدُّه
له لونه عند العناق ولينه

7. And he introduced me that love is courage,
And my wounded heart is pierced by his spear,

٧. وعرَّفني أنَّ الغرام شجاعةٌ
ولوعي برمح منه قلبي طعينه

8. And he achieves nothing by his censure,
Except his nonsense and playfulness,

٨. وما بلَّغ التبريح إلاَّ لعابه
ولا الجدَّ إلاَّ هزله ومجونه

9. And suspicions were aroused when his pledges were hindered,
When a man's pledge is hindered, suspicions about him are aroused,

٩. وساء ظنوناً حين حالت عهوده
إذا حال عهد المرء ساءت ظنونه

10. Indeed, it is time for him to fulfill his vows,
And the turbans of passion and his creditors are fulfilled,

١٠. لقد آن أن يقضي النجاز وعوده
وتقضى لبانات الهوى ويديونه

11. He rages with an eye that is still and indifferent,
And nothing moves passions except its stillness,

١١. يصول بطرفٍ ساكن اللحظ فاترٍ
وما حرَّك الاشجانَ إلاَّ سكونُه

12. And I do not doubt except the sickness of his eyelids,
For the body has no enemy but its eyelids,

١٢. ولستُ بشاكٍ غير سقم جفونِه
فليس عدوَّ الجسم إلا جفونه

13. And he smiles about the red wine of its grapes,
Which turns into a valuable necklace on his breast,

١٣. ويبسم عن خمر عراني خمارها
تحول على درٍ عداني ثمينه

14. And O reproacher! How have you been guided to a mustache
Of sorrow from which no specter has strayed except its moaning?

١٤. ويا عاذلي أنى اهتديتَ لناحلٍ
أسىً ضلَّ عنه الطيف إلا أنينه

15. For something he refused to let blame enter his hearing,
Yes, and for a matter whose affairs do not run out!

١٥. لأمرٍ أبى أن يدخل اللومَ سمعهُ
نعم ولشأنٍ لا تجفُّ شؤونه

16. And he who does not attain love seeks to bury it,
And lovers are killed by nothing but its burial!

١٦. ورام دفينَ الحبِّ من لا يناله
وما يقتل العشاقَ إلا دفينه

17. And he advanced with the horses of blame and his foot,
So his ambush failed to consult,

١٧. وأقبل في خيل الملام ورجلهِ
فاعجزه أن يستشار كمينه

18. May God water the neighbors of the bend laughing
At the one shedding tears silently among them, debased,

١٨. سقى الله جيران الثنية ضاحكاً
من المزن هامي الدمع فيها هتونه

19. And dotted the face of the earth with the pearls of his saliva,
And the branches weigh the yearning of the river for them,

١٩. ونقَّط وجه الأرض لؤلؤ طلَّه
وزان حنين النهر منها غصونه

20. And I admire the coolness of the breeze, and yet
The hidden fire in the coldness of the flints,

٢٠. ويعجبني بردُ النسيم وإنما
لظى النار في برد الزناد كمونه

21. And I had been suspicious of separation before
Its certainty declared openly my suspicion of parting,

٢١. وقد كنت في شكٍ من البين قبلما
تصرّح عن شك الفراق يقينه

22. So for God is the freely flowing tears,
And for separation the weeping captive is hostage,

٢٢. فللهِ مبذولُ الدموع طليقُها
من الوجد مأسورُ الفرراق رهينه

23. And in the west side of me is a wound
That makes the turtledoves yearn with their moaning,

٢٣. وفي الجانب الغربيَ مني ولوعة
يشوق الحمام الساجعات حنينه

24. When he embraces it and the vastness equalizes him,
His body and its expanse become equal in it.

٢٤. إذا ضمَّهُ والأرحبي تنوفه
تشابهَ فيها جسمهُ ووضينه