
The sky of darkness displayed the flowers of its armies,

عرضت سماء الدجنِ زهر جنودها

1. The sky of darkness displayed the flowers of its armies,
And the folds of barrenness were covered by the fluttering of its tenderness.

١. عرضتْ سماء الدجنِ زهرَ جنودها
وسرتْ فراعَ الجدبَ خفقُ بنودها

2. Its arrows for its trains, its swords for its lightning,
Its brilliance and its firmness for its thunder.

٢. فسهامها لقطارها وسيوفها
لبروقها وقسيها لرعودها

3. The unique one adorned with life,
A sweet perfume emanated from her unique attire,

٣. وفريدةِ العرصاتِ ضمخها الحيا
طيباً تضوّع في ثياب فريدها

4. Camphor of pleasant air which amber of its diffusion emanated,
With water of roses from which musk of its plains emanated.

٤. كافورُ جوٍ عنهُ عنبرُ نشرها
ذو ماءِ وردٍ منهُ مسكُ صعيدها

5. A singer slept on anxiety as if
She whispered to the breezes and murmured to its coolness.

٥. غنّاء نمّ على الحا نمامها
ووشى على الأنواء وشيُ برودها

6. I was commanded with her beauty so I completed it,
She sprinkled ornamentation on the world and scattered its necklaces.

