1. He brought joy to the world with his noble character and virtues
He brought prosperity to the land with his towering achievements
١. ليهن الورى برء العلى والفضائل
هناء الثرى بالمدجنات الهواطل
2. He illuminated the radiant morn with his features
And clarified obscurities in the minds of the astute
٢. لقد شرحت صدر الضحى قسماته
وردت وضوحاً في وجوه الأصائل
3. The stern priest has become gentle due to his kindness
And the hopeless smiled again after despair
٣. وأصبح قس مائلاً في إياده
وأنشر بعد اليأس سحبان وائل
4. The barren clouds rained on the countries for his sake
And the sterile camels became pregnant after infertility
٤. سقت أنمل السحب البلاد لأجله
وأتأم بعد العقم حمل الخمائل
5. The seeds of his life sprouted everywhere
And idle hands became active due to his motivation
٥. لقد حل في الآفاق حبوته الحيا
فحلت أيادي مزنه كل عاطل
6. He shook the teats of the wet nurses like the youth shook them
As well as the curvaceous breasts of the ladies of Babylon
٦. وهز قدود البان ناشئة الصبا
كما هز عطف الشرب قهوة بابل
7. May God never allow the protector of Yemen to face distress
Lest the hopes of the virtuous become disappointed in his grace
٧. أبي الله أن تدعو أبا اليمن أزمة
فيخفق في نعماه ظن الأفاضل
8. The clouds will never cease raining goodness with his blessings
As rain differs from droplets of dew
٨. ولن تخلف الأنواء مزن بنانه
وبينهما ما بين طل ووابل
9. The rust on minds disappeared due to his personality's shine
And the darkness of ignorance faded in the sunlight of his virtues
٩. جلا صدأ الأذهان صيقل شخصه
وجلت ظلام الجهل شمس الفضائل
10. He rose like the morning sun in the valley of Bajaya
The morning light manifested without any obstacles
١٠. فما كان إلا الصبح ليث بدجية
تجلت وضوء الصبح ليس بحائل
11. Why did he become so lean that it unveiled
The waist of the delicate gazelle under her dress
١١. وما شانه هذا النحول الذي عرى
واقطع هندي الظبي كل ناحل
12. And if the fever had ravaged his body
Were it not for dignity, it would have reached the organs
١٢. وإن عاثت الحمى ضلالاً بجسمه
فلولا اللظى لم يمه حد المناصل
13. Freshness increases his natural glow despite the fire
And guidance reforms the deviances of the wanton
١٣. يزيد النضار الطلق بالنار رفعة
ويذب بالتثقيف زيغ الذوابل
14. The foremost of mankind in knowledge and protection
And the second in generosity with overflowing springs
١٤. أسيد أهل الأرض علماً وسؤدداً
وثاني بكي الجود غزر المناهل
15. With you my two stars shine the highest
An astute view remains in advice without fading
١٥. بأفقك نجمي في العلى غير آفل
ورأي حصيف في النهى غير فائل
16. As long as the light of knowledge does not diminish
Feeble, and the worth of the noble is not subdued
١٦. وما دمت لا نور العلوم بخامد
ضئيل ولا قدر العفاة بخامل