
No blame lies on the lover who complains of passion;

ليس على الصب المغنى جناح

1. No blame lies on the lover who complains of passion;
If he makes known his ardour, who suffers torment complains.

١. ليسَ على الصبِّ المغنّى جناحْ
إن باح الشكوى فمن ضيمَ باحْ

2. Bewildered I became through fear of my belovèd;
I made my tears to flow in the bed of my streaming robe.

٢. أصبحتُ مشدوهاً بخالي الخشى
أحور مجرى الدمع طامي الوشاحْ

3. She appears like the full moon and sways like a branchlet;
Yet, if she favours, ‘tis like musk exhaling perfume.

٣. يلوح كالبدر ويختال كالغصن
وإن وافى فكالمسك فاحْ

4. Today she is niggardly of my union, though erewhile
She spent the night awake to the tale of my yearning.

٤. غدا بخيلاً بوصالي وإنْ
أمسى بأشجاني خدين السَّماحْ

5. Love made me drunk with her eyelids’ sorcery,
While you, my censurer, are vexed with love’s ardour.

٥. أسكرني الحبُّ بأجفانه
وأنت يا صاحِ من الحبِّ صاحْ

6. The easiest thing in loving her is that she
Has tender limbs that harbour wounds in every heart.

٦. أيسرُ ما في حبّه إنها
جوارحٌ في كل قلب جراحْ

7. She kills them unsuspecting—far from her
To kill one undeserving of such wrong!

٧. يقتلها آمنةً يا لها
من قاتل ليس عليه جناحْ

8. My drunkenness knows not sobriety or wine;
In us it is diseased, in her but mirth and jest.

٨. سكرى فما تعرف صحواً ولا
خمراً مراضٌ وهي فينا صحاحْ

9. My shamefacedness delights in union with her;
Well done my shamefacedness in loving her!

٩. يطيبُ في الحبِّ افتضاحي به
يا حبّذا في حبّه الافتضاحْ

10. I complain to the night of my bed, but it
Has slept from listening to me and dawn gleams.

١٠. أشكو إلى الليل سهادي وقد
نام عن الشكوى وعن لحى لاحْ

11. O my heart, where is your patience with her beauty?
And you, my eyelid, where is the dawn?

١١. يا قلبُ أين الصبرُ عن حسنه
وأنتَ يا جفنيَ أين الصباحْ

12. Ah, turtle-dove of the sandhill, you are she
Whose love makes me sad; then you sang and plained.

١٢. أيه حمامَ الأيكِ أنتَ الذي
أحزنهُ وجدي فغنَّى وناحْ

13. The tears have emboldened you, and longing for her
Has wasted me, so grant me your wing’s protection!

١٣. أغرَّكَ الدمع وقد شفَّني
الشوقُ إليه فأعرني الجناحْ

14. Your love for the branches and mine for her amount to this:
I swore the forbidden is like the permissible.

١٤. وجدك بالأغصان وجدي بها
أقسمت ما الممنوع مثل المباحْ

15. The valley of ardour and love-desire attracts me;
What encampments has it harboured, pierced with spears!

١٥. يشوقني وادي الحمى واللوى
أي مراح قد حمتهُ الرّماحْ

16. Her estrangement has a wonted practice,
Such are the traits of every gently nurtured gazelle.

١٦. وغادة هجري لها عادةٌ
تلك سجايا كل رودٍ رداحْ

17. How excellent is the black-eyed gazelle possessed by that tribe,
Sweet her throat, jesting and graceful her gait!

١٧. كم حاز ذلك الشعبُ من طفلةٍ
غيداء حلوٌ جدُّها والمزاحْ

18. She sang a Lahn of swooning and I inhaled
The fragrance of the budding branches of the ban.

١٨. لحنَ عشاء باسماتٍ فشمْ
غصونَ بانٍ مثمراتٍ أقاحْ

19. Each day a lover is slain after refusal
Or fever, then gains his desire and takes it by force.

١٩. في كل يومٍ عاشقٌ يستبي
بعد امتناع أو حمى يستباحْ

20. Say to her who asks the people of passion about me
In wonderment: “Do not ask, seeking to please!”

٢٠. قل للتي تسألُ أهل الحمى
عنّي عجباً لا سؤال ارتياحْ

21. Wonderful that I have lived after them!
Had one like you died of love, he would have found rest.

٢١. تعجباً أن عشتُ من بعدهم
لو مات من حبّكم لاستراحْ

22. But I was kept alive by the favour of the noble one
Of gentle birth, well-bred, endowed with clemency.

٢٢. وإنما أحيته نعمى يد الفاضلِ
خدن الجودِ تربِ السَّماحْ

23. Lord of wishes, fertile, beautiful,
And of the sweet, pure Euphrates, brigand of souls.

٢٣. ربّ المراد الخصبِ المجتلى
والموردِ العذب الفرات القراحْ

24. Had the sea of his munificence not flowed to mankind,
It would have journeyed to seek them, wandering about.

٢٤. لو لم يرد بحر نداهُ الورى
لسار يبغيهم نداه وساحْ

25. O best of men in dwelling, and most chaste in character,
Pleasantest in jest of all the deadly serious!

٢٥. يا ابن أجلِّ الناس بيتاً
على النجم وأزكاهم جميعاً مزاحْ

26. I would establish, if you were pleased, gardens of contentment
Which, if the wind of fear blew on, would be laid waste.

