1. The night of poetry is like an obscure darkness
So when will the preoccupied find their way to you?
١. ليلةُ الشَّعر كالدجى مدلهمَّةْ
فمتى يهتدي إليك ابن همَّهْ
2. The horizons of imagination are too narrow
For these subtle nights to fulfill their promise or gather them in an embrace
٢. ضاق باعُ الخيال عن حوب ليـ
ـلين ليقضي تسليمةً أو ضمَّهْ
3. How often the ghosts travel to meet you
While people wander lost and confused
٣. كم إلى كم تفلي الطيوفُ إلى
لقياك هام الربى وظهر المهمةْ
4. And in my soul, one who cannot see the whiteness of dawn in it
Except for the darkness of sorrow
٤. وبروحي من لا يرى ابيضاض النـ
ـحر منه لولا سواد اللمهْ
5. In his eyelids is a burning passion for lovers
A magic that has enchanted hearts and gathered them
٥. راح في جفنه الكرى حمَّ للعشـ
ـاق سحرٌ سبا القلوب وحمَّهْ
6. He is the branch the water has gently swayed
And the full moon of the sky that has given it completeness
٦. فهوَ الغصن رنَّح الماءُ عطفيـ
ـه وبدرُ السماء أعطيَ تمَّهْ
7. Oh, how supple his figure is and how beautiful
That forehead under the soft hair
٧. آه ما ألينَ القوامَ وما أحـ
ـسن ذاك الجبينَ تحت اللمَّهْ
8. My heart went astray after guidance when
I walked toward him between light and darkness
٨. ضلَّ قلبي بعد الهداية إذ أسـ
ـري إليه ما بين نورٍ وظلمهْ
9. I suffer for him while he fulfills the desires of others
Believe me, passion allots and divides its favors
٩. أنا أشقى به ويقضي لغيري
صدقوا فالهوى حظوظ وقسمهْ
10. My eyelids were always wet with tears and longing
Is a generous steed, it does not cut short its journey
١٠. ديم جفني سقى رسيمة والوجـ
ـد جواد فليس يقطع رسمه
11. Exalted is one who molded his heart from unyielding rock
And ascended is one who was virtuous despite the water of life
١١. جلَّ من صاغ قلبه الفظَّ صخراً
وعلا من برا من الماء جسمه
12. No, by the face of the meadows all clad in white
And the water of the spring, clear-eyed, not bleary
١٢. لا ووجهِ الرياض أبلجَ والما
ءُ عيونٌ له فليس بأكمهْ
13. And by the sincerity of the branches beneath the blowing
Breeze, its trailing gown the soft rain and its collector
١٣. ووحقّ الغصون تحت نسيمٍ
ساحبٍ ذيله البليل وكمَّهْ
14. I called upon the praised King, pride of the faith
Only to repel every concern and sorrow
١٤. لا دعوت الملك الممدَّح فخر الد
دين إلاَّ لدفع كل ملمَّهْ