1. May God disfigure a gang who has none
Awake brightening the faces of hopes
١. قبحَ الإله عصابةً ما فيهمِ
يقظٌ يبيّض أوجه الآمالِ
2. Their eyes slept due to the sleep of their hearts
So the whiteness of their dawn is the blackness of nights
٢. نامت عيونهمُ لنوم قلوبهم
فبياضُ صبحهمِ سواد ليالي
3. Do not hope as long as you live to meet them
Unless you are a specter of imagination
٣. لاتطمعنْ ما عشت في لقياهمُ
إلاّ إذا ما كنتَ طيفَ خيال