
With sweet affection his love was mingled,

ومشوب الوداد ساغ هواه

1. With sweet affection his love was mingled,
In my heart's core what blissful draught!

١. ومشوبِ الوداد ساغ هواهُ
في خفيّ الأحشاءِ أيَّ مساغِ

2. His inspiration was brought by the locks,
On messengers naught but delivery of trust.

٢. بلَّغت وحيه الذوائبُ فلبي
ما على المرسلين غيرُ البلاغ

3. A moon whose face's light outshines the sun,
When the knot of plaiting comes undone.

٣. قمرٌ نورُ وجههِ يكسف الشـ
ـمس ذا حلَّ عقدة الأصداغ