1. The dawn crept in and here are its banners
The stars of night have fallen, they are its tents
١. زحف الصباحُ وهذه راياتهُ
فهوت نجومُ الليل وهي حماتهُ
2. Had the darkness not been afraid, it would not have retreated
With its soft, delicate motes in the horizons
٢. لو لم تخفْ كرَّ الظلام لما انبرتْ
في الخافقين خوافقاً عذباته
3. It was a war that killed the abominable with sharp swords
Whose blades were bloodstained when pages were turned
٣. حربٌ جنتْ قتل الكرى بحسام با
رقها فآبَ خضيبةً صفحاته
4. Do you not see the eagle of the sky hovering
In it and in the grip of the falcon its prey
٤. أو ما ترى نسرَ السماءِ محلقاً
فيها وفي كفّ السِّماكِ قناته
5. As if the glow of the sky with its tail
Was the blood of a battlefield where swords lie dead
٥. وكأنما شفقُ السماءِ بذيلها
دم معرك ترد السيوف كماته
6. I cry over the union whose years have shortened
While from estrangement the hours have lengthened
٦. أبكي الوصالَ تقاصرتْ أعوامهُ
ومن الصدودِ تطاولت ساعاته
7. And in my throat is the saliva of one who yearns for Babylon
Its spittle and Babylon's moments
٧. وبمهجتي رشأٌ لصرفٍ البابلي
يةِ ريقهُ ولبابلٍ لحظاته
8. A gazelle, and the curves of its ribs are like a bow
A moon, the darkness of our hearts are its crescents
٨. ظبيٌ وأحناءُ الضلوع كناسهُ
قمرٌ سوادُ قلوبنا هالاته
9. I asked it about the covenant of passion and questioned it
About its abode, so its movements spoke
٩. ناشدتهُ عهدَ الحمى وسالتهُ
عن بانهِ فتحدّثت حركاته
10. Allure, even if the veil concealed its beauty
Its breaths blew open with its fragrances
١٠. نشوانُ لو كتم اللثامُ جمالهُ
لزيارةٍ باحت بهِ نفحاته
11. Flirtatious, its contours are aromatic
Its breaths coquettish, its glance penetrating
١١. خواطيّةٌ أعطافهُ مسكيّةٌ
أنفاسهُ عانيَّةٌ رشفاته
12. And the sickly waist cannot keep its promises
Nor the teeth of its glance that never sleep
١٢. وسقيمِ خصرٍ لا تصحُّ وعودهُ
وسنانِ طرفٍ لاتنامُ وشاته
13. Beauty wore its adornment when it darkened
Its cheeks blushed and its sides turned rosy
١٣. لبس الجمالَ مشهّراً لما دجتْ
أصداغهُ وتضرَّجتْ وجناته
14. If in the religion of love there were demands
To prove with my blood, I'd readily offer it to its cheek
١٤. لو كان في دين الغرامِ مطالبٌ
بدمي لهانَ بخدّهِ إثباته
15. But I would take its eyelids, though it
Is a law that tyrannizes the opponents in its courts
١٥. ولكنتُ آخذ جفنهُ لكنَّهُ
شرعٌ تجورُ على الخصومِ قضاته
16. Oh, for the slopes of Damascus where
Its dunes once billowed and its maidens languished
١٦. واهاً لسفحِ دمشقَ حيث تفاوحت
كثبانه وترنّحت باناته
17. It is the place of lament that without it
The beasts would not have savaged its noble gazelles
١٧. هو موقفُ الشكوى الذي لولاهُ ما
فتكت بغلبِ أسودهِ ظبياته
18. Shining while the night is under its banner
And the dawn has not yet spread its possessions
١٨. متبلّجٌ والليلُ تحت لوائهِ
والصبحُ ما نشرت عليه ملاته
19. The earth awakens with water as if it were
The hands of its king's delegates and gifts
١٩. والأرض تفهق بالمياهِ كأنها
أيدي وفودِ مليكها وهباته
20. The breeze meets you with its fragrance as if
It had adorned those plateaus with its qualities
٢٠. يلقاك نشرُ نسيمها وكأنما
خلعتْ على تلك الهضاب صفاته
21. And you see the clarity of the air resembles his face
The torrents of dew have made his features shine
٢١. وترى صفاءَ الجو يشبهُ وجههُ
سيلَ الندى فتهللتْ قسماته