1. My heart is silenced, though wounded by his arrows,
Why then bloodstains upon his cheeks?
١. أصمتْ فؤادي مقلتاه باسهمِ
فعلامَ في خديه آثار الدمِ
2. His veil entangled me in youth,
Flowing with saliva - separation made it sweetly smile.
٢. علقته طامي الوشاح من الصبا
ريَّانَ مرَّ الهجر عذب المبسمِ
3. He issues legal opinions, though his doctrine denies it,
Deeming lawful the sweet union, and killing a Muslim legal.
٣. يفتي ومذهبه الخلاف بمنعه
عذب اللَّمى ويبيح قتل المسلمِ
4. His golden cheek marked with a beauty spot,
Sings the praises of his mole to the deprived.
٤. ذهبيّ خدٍّ بالعذار مسطّر
يغني بحبَّة خاله للمعدمِ
5. As if it were a gold coin in the hand of the noble,
And the full moon in the hand of night, like a silver coin.
٥. فكأنَّه الدينار في كفِّ الكرى
والبدر في كفِّ الدجى كالدرهمِ
6. Beauty is not made public, so it prances about
In a shining face under the darkness of night.
٦. ليس الجمال مشهَّراً فاختال في
وجه مضيءٍ تحت ليل مظلمِ
7. For his face is an embroidered brocade,
And a garment is deficient if unembroidered.
٧. فلوجهه ديباجةٌ مرقومة
والثوبُ منقوصٌ إذا لم يرقمِ
8. I spent the treasure of my tears in loving him
Even his reproacher and blamer.
٨. انفقتُ كنزَ مدامعي في حبه
حتى على عذَّاله واللوَّم
9. And he dressed in the garb of sickness, silent,
Why then did he take off the adorned beauty?
٩. ولبسةُ ثوبَ السقم أصفر مصمتاً
فعلامَ يخلع في الجمال المعلمِ
10. He continues to shun me and denies access to his phantom
Until I resented the sleepy eyes their sleep.
١٠. ما زال يهجرني ويمنعُ طيفهُ
حتى سخطت على الجفون النوَّمِ
11. If only I could erase the signs of darkness in the morning
Or awaken every worried soul.
١١. فلو استطعت محوتُ آياتِ الدُّجى
بالصبح أو أيقظتُ كلَّ مهومِ
12. And how often I rode to him in deep gloom at night
With my tears resembling the darkest gloom.
١٢. ولكم ركبتُ إليه ليلاً أدهماً
ومدامعي شبه الظلام الأدهمِ
13. And the brown eyes of the living are not downcast
In them, and the face of fire is not veiled.
١٣. وعيونُ سمر الحيِّ غير هواجعِ
فيه ووجه النار غير ملثَّمِ
14. As if the rest of the stars were flames
A blossom strolling on a brimming vessel.
١٤. وكأنَّ سائرة النجوم فواقعٌ
زهرٌ تجول على إناء مفعمِ
15. From every sleepless one, from every languishing eyelid,
From every anguished heart pining.
١٥. من كلِّ أسهر من جفون مدلَّهٍ
رمدٍ وأخفقَ من فؤادِ متيَّمِ
16. My friend wherever you sit secluded,
Rise, for misery is the ugliest mark.
١٦. يا صاحبي حيث الجلوس خصاصةٌ
انهض فإنَّ الذلَّ أقبح ميسمِ
17. The Indian sword knows not its edge,
Else it would not stir except in a determined right hand.
١٧. فالصارم الهندي يجهل حدّه
وإلا ثر إلاَّ في يمين مصمّمِ
18. What do I, what do days have, diminished with them
My fortune, though they witnessed my precedence?
١٨. ما لي وللأيَّام أخّر عندها
حظّي وقد شهدت بفضل تقدمي