
I despaired, where is the way of patience?

جزعت وأين سبيل الجلد

1. I despaired, where is the way of patience?
This separation and decrease in number!

١. جزعتُ وأين سبيلُ الجلَدْ
وهذا الفراقُ ونقصُ العددْ

2. You blame my sickness and crying,
While your affection melts my body.

٢. تلومُ على سقمي والبكاءِ
حنانيكَ فالدمعُ ذوبُ الجسدِ

3. May God prolong the life of an unjust time,
And accomplish its events and struggle.

٣. لحى الله دهراً بغى ظالماً
وبالغَ حادثهُ واجتهد

4. It did not describe any distress that pleased me,
Nor were its moments free of misery.

٤. فلم يصفُ من كدرٍ وردُهُ
ولم تخلُ أوقاته من نكد

5. I wished you well, O Generous one,
Though hastened before reaching the time.

٥. رزُئتُكَ عيسى وأنت الجوادُ
عُوجلَ قبلَ بلوغِ الأمد

6. You have certainly amazed most people,
You are truly the Savior they believe in.

٦. لقد بُهرجَ الناسَ إلا القليلَ
وإنك للخالصُ المعتقد

7. The doves came to you as if the doves
Came to you having scratched and picked them.

٧. أتاك الحمامُ كأنَّ الحمام
أتاك وقد حكهم وانتقد

8. By God! Which crescent has vanished?
By God! Which sword went back in its sheath?

٨. فللهِ أيُّ هلالٍ هوى
وللهِ أيَّ حسامٍ غَمد

9. I lost you when grey hair appeared,
If only the youth found what was lost!

٩. فقدتُكَ عند وجود المشيبِ
فليتَ الفتى واجدٌ ما فقد

10. Welcome, welcome to the rider from his she-camel,
Welcome, welcome to the guest that visited!

١٠. فسقياً لشخصكَ من راحلٍ
وأهلاً وسهلاً بضيفٍ وفد

11. I used to cry for the slightest harm,
That bothered you from anxiety or sleepiness.

١١. وقد كنتُ أبكي لأدنى أذى
ينالك من قلقٍ أو سَهَد

12. And I fear an hour in which I do not see you,
So I wished between eternity and perdition.

١٢. وأشفقُ من ساعةٍ لا أراك
بها فمنيتُ ببين الأبد

13. Neither the water in the back of a desolate land quenched my thirst,
Nor did the shade in the belly of a cold valley cool me.

