1. After them stayed melancholy, and they departed,
So sickness swore off my body and homes.
١. أقام الوجدُ بعدهمُ وساروا
فحلفُ السُّقم جسمي والدّيارُ
2. I lost my patience, while the living bow down,
So how can it be for him, when the pilgrimage paths were blocked?
٢. عدمتُ تصبّري والحيُّ دانٍ
فكيف بهِ وقد شطَّ المزار
3. And I have a heart that rejoices in yearning for Najd,
And feet that were delighted by confusion.
٣. ولي قلبٌ يبتهج هواه نجدٌ
وقدماً كان يطربهُ الحيار
4. I wished for its dwellers, while they are far away,
But I found no wishes, while they are neighbors.
٤. تمنّى ساكنيهِ وهم بعيدٌ
ولم تُجدِ المنى وهم جوار
5. I was wary of passion, or else it would sing,
Yet does wariness ever save from fate?
٥. حذرتُ من الهوى أو كان يغني
وهل يُنجي من القدر الحذار
6. They turned away from my eyelids, and they are water,
And they settled into my heart, and it is fire.
٦. تناءوا عن جفوني وهي ماءٌ
وقد سكنوا فؤادي وهو نار
7. I sing without people except them,
So I have severe need and poverty.
٧. غنيتُ عن الورى إلاّ إليهم
فبي حاجٌ شديدٌ وافتقار
8. But the corpses will be guided on the day of gathering,
And those for whose obedience the neighing camel is let loose,
٨. أما والبُدنِ تُهدى يومَ جمعٍ
ومن تُرمى لطاعتهِ الجمار
9. And Mecca, al-Hateem, and their dwellers -
They have judged my weakness vicious.
٩. ومكّة والحطيم وساكنيها
لقد حكموا على ضعفي فجاروا
10. So with them I have a turn, sorrow,
And with me they have solace and settlement.
١٠. فعندي منهمُ ولهٌ وحزنٌ
وعندهمُ هُدوّي والقرار
11. I roam to the beloved land of passion and yearning,
Yet other than the beloved land is home and house.
١١. أهيم إلى زرودَ هوىً وشوقاً
وغيرُ زرودَ لي وطنٌ ودار
12. My wishes and despair distance it from me,
And my hopes and thoughts bring it near.
١٢. تُباعدها النّوى واليأس عنّي
وتُدنيها المنى والأدّكار
13. My brief slumber is excused with imagination through nights
Of constant wakefulness and short dozing.
١٣. تُعلّل بالخيال لدى ليال
طوال البثِّ أجفانٌ قصار
14. If drowsiness comes to me, it stops, jealous,
As if it is envious of it.
١٤. إذا ما زار غُمضٌ صدَّ عتباً
عليَّ كأنّهُ منهُ يغار
15. So why should separation allow my murder
When it has no vengeance upon lovers?
١٥. فمالي والفراقُ يبيحُ فتلي
وليس له على العشّاق ثار
16. And how can it confine me when below me
Is Ali, mounts, and the empty deserts?
١٦. وكيف يضيمني خطبٌ ودوني
عليٌّ والمطايا والقفار
17. A brave one whose thrusts no shields stop
And a sword no coats of mail can resist,
١٧. شجاعٌ لا يبلُّ لهُ طعينٌ
وذمر لا يباح لهُ ذمار
18. If he witnesses war and it is straitened,
He is satisfied and calling it is a secret.
١٨. إذا شهد الوقيعة وهي ضنكٌ
تكنّى والنداءُ بها سرار
19. And if it wanes, he makes up for it with an army
And horde, steady, that cannot be resisted,
١٩. وأن خفّتْ تداركها بجيشٍ
وجأشٍ ثابتٍ لا يُستطار
20. And if its forelocks are let loose in Thursday,
Then they are fire and burning sparks.
٢٠. وإن سُلّتْ ظباهُ في خميسٍ
فهنَّ النار والهامُ الشِّرار
21. He gives his soul and the generous man is needy,
Surely, because stinginess is disgraceful from him,
٢١. يجود بنفسهِ والجواد فقرٌ
يقيناً منهُ لأن البخلَ عار
22. And he appears in the dark of war like a shining
Full moon that obscurity does not conceal.
٢٢. ويطلعُ في ظلام الحرب بدراً
منيراً ليس يخفيهِ السّرار
23. Its planets are shining blades
Polished, and their sky is stirring dust,
٢٣. كواكبهُ الأسنّةُ لامعانُ
السّنا وسماؤها النقعُ المثار
24. A steed diverted with him from its course,
Its bending and the filling of its eyes with dust,
٢٤. جوادٌ عن جرى معهُ مناوٍ
ثناه وملءُ عينيهِ الغبار
25. And they only named it Sword of the Faith until
It passed and naming it became confused,
٢٥. وما سمّوهُ سيفَ الدين حتى
مضى وسميّهُ منهُ يحار
26. Until it is unsheathed and the dust is dry
And it is drawn and like seas a stirring blood,
٢٦. وحتى سُلُّ والغبراءُ يبسٌ
وشيمَ وكالبحار دمٌ ممار
27. And it straightened the curved Indian swords,
Cups circulated among them forever turned,
٢٧. وعلَّ السمهريّةَ وهي نشوى
تثنّى والدّماءُ لها عُقار
28. He gave them to drink and the year is a place of rest,
So they returned and for them the heads were fruits.
