
If she caused me pain, so she made me desire her

لو ألمت فأباحتني لما لها

1. If she caused me pain, so she made me desire her
I would have revealed the anguish of my heart, her lips would have revealed it

١. لو ألمَّت فأباحتني لما لها
لشفت غلَّة قلبي شفتاها

2. Khensa laughed the day she inclined away
From my misery and reproached her lover

٢. ضحكت خنساءُ يومَ المنحنى
من ولوعي وبكى لي عاذلاها

3. O you who blame me, lend me your patience
Do not ask what she has done to me, her glances did it

٣. أيُّها اللاحي عداني صبرهُ
لا تسل ما فعلت بي مقلتاها

4. The branch concealed the secret of her apparitions
But the dawn revealed her folds and undulations

٤. كتم الفرعُ سرى أشباحها
إنما صبحُ ثناياها ثناها

5. So her apparitions watered my tears and my life
Her stature, the branch, lightning and clouds sustained her

٥. فسقى الأشباه دمعي والحيا
قدّها والغصنَ والبرقَ وفاها

6. She came knocking, asking me about passion
While the houses turned in the night, she roamed them

٦. طرقت تسألني كيف الهوى
وبدور التمّ في الليل سراها

7. So my blood that she allowed, ransomed her
And the laments of grief, my words ransomed her

٧. ففداها ما أباحت من دمي
وتباريح الأسى قولي فداها

8. Her saliva mixed with the cool of purpose
And contained the fire of my passion, and its heat

٨. ضمنت ريقتها بردَ المنى
وحوت نارَ غرامي وجنتاها

9. So in opposites she is anger and pleasure
I hope for her pardon as I fear her tyranny

٩. فهي في الضدّين سخطٌ ورضى
عفوها يرجى كما يخشى سطاها

10. By my father Hind in the days of youth
And the scent of Najd and its breaths

١٠. بأبي هندٌ فأيام الصّبا
وربى نجدٍ وأنفاس صباها

11. My tears and grief are for the sake of love
And my blood if she would be pleased with it, would flood her

١١. في سبيل الحبّ دمعي والضَّنا
ودمي لو رضيتْ عني دماها

12. O my dear ones though the days
Have departed from you and withdrawn

١٢. يا أخلاَّي وأن شطَّ بنا
حادثُ الأيَّام عنكم وثناها

13. Good is a Syrian woman who traveled
Bearing to my soul its wishes from you

١٣. حبَّذا غاديةٌ شاميةٌ
حملت عنكم إلى النفس مناها

14. Thunder did not drive her back, she only shortened
Her pace stretching the saddlecloth

١٤. ما حداها الرعدُ إلاَّ قصَرتْ
شقّةَ الفسطاس ممدودُ خطاها

15. The rain found arrows so shot them
And from lightning, swords so brandished them

١٥. وجد القطرَ سهاماً فرمى
ومن البرق سيوفاً فانتضاها

16. So she hit a tearful eyelid
And a heart that longed for you and feared for you

١٦. فأصابت مقلةً داميةً
وفؤاداً طال فيكم ما أتقاها

17. She conveyed news of youth from you
So may God delight my eye from what it perceived

١٧. نقلت عنكم أحاديث الصّبا
فأقرّ الله عينى من وعاها

18. She conveyed on your behalf, good is she
As good as she conveyed your lips

١٨. بلَّغت عنكم شفاها حبَّذا
حبَّذا ما بلغت عنكم شفاها

19. Do not blame my eye for ever weeping
Why wouldn't it weep when we are separated

١٩. لا تلم عيني على طول البكا
كيف لا تدمع والبينُ قذاها

20. While my heart, the heart, still holds
Its purpose, awake until it falls asleep

٢٠. وقليبُ القلب ما زال بهِ
فاتحاً إنسانها حتى أماها

21. My night grew long in length like my anguish for you
So my time is a night whose morning died

٢١. طال ليلي طول وجدي بكمُ
فزماني ليلةٌ مات ضحاها

22. If an apparition would walk in it
Though it's intangible, or a lost star

٢٢. لو يسير الطيف في أثنائهِ
وهو لطيفُ أو النجمُ لتاها

23. Neither the length of my debt nor if it's paid
Not even my murderer if I befriended him

٢٣. ما على ما طل دينى ولو قضى
وعلى قاتل نفسي لو وداها

24. I desire nothing but you,
And nothing's beautiful from you unless you grant it

٢٤. فقرها إلاَّ إليكم مشتهى
وجميلٌ عنكمُ إلاَّ غناها

25. I found in your absence what I found
So to whom do I complain what I suffered?

٢٥. وجدت من نأيكم ما وجدت
فإلى عالمِ بثي مشتكاها

26. I swore never to enjoy comfort
Without you, only bearing what torments me

٢٦. قسماً ما بقيت عن سلوةٍ
إنما يحمل عنها من بلاها

27. The days command and forbid her
Greed commands what its prohibition forbids her

٢٧. أمر الدهرُ عليها ونهى
يأمر الحرصُ بما ينهى نهاها

28. My call of longing to you is heard
So when I cry out, you are its echo

٢٨. دعوة الشوق لكم مسموعةٌ
فإذا ما هتفت كنتَ صداها

29. O father of Yeme, was any glory ever sought
That you didn't seek, and nothing glorified that you didn't glorify?

٢٩. يا أبا اليمنِ وهل منقبةٌ
خطبت قطّ فما كنت أباها

30. O unique on earth, with no second
Not even the full moon whose merits are matchless

٣٠. يا وحيدَ الأرض لا مستثنياً