٦. كلفت بها فلزهوها بكمالها
نثرت على الدنيا نظامَ عقودها

7. The stars of flowers blossomed above its branches,
Like planets in the mansions of its happiness.

٧. زهرت نجوم الزّهر فوقَ غصونها
مثلَ الكواكب في بروج سعودها

8. And she tightened the Davidic
Melodies when they overflow in their singing.

٨. وشدت على الأفنان داوديّةُ
الألحان حين تفيض في تغريدها

9. Its meadows spoke of the excellence of its spring,
Like the orator on the sandalwood pulpit.

٩. نطقت بفضل ربيعها ربوعها
مثلَ الخطيب على ذوابة عودها

10. She recites on the branches the verses of its breeze,
Thus the length of its bowing and prostration.

١٠. تتلو على الأغصان آي نسيمها
فلذاك طولُ ركوعها وسجودها

11. If it were not for her incapacity, she would have cast
On the Eternal a necklace around its neck.

١١. من كلّ لدنِ القدّ لولا عجزها
ألقت عليه قلادةً في جيدها

12. Its braids grayed, and that is wondrous,
That it grays before parting from its beloved.

١٢. شابت ذوائبها وتلك عجبيةٌ
أتشيبُ قبلَ فراقها لمهودها

13. So the nobility of the two dynasties were watered
And the life of my eyelids was watered at the door of its post.

١٣. فسقى ذرى الشرفين صيّبُ مزنها
وسقى حيا جفنيّ بابَ بريدها

14. My homelands, my places which I blame
In other than it and am blamed in its absence.

١٤. أوطانُ أوطاري الذي أنا عاذلٌ
في غيرها ومعذّلٌ في غيدها

15. Make me forget from my heart the place of its night,
And deprive my eyes of the bliss of its affection.

١٥. اخلينَ من قلبي مكانَ سلوهِ
وسلبنَ من عيني لذيذَ هجودها

16. And I refused infatuation, if not for infatuation I would not
Implore people for the promises of its covenants.

١٦. وأبي الهوى لولا الهوى ما بتُّ
أستسقي العبادَ لماحلاتِ عهودها

17. Its gazelles dismissed me and its lions,
I have no power over its gazelles or its lions.

١٧. ظبياتها عنفت عليَّ وأسدها
ما لي يدٌ بظبائها وأسودها

18. They shook the highlands below it as if
They prevented the slenderness of its wrists with its wrists.

١٨. هزّوا العوالي دونها فكأنما
منعوا رشاقَ قدودها بقدودها

19. Entrust me with the snatcher of the waist, the chirping
Of glances, the cuddling of attire, and its calmness.

١٩. كلفي بمخطفة القوامِ طريرةِ
الألحاظ هيفاءِ المعاطفِ رودها

20. Delicate in movement, youth pulls her
As youth pulls the gentle long robe.

٢٠. خوطيّة الحركات جاذبها الصبا
جذبَ الصبا ما لان من أملودها

21. Her buttocks weighed down and her waist thinned,
So she is tempted when standing by sitting.

٢١. ثقلت روادفها وخفَّ قوامها
فتهمُّ عند قيامها بقعودها

22. I die by it and my solace lives,
And passion lies between its threats and promises.

٢٢. ابداً تموتُ بها وتحيا سلوتي
والوجدُث بين وعيدها ووعودها

23. You were stingy so my soul was deprived,
If only your generosity gave me life by its life.

٢٣. بخلت فروحي يا عذولُ فقيدةٌ
هلا حباني جودها بوجودها

24. For death lies between being near it and being far,
And death lies between its association and its separation.

٢٤. فالموت بين دنوها وبعادها
والموتُ بين وصاها وصدودها

25. If one day I deny what my eyelids claim,
Then the star is part of its testimonies.

٢٥. إن أنكرت من مقلتي ما تدعي
يوماً فانَّ النجمَ بعضُ شهودها

26. For I folded the stars of many a shining one
One day by the delight of the eye that slumbers.

٢٦. فلربَّ داجيةٍ طويتُ نجومها
يوماً بحظ العينِ من تسهدها

27. And a poem whose necklace houses adorned
With praise of the crown of religion the home I sought.

٢٧. وقصيدةٍ حليت جيد بيوتها
بثناءِ تاج الدين بيتِ نشدها

28. To my eloquent brother speaking of my father of greatness,
Aspiring through his glory the son of his glory.

٢٨. بأخي الفصاحة ناطقاً بأبي المعالي
ساعياً بمجيدها ابن مجيدها

29. The cliffs of glory used to prevent themselves
But by your determination the difficult cliffs subsided.

٢٩. كانت شعابُ المجدِ تمنعُ نفسها
لكن بكندةَ هان صعب كنودها

30. With its crescent as the pillar of its sky,
Its minarets protect the pillar of its building.

٣٠. بأساس علياها هلالِ سمائها
فينان دوحتها مقر عمودها

31. How often I emigrated to it as if
I had cloaked myself in patience the heart of the envious.

٣١. كم جبتُ هاجرةً إليه كأنها
وقد اشتملت الصبر قلب حسودها

32. The aspirant despaired from what he climbed of heights,
The master of the lofty is not like its erected pillar.

٣٢. أعيا المحاولَ ما ارتقاه من العلى
ما سيّدُ العلياءِ مثل مسودها

33. The king of kings - and what a subject of merit
Ordinary or lowly like its commoners and servants.

٣٣. ملكُ الملوكِ وما مليك فضيلةٍ
عاديةٍ كرعاعها وعبيدها