٢٦. لأثبتُ من رضوى جناناً إذا
رضوى دحتهُ ريحُ خوفٍ فطاحْ

27. Exultant in praise of the giver of his morning draught,
Which takes from his love what the dawn takes from joy.

٢٧. مغتبقٌ بالحمد نشوانُ من
قهوتهِ صبٌّ إلى الاصطباحْ

28. He seizes thereby from the Exalted
What the dawn takes from delight and pleasance.

٢٨. يأخذهُ من وجده بالعلى
ما يأخذ الصبَّ من الابتياحْ

29. And every jealous one in his abode
Exulted in him, then assaulted the red camels.

٢٩. وكل غيرانَ أغار القرى
في دوره فاغتال حمر اللقاحْ

30. His rest has accustomed restfulness to dwell with well-being,
And in war, the clashing of arms with arms.

٣٠. قد عوّدتْ راحته راحة العافي
وفي الحرب صفاح الصفاحْ

31. If war’s lightning flashed around their abodes,
They said to the lance-bearers: “Do not go away!”

٣١. إنْ لفحت حرب بأبياتهم
قالوا لأطراف القنا لا براحْ

32. They exchanged the wealth of their enemies
For that they should have either a wine-flask or cups.

٣٢. قد بدلوا أموال أعدائهم
بحيث أمَّا قدح أو قداحْ

33. You may take at will from the gazelles that pasture
At the spring of modesty, lion and insolent.

٣٣. ما شئت من ظبي حمى مورد
الحياء من خدّيه ليثٌ وقاحْ

34. Choice in countenance and nose,
In soul flowers of joy and comfort.

٣٤. أولي الوجوه والأنوف الشمّ
والأنفسِ الزُّهر من الارتياحْ

35. How often he brought bliss to an assembly whose portion
Was misery, and sprinkled with bounty the wing of success!

٣٥. كم أمَّهُ من مقعدٍ حظهُ
وراش بالجود جناح النجاحْ

36. And saved many a man of the age from the
Injustice, after grievous wrong, with patent equity.

٣٦. ومستغيث من زمانٍ حوى
عدلاً صريحاً بعد ظللم صراحْ

37. He bestows generously, like rain, upon grief
From our woes—such as is the portion of outcasts.

٣٧. يجود كالغيث على الحزن
من أحوالنا منه كحظّ البطاحْ

38. O you whose favour has healed my sickness of estrangement
And it had multiplied wounds within me!

٣٨. يا آمناً جرح اختلالي بنعماهُ
وقد أثخن فيَّ الجراحْ

39. My fortune opposed me—and who is it
That fate casts down despite his will?

٣٩. عاندني دهري ومن ذا الذي
أنزلهُ الدهرُ على الاقتراحْ

40. The days, your servants, have warred
Against my endurance, and I have cast away my arms.

٤٠. عبيدكَ الأيامُ قد حاربتْ
صبري وقد ألقى إليها السلاحْ

41. Poetry protected me when the noble steeds
Failed me—God forbid the boats should fail!

٤١. حمت عليَّ الشعر مذ أعوز
الأجيادُ حاشاك وعزَّ الملاحْ

42. Had it not been for you, I would not have attributed
Lineage to past time or praise to the present.

٤٢. لولاك لم أنسب ولم أعرف
الدهر على دهر ولا الامتداحْ

