
The day of parting is dire when heard

إن يوم النوى شنيع سماعه

1. The day of parting is dire when heard,
The lover's heart is too narrow for it and he sold it,

١. إن يوم النوى شنيعٌ سماعُه
ضاق عنه صدرُ المحب وباعُه

2. O my friend, help me with a lament,
A dear heart got lost, and losing it,

٢. يا خليليَّ ساعداني بشجو
ضاع مني قلب عزيزٌ ضياعُه

3. Many times I did not find an hour of stillness
When I frequented its plains and settlements,

٣. جللٌ ما لقيتُ ساعة خبتٍ
حين أقوت سهولُه وبقاعه

4. The graceful gazelle of the mound does not go unrestrained,
Neither did its prominence show nor collecting itself,

٤. وغزالُ الكثيب لا سارحاً يلقا
ك إشرافهُ ولا إتلاعُه

5. The night of separation did not taste sweetness from intimacy what I tasted when we bade farewell,
The heart yearned for him while the eyelids sufficed their inflammation and their contention,

٥. لم تذق ليلة العُذيب من اللو
عة ما ذقتُ حين حمَّ وداعه

6. I spent tears on him, spent like a generous one,
The more his stinginess and abstinence increased,

٦. نزع القلب نحوه وكفى المش
تاق برحاً حنينهُ ونزاعه

7. Do not trust in love for your eyes have seen
What the worst of his deception did to me,

٧. ابذل الدمع فيه بذلَ جوادٍ
كلما زاد بُخله وامتناعه

8. A course that does not remain compact
Except by the injustice of its people consented,

٨. لا تثق بالهوى فقد رأتا
عيناك ماذا أحل مني خداعُه

9. And he is firm in his love and neither hopes
Or greed avails him in his love,

٩. مذهب لا يظلُّ منعقداً إلاَّ
على ظلم أهله أجماعُه

10. He spurned me harshly so in the thickets is a secret
The tears disclose their broadcast.

١٠. وسديدٌ بالصب لا يأسه
يُغنيه في حبه ولا إطماعه

١١. صدَّني قسوةً فللوجد في الأحشـ
ـاء سرٌ يشكو الدموعَ مُذاعه