
He of generous spirit gives the fortresses of his kingdom,

وذي كرم يعطي معاقل ملكه

1. He of generous spirit gives the fortresses of his kingdom,
When we praise him, his maids hasten to him,

١. وذي كرمٍ يعطي معاقل ملكه
إذا مدحنا زفَّت إليه عقائله

2. He says - No, by God, no speaker has said
Better than what his open hands have done.

٢. يقول ولا والله ما قال قائلٌ
بأحسنَ مما جود كفَّيه فاعله

3. A brave man whom the lion fears the claws of his spear
When his hawks wheel and contend with him,

٣. شجاعٌ يخاف الليثُ ثعلب رمحه
إذا حلقتْ عقبانهُ وأجادله

4. Strongly enamored is he of bravery and munificence,
Oh how excellent is he whom his damsels reproached and failed.

٤. شديدُ غرامٍ بالشجاعة والنَّدى
فيا شدَّ ما عابت فخابت عواذله

5. Mighty is he by whom the cross and its people were abased
Its latter and its former multitudes.

٥. عزيزٌ به ذلَّ الصَّليب وأهله
أواخرهُ من سؤددٍ وأوائله

6. His Nile flowed in torrents to water his villages,
And flowed on until none were left to beg of it.

٦. جرى نيله ردفاً لينل بنانهِ
وسال إلى أن ليس يوجد سائله

7. The rain is but the flashing gleams of its lightning,
And the meadow but the portresses of its weapons.

٧. فما الغيث إلاَّ منجلاتٌ بروقهُ
وما الروض إلاَّ حاملاتٌ خمائله