١٣. فلا الماءُ في ظهر شماء ساغَ ولا
الظلُّ في بطنِ وادٍ برد

14. If you preceded me on the path of eternity,
Then I am on the course of that aim.

١٤. وإن جزتَ قبلي طريق المدى
فإني على نهجِ ذاك الجدْ

15. And if after you I freely raved,
Before you I was a captive of gloom.

١٥. وإن كنتُ بعدُ طليقَ الردى
فإني قبلُ أسير الكسَد

16. You leaned when on the day you lost your brother,
And it was followed by you establishing the poles.

١٦. حنى صعدتي يومُ فقدي أخاك
وأعقبه فأقمت الأأوَدْ

17. And I hoped for what was lost from you in you,
The death of enemies and life of envy.

١٧. وأمَّلتُ ما فاتني منهُ فيك
مماتَ العدى وحياةَ الحسد

18. You were taken and a father's refusal did not fill my chest with you,
Nor an ancestor's refusal of an ancestor.

١٨. خُطفتَ ولم يملأ الصدرَ منك
إباءُ أبٍ فيك أو جدُّ جد

19. And before entering the dreadful fray,
And your tearing [death] painfully by fate.

١٩. ومن قبلِ خوضِ حشا غارةٍ
وشقِكَ ملمومةً من زرد

20. I wander between your two graves sadly,
Why not when my heart and liver are with it?

٢٠. أهيمُ بقبريكما حنَّةَ
ولم لا وقلبي بهِ والكبد

21. A second the bitterness of which does not subside,
And a first the heat of which does not diminish.

٢١. فثانيةٌ مرُّها ما حلا
وأولةٌ حرُّها ما خمد

22. Woe to you two, a beneficial loss,
Though it was disliked being near the Worshipped Lord.

٢٢. ويا لكما فرطاً نافعاً
وإن ساءني في جوار الصمد

23. So patience upon His destiny,
To Him patience, His rules cannot be rejected.

٢٣. فصبراً عل قضاهُ الإ
لهُ صبراً فأحكامه لا تُرد

24. The end of creation is what it attained,
And the fate of all creation is what came to pass.

٢٤. فآخرةُ الخلق ما نالهُ
ووردُ جميع الورى ما ورد

25. I used to display anguish over calamities,
Even if it was specific to me and lonely.

٢٥. وقد كنتُ منرداً بالمُصابِ
ولو كان خصَّ بهِ وانفرد

26. And if you thought me lonely after you, O brother,
God made the country desolate without you.

٢٦. وإن كنتَ آنستَ بعدي أخاك
فقد أوحشَ اللهُ منكَ البلد

27. I wouldn't live the likes of it,
But it is a term or time.

٢٧. وما كنتُ أحيا على مثلها
ولكنَّه أجلٌ أو أمد

28. You are of a group whose concern
Is not for the possessed of injuries and wounds.

٢٨. وأنكَ من معشرٍ همهم
بغير ذوات اللمى والغيد

29. For them the letter meem, how many have become teary-eyed,
By their merits, and were cured from blindness.

٢٩. لها ميمَ كم أرمدوا مقلةً
بفضلهم وشفوا من رمد

30. If they resided, no storms frightened them,
And if they set out towards grave affairs, they sat.

٣٠. وإن سكنوا لم يُخفْ عاصفٌ
وأن نهضوا نحو خطبٍ قعد

31. Either a preceding leader or a succeeding follower,
Your father who begot you suffices you.

٣١. وإما تلا سابقاً لاحقٌ
فحسبكَ من والدٍ ما ولد

32. And if they stab with the spears of censure, I saw
The outstretched elevated positions aim.

٣٢. وإن طاعنوا برماحِ اليراع رأ
يت مديدَ العوالي قِصَد

33. By the decision of fate and its clarification,
And the tying of matters and untying of knots.

٣٣. بفصل القضاء وإيضاحِه
وعقدِ الأمور وحلِّ العُقد

34. Have mercy on someone whose heart,
For your afflictions has worn all bandages.

٣٤. فوارحمتا لكَ من ناحلٍ
فؤادي لبلواه جمُّ الضَّمَد

35. It turns the gaze of its eyes,
And if it intends to hasten it, it cannot.

٣٥. يُدير كليلةَ ألحاظِهِ
ون رام إسراعها لم يكد

36. So it knows me apart from those groups, and heads
Towards me apart from those grandchildren.

٣٦. فيعرفني دونَ تلك الجموع ويقصد
ني دون تلك الحفَد

37. And it complains even if it is not speaking
By sending a glance or extending a hand.

٣٧. ويشكو وإن لم يكن ناطقاً
بإرساله اللحظَ أو مدٍِ يد

38. And who do I have, if I could heal
What was retained of wealth or locked up?

٣٨. ومن لي لو أستطيعُ الشفاءِ بما
حُزُ من ثروةٍ أو صفَد

39. I wished if the departed had lived,
His life would be eternal if alive everlasting.

٣٩. وإني كنتُ وعاشَ الفقيدُ
فخلدَ لو أنَّ حياً خلَد

40. I asked for beauty so others insulted it
Nothing of an eye or cheek turned away.

٤٠. سلوتُ الحسانَ فغيري سباهُ ما
شاقَ من عينٍ أو جيَد

41. The fires did not subside within my folds,
Even if it was woven with ice.

٤١. ولم تُطف ناري الثنايا العذابُ
وإن كنَّ منظومةً من برد

42. How can I incline towards a beloved,
While my flesh is between the fangs of a lion?

٤٢. وكيف أخفُّ إلى صبوةٍ
ولحمي بين نيوب الأسد

43. Oh death! What purpose is hoped from you?
What bribery relied upon?

٤٣. فيا موتُ ما لكَ من غايةٍ
تُرجى ولا رشوةٍ تعتمد

44. You turn not away harm from anyone,
Nor stop at a limit.

٤٤. ولا أنت عن أحدِ صارفٌ
أذاةً ولا واقفٌ عند حدّ

45. You seize the brave and the coward equally,
The claws of a lion like a baaing goat.

٤٥. أخذتَ الشجاع كأخذ الجبانِ
وصائلةَ الأسد مثلَ النقَد

46. Oh sole consolation of his loved ones,
Honor is difficult without you now you're singled out.

٤٦. فيا مفرداً من أحبائهِ
وعزَّ على المجد كيف انفرد

47. May God water your grave from a vanished cloud,
And fulfill the good He promised you.

٤٧. سقى الله قبرَك من هالكٍ
وأنجزَ من برهِ ما وعَد

48. May it be covered by every soft foliage,
Orderly greenery and scattered light.

٤٨. وألحفُه كلَّ فينانةٍ
نباتاً نظيماً ونوراً بدد

49. May it shake off anyone chasing its branches,
And lump together its water that flows.

٤٩. وهزَّ مطاردَ أغصانِه
وجعَّد من مائه ما اطرَّد

50. When the downpour strips off its garments,
It doubles its meadows or flows down.

٥٠. إذا نثلَ الغيثُ منه السها
مَ ضاعفَ أدراعهُ أو سرد

51. And if an opponent wipes the water of the eyes,
Its own generous gift flows or streams.

٥١. وإن عارضٌ سحَّ ماءَ الجفون
فشحَّ سخا غيرهُ أو نهَد

52. Its clothes are always renewed, flowing
Over its plains and mounds.

٥٢. فأثوابه جددٌ لا تزالُ تـ
ـرفُ على سهلهِ والجدَد

53. You would reach my fallen house that you were
Its pillar and support.

٥٣. لأدركَ بيتي خفيُّ السنادِ وقد
كنتَ علياءهُ والسنَد

54. What you sowed of grief in me, is it surprising?
How not when the water of my eyes does not dry?

٥٤. فما زرعُ حزنك عندي ذوي
وكيفَ وما ماءُ عيني ثمَد

55. When the blamers circled me I obeyed anguish
And disobeyed violent undoing.

٥٥. ولما أطافَ بي اللائمونَ أطعـ
ـتُ الأسى وعصيتُ الفَنَد

56. It is reprehensible to blame the grieving one,
When he cries remembering who he lost.

٥٦. وإنَّ من اللؤم لومَ الحزينِ
إذا ما بكى ذاكراً من فقد