1. The lover remains awake though he has no desire;
Like the soul to the body that houses it.
١. يقضي المحب وليس يقضي حاجة
في نفسه كالنفس في جثمانها
2. My love defied the knowledge of slanderers, so it became
Impossible for the slanderer to rein it in.
٢. عزت على علم الوشاة فأصبحت
لا يملك الواشي أبي عنانها
3. It constricted my chest, and if it took pity on me
The chest of an era would constrict to conceal it.
٣. ضاقت على صدري ولو يمنى بها
صدر لزمان لضاق عن كتمانها
4. Patience and resolve were depleted from the start,
As was the passion of the enamored youth to resist it.
٤. نفد التجلد والنوى في بدئها
وصبابة المشتاق في إبائها
5. The hand of yearning spread open his tears,
And his eyelids folded over their sorrows.
٥. نشرت يد الأشواق طي دموعه
وطوت حشاشته على أشجانها