34. He is the sky and the rays of his essence
Are like the stars manifest beyond enumeration.

٣٤. فهوَ السَّماءُ ونيراتُ خلالهِ
مثلُ النجوم تجلّ عن تعديدها

35. Of a family the nobility of which became
Subjugated to its ancestors and forefathers.

٣٥. من أسرةٍ أضحى العلاءُ بأسرهِ
مستعبداً لجدودها وجدودها

36. The victorious by every unsheathed, sharpened white sword
Calling the zeal of Yathrib and its resolve.

٣٦. المنجدون بكلِّ أبيضَ صارمٍ
داعي تهائمِ يثرب ونجودها

37. And those who, when discord blazed,
Made the water of blades responsible for its flames.

٣٧. والجاعلونَ وقد تأجَّجت الوغى
ماءَ الطُّلى متكفلاً بخمودها

38. From every reputable clan whose reputation
They sacrificed while it was still cloaked in its skin.

٣٨. من كلِّ ذمرٍ لا يباح ذمارهُ
بذلوه وهو معفَّر في بيدها

39. Their platforms became narrow and its air shone
With the witnesses of its martyrs and the spirit of its martyr.

٣٩. غصَّت مناكبها وأشرق جوَّها
برماح شاهدها وروح شهيدها

40. They wore iron in their hearts so their bodies would not
Sense any harm in losing its iron.

٤٠. لبست قلوبهم الحديد فلم تبل
أجسامهم بأساً بفقدِ حديدها

41. A people, if hearts craved, their spears
They made into their tongues instead of their throats.

٤١. قومٌ إذا بغت القلوبَ رماحهم
وضعوا اسنتها مكانَ حقودها

42. And if they smelled the lightning of their clouds,
They made the clouds their concern after its clouds.

٤٢. وإذا همُ شاموا بروق غمودهم
تخذوا الغمودَ الهامَ بعد غمودها

43. Steadfast on steeds, if they intended for war,
The steadfastness of their skins did not waver.

٤٣. الثابتون على الجياد إذا همُ
هّموا إلى حربٍ ثباتَ جلودها

44. And if a brigade approached, their reins were not shaken
From watering its prey from the flow of its stream.

٤٤. وإذا الكتيبة أقبلت لم يئنِ وازعـ
ـهم ظباهم عن ورود وريدها

45. So whiteness suns rose for their setting,
And darkness stars traveled for their stillness.

٤٥. فشموسُ بيضٍ أطلعت لغروبها
ونجومُ سمرٍ سيرتْ لركودها

46. O you whose iron grays, and time
Ragged, the call of its newborn is lost.

٤٦. يا من يشيبُ له الحديد وساعةٌ
خرقاءُ مفقودٌ نداءُ وليدها

47. Divert the hopes of the helpless with their generosity,
The white blades and the envious with its blackness.

٤٧. لثنوا أمانيَّ العفاةِ بجودهم
بيضَ الطلى والحاسدين بسودها

48. By your banner it is the lamp of its horizon,
By the brilliance of your face it is the dawn of its feast.

٤٨. قسماً بعلمك فهو نيرُ أفقها
وبهاء وجهكَ فهو صبحةُ عيدها

49. You mounted the lofty summits of glory
That the people of the world despaired of ascending its ascent.

٤٩. لقد امتطيتَ من المعالي صهوةً
أعيا بني الدنيا صعودُ صعودها

50. How often I arranged my palms in necklaces of praise
Beyond the necklaces of pearls in their stringing.

٥٠. كم نظَّمت كفّي عقودَ مدائحٍ
فاقت عقودَ الدرّ في تنضيدها

51. Like scattered pearls, and if a noble's matter
Denies what I said, our vomit will pulverize its gravel.

٥١. كالذرّ عاطرةٌ فإن جحدَ أمروء
ما قلتهُ فقيأتنا بنديدها

52. They are the stray rhymes for your praise,
The slaves have become while it is part of its slaves.

٥٢. هنَّ القوافي الشارداتُ لمدحكم
أضحى عبيدٌ وهو بعض عبيدها

53. From every stray meaning in its inclusion,
A wisdom benefits the mind the mind of its straying.

٥٣. من كلَّ معنى شاردٍ في ضمنهِ
حكمٌ يفيد العقل عقلُ شرودها

54. I have gilded it with prose the day after
I gilded it in verse, so it wandered having differing currencies.

٥٤. حبرَّتها نقداً غداة منحتها
نقداً فتاهت لاختلافِ نقودها

55. It adorns majesty, instructs its Lord, listening to it,
Clarifying, a tongue repeating its renewal.

٥٥. تكسو الجلالةَ ربَّها والفهم
سامعها وإيضاحاً لسانً معيدها

56. Like wine, beautiful in the palms of its cupbearer,
In the face of its drinker, and in its clusters.

٥٦. كالخمر حسناً في أكفّ سقاتها
وبوجهِ شاربها وفي عنقودها

57. O spreader of precious knowledge, collected
In the folds of its panels and its patched cloak.

٥٧. يا منشرَ العلم الفقيدِ ثوت حشاشـ
ـتهُ خلالَ صفيحها ولحودها

58. I have a desire for it and detachment from the people
Of the world who distracted me from seeking its ascetic.

٥٨. لي رغبةٌ فيهِ وزهدٌ في بني الدنـ
ـيا ثناني عن طلاب زهيدها

59. That the new distracted my sight
From a pleasure attained by the beauty of its new.

٥٩. أنَّ الجديدين استمالا ناظري
عن لذَّةٍ يصيبه حسنُ جديدها

60. You brought my distant hope near while you still
Remain a blessing to a hopeful and its distant.

٦٠. قربتَ من أملي البعيد ولا تزل
لقريب منَّةِ آملٍ وبعيدها