43. Whatever you have decided to afflict me with,
Apart from separation from you and avoidance.

٤٣. ما شئتَ عاقبني به عامداً
سوى بعادي عنك والانتزاحْ

44. Do not cast me off, I have a reason
For which my past flow of youth refuses disgrace.

٤٤. لا تطرحني إنَّ لي منطقاً
ماضي الشَّبا يأبى لي الافتضاح

45. So may the wings of my hopes, like the face of dawn,
Gleam, since the mother of well-being shone in your circle!

٤٥. فجنح آمالي كوجه الضُّحى
مذ لاح في ناديك أمَّ الفلاحْ

46. Your doors are closed to me, yet to
The world they have opened wide.

٤٦. تضيق أبوابك عني وقد
أضحتْ على العالمِ جمعاً فساحْ

47. How many noble and how many suppliant
For inviolable honour and lawful portion!

٤٧. كم لك في العافينَ والوفد منْ
عرضٍ مصونٍ ونوالٍ مباحْ

48. You have beautified by your goodness the faces
Of the noble, and before your beautifying they were ugly.

٤٨. حسَّنتَ بالفضل وجوهَ العلى
وقبل تحسينك كانت قباحْ

49. So, O son of hopes, I am a man
Who has curbed the greed of close-fisted hands.

٤٩. فيا بني الآمال إني أمروءٌ
كففتُ عن شيم الأكفّ الشحاحْ

50. I have struggled with contentment by night, and contentment,
Though the going is hard, spurns being carried.

٥٠. كافحتُ بالقنع ليليَّ وللقنعُ
وإن جلَّ ضعيفُ الطفاحْ

51. Loss of me made an abject man mighty,
When I had been harsh and ungentle toward them.

٥١. فقدتني قودَ ذليل وقد كنتُ
عليهنَّ شديدَ الجماحْ

52. How many a wise man has time blotted out,
As though dispatching him with erasure!

٥٢. كم من نبيهٍ قد عفا ذكرهُ
كأنما عاجلهُ محو ماحْ

53. The nights have spoken of him—but
The nights’ discourses are veridical.

٥٣. تحدَّثت عنهُ الليالي ألا
إنَّ أحاديث الليالي صحاحْ

54. Dumb, but verily their deeds
In respect of them are eloquent.

٥٤. عجماءَ ألاَّ أنَّ أفعالها
في كونها تعربُ عنها فصاحْ

55. Would that he who has no favour
Should reciprocate, not complain!

٥٥. فليتَ من ليست لهُ نعمةٌ
قابلها بالشكر لا الاجتراحْ

56. So be as a heart to a heart whose patience
Was lost when every sorrow came to it by turns.

٥٦. فكنْ لقلبٍ قلبٍ صبرهُ
غدا عليه كلُّ همٍ رواحْ

57. And listen to aperc ̧u of a love-sick, heart-stricken one,
Purer than the full moons, or than white tumblers!

٥٧. واسمعْ قريضاً هام وجداً بهِ
بيضُ المقاصير وبيضُ الأداحْ

58. Let him be choked who is choked
By listening, as though you made him drink lees.

٥٨. يثملُ من يثملُ في سمعهِ
كأنما سقيتهُ كأس راحْ

59. And say to him who has tried to censure me: “Does the
Roaring of lions resemble the barking of curs?”

٥٩. وقلْ لمن حاول نظمي أتَّئد
ليس زئيرُ الأسدِ مثلَ النباحْ