ولبدر ألتم فضلٌ لا يضاهى

31. Through you glory was mighty and fate too
As well as the family of Ali, intensifying their glory

٣١. بكَ عزَّ الفضلُ والدهرُ معاً
وبنى العلياءِ واشتد غماها

32. You have a soul that no peak exhausts
In the heights, beyond what people can aspire to

٣٢. لك نفسٌ لم تمتها غايةٌ
في المعالي أعجزَ الناس مطاها

33. When others were sullied, you purified yourself
And when they were wicked, you were most pure

٣٣. فإذا الأدناس كانت نصعتْ
وإذا كان الخنا اعتنَّ نقاها

34. When anyone enjoyed sinfulness
You disciplined him, teaching and reading to him

٣٤. من سواهُ من إذا لذنا بهِ
أقرأَ العصبة منَّا وقراها

35. You were generous with knowledge and turned away from sin
Then passionately loved what has no vanity

٣٥. جاد بالعلم وثنَّى بالنهى
ثمَّ وإلى فحبا ما لا وجاها

36. You are good news or fresh water
Comforting souls or meeting lips

٣٦. فهوَ البشرى أو الماءُ الرَّوا
يرد الأسماعَ أو يلقى الشفاها

37. Not people who took ignorance as their refuge
Causing mayhem, and stars their guide

٣٧. ما أناس تخذوا النقع دُّجى
في الوغى والأنجمَ الزُّهر قناها

38. With them the egg of Islam, how much
Was lost from armies, and how many like them perished,

٣٨. فبها عن بيضة الإسلام كم
فلّ من جيشٍ وما فلّ شباها

39. Abundant in knowledge and dew
Radiant, of face and forehead

٣٩. الغزيرون علوماً وندىً
والمنيرون وجوهاً وجباها

40. I swear by the Sharqi wind from his fathers
My patience with him isn't willingly, but by compulsion

٤٠. قسماً بالشُّمّ من آبائهِ
ما اصطباري عنهُ طوعاً بل كراها

41. I find Egypt weaker when he's absent
And see ambiguity in people, nothing unambiguous

٤١. أجدُ المصرَ إذا غاب قوى
وأرى في الناس حاشاه اشتباها

42. And when a man claims he has
A second in nobility, he speaks nonsense

٤٢. ومتى قال امروء أنَّ لهُ
ثانياً في نبله قال سفاها

43. Morning became pure musk, its soil
Beneath your feet, and pearls its pebbles

٤٣. أصبحت جلقُ مسكاً تربها
تحت أقدامك والدرُّ حصاها

44. And pure mud from its source
At your abode, even if melting, remains wholesome water

٤٤. واللجين المحضُ من منبتهِ
بثرى دارك لو ذاب مياها

45. It is paradise, flourishing with beauty
Near every garden and field is its proximity

٤٥. فهيَ الجنَّةُ راقت مجتلىٍ
ودنا من كلّ باغٍ مجتناها

46. Lightning smiled at it golden
When the rain's tears mixed with its love

٤٦. ضحك البرقُ لها سافرةً
حينَ حلَّت أدمعُ الغيث حباها

47. And its palm trees swayed when
The singer of vines sang, greening its turf,

٤٧. وتهادى دوحها لمَّا شدا
مطرب القمريِّ وأخضلَّ ثراها

48. Statuesque like dolls in green garments
Wandering in its flowers and ornaments

٤٨. مائساتٌ كالدُّمى في الحلل الـ
ـخضر تيهاً ومن الزُّهر حلاها

49. I delighted seeing it with my eyes as
My passionate heart exalted its nobility

٤٩. لذّ وأديها بعيني مثلما
شغفاً قلبي المعنَّى شرفاها

50. To its crown from the lightning and wind I have
Angels, if they reached it, would convey it

٥٠. ليَ عند البرق والريح إلى
تاجها مألكة لو بلَّغاها

51. It is the sea, so when
I wanted to call for rain for it, I called for its drink

٥١. وهو البحر فراتاً فإذا
رمتُ أن أدعو لها قلت سقاها

52. God looked upon its neighbors
As it is the valley, lengthening their growth

٥٢. نظر الله إلى جيرونها
وهيَ الوهد وقد طالت رباها

53. And unto its plains as night's gloom
So it became the sun's morning light, encompassing its radiance

٥٣. وإلى ديماسها وهو الدجى
فغدا شمسَ ضحى عمَّ سناها

54. Darkening the dawn, and if the celestial orb
In night's gloom after you, would not find its guidance

٥٤. أظلمت صبحاً فلو طيفُ الكرى
في دجى بعدك أسرى ما اهتداها

55. It was naught but death's lands, clouds bellowing
Over it, so He gave it life, reviving it

٥٥. لم تكن غيرَ مواتٍ سحبت
فوقها السَّحبُ فأحياها حياها

56. So at the door of the desired courier
Loneliness, if given speech, would lament it

٥٦. فعلى باب البريد المشتهى
وحشةٌ لو حاز نطقاً لشكاها

57. And separation endowed it between us with robes
Of beauty, the most splendid of its robes

٥٧. ولقد أنضاهُ بينٌ بزهُ
بك أثواباً من الحسن نضاها

58. The land thrives and endures an era
As days alternate with their conditions

٥٨. تسعد الأرض وتشقى حقبةً
وكذا الدنيا توالى حالتاها

59. And if I live and time stretches long
I won't forget it, not even as an old man, but as a youth

٥٩. ولئن عشتُ ومدَّت مدَّةٌ
لم يفتني شيخها لا بل فتاها

60. As if Jesus gushed from his mouth to the chambers
Or a barrier blocked him from it, so he sighed

٦٠. أن تفز عيسي فواها للسُّرى
أو يعقها عائقٌ عنهُ فآها