٢٨. إذا غنّتْ سيوف الهند دارت
كؤوسٌ بالهنا أبداً تدار
29. And he pressed down its eggs upon the blacks of death,
And they had not been permitted loincloths,
٢٩. سقاها ريَّها والعامُ محلٌ
فعادت والرؤوسُ لها ثمار
30. And he stripped them, and the garment of velvet was narrow,
So the night set out accompanying daylight.
٣٠. وأوطأ بيضهُ سود المنايا
وكانت لا يحلّ لها إزار
31. Of the resolute people, if rain is stingy,
They bring benefit, or if time lights up, they illuminate,
٣١. وجرّدها وثوب النقع ضافٍ
فسار الليلُ يصحبهُ النهار
32. If havoc strikes, they are mountains,
And if the land is in despair, they are seas.
٣٢. من القومِ الألى إن ضنّ غيثٌ
أفادوا أو دجا زمنٌ أناروا
33. Their horses raided east and west,
So they missed in the world places to ride.
٣٣. إذا هبّ الرّدى فهمُ جبالٌ
وإن قنط الثرى فهمُ بحارُ
34. If dawn rose and the sun of the horizon leaned sideways,
They straightened, with no refuge attainable.
٣٤. أغارت خيلهم شرقاً وغرباً
فأعوزهنَّ في الدنيا المسار
35. With them is thirst toward the enemies they destroy
The watering places, while they are burning hot.
٣٥. إذا بكرتْ وشمسُ الأفق ردفٌ
فألّتْ لا ينال لها مغار
36. O son of the early ones to the high ranks,
And those who have pride over the world,
٣٦. بها ظمأٌ إلى الأعداءِ تُفني
المواردَ وهي ظامئةٌ حرارُ
37. If asked, then generosity and apology,
And if angry, then patience and power,
٣٧. أيا ابنَ السابقينَ إلى المعالي
ومن لهمُ على الدنيا الفخار
38. And if the living is stingy, they are spring,
And if the world goes astray, they are beacons.
٣٨. إذا سئلوا فجودٌ واعتذارٌ
وإن غضبوا فحلمٌ واقتدار
39. Your love has been exclusive to me over the people of earth,
Loves from which they recoiled.
٣٩. وإن ضنَّ الحيا فهمُ ربيعٌ
وإن ضلَّ الورى فهمُ منارُ
40. Its chicks, I protected them from them, so they grew strong,
And if not for protection, the delicate do not grow.
٤٠. حبوتكَ دونَ أهل الأرض طرّاً
أوانس عنهمُ فيها نفار
41. It hid, and its fragrance to it is a breeze,
And it appears, and for it the morning is a veil,
٤١. شواردَ صنتها عنهم فعزّتْ
ولولا الصّونُ ما عزَّ النّضار
42. If the envious one desired it, it said,
The long spears, its stabs at them are short.
٤٢. توارى والعبيرُ لها نسيمٌ
وتبدو والصباحُ لها خمار
43. I see the days deny my merit,
And the dawn's light has no concealment.
٤٣. إذا ما رامها الحسّادُ قالت
طوالُ قنا تطاعنها قصار
44. Fortunes from the noble houses are barren,
How amazing! And my hopes are commoners!
٤٤. أرى الأيام تنكر حقَّ فضلي
وضوءُ الصّبح ليس له استتار
45. I will attain what I strive for, after when
The swift steed that obstacles make slip.
٤٥. حظوظٌ من بني العلياءِ عقمٌ
ويا عجباً وآمالٌ عشار
46. And I do not complain of the hardship of life,
And if not for merit, the prisoner would not laugh.
٤٦. سأدرك ما أحاول بعد لأيٍّ
سريعُ الخيل يعروه العثار
47. The gardens of the meadow did not smile until
The abundant drizzle wept because of it.
٤٧. وما أشكو غليها ضنكَ عيشٍ
ولولا الفضلُ ما سجن الهزار
48. The guidance of poetry did not fully reach
Its right, even if the stars were to scatter upon it.
٤٨. وما ضحكتْ ثغورُ الرّوض حتى
بكتْ من اجلها الدّميمُ الغزار
49. And how could this be when there has arisen in its comfort
A sword that does not fail to have no sheath,
٤٩. وما بلغتْ هديُّ الشعر حقاً
ولو أنَّ النجوم لها نثار
50. Dignified, while hearts pass unsteadily,
Just so is its nature, dignity its trait,
٥٠. وكيف وقد غدا في راحتيها
حسامٌ لا يُفلُّ له غرار
51. You are the rain whose gifts are sought,
So if it withholds, it has no excuse,
٥١. وقورٌ والقلوبُ تزول طيشاً
كذاك الطّودُ شيمتهُ الوقار
52. And if I am abundant in praising creation,
Then it is from You and Your attributes I borrow.
٥٢. وأنت الغيثُ يستجدى نداهُ
فإن يَمنعْ فليس لهُ اعتذار
53. If ability falls short, and its speakers,
Then elaboration is nothing but conciseness.
٥٣. وإنْ أكُ محسناً في مدح خلق
فمنكَ ومن صفاتك مستعار
54. For You are the necklace of the generous of this time,
And You are the bracelet for the world's wrist.
٥٤. إذا عجزَ القريضُ وقائلوهُ
فما إسهابهُ إلاّ اختصار
٥٥. فأنت لجيد هذا الدهر عقدٌ
وأنت لمعصم الدنيا سوار