
She traveled while the night was still dark, so she illuminated and made the wings of the morning shine again.

سفرت والليل داج فأنارا

1. She traveled while the night was still dark, so she illuminated and made the wings of the morning shine again.
The young gazelle stood tall with a delicate gait, the doe of the valley concealing herself with shyness.

١. سفرتْ والليلُ داجٍ فأنارا
وأعادتْ حندسَ الجنحِ نهارا

2. Are those the eyelids of a gazelle or another gazelle? Or is it a blade, or has it become sharp this evening?
She dwelled near my heart and possessed grace. May Allah protect her, she does not graze near others.

٢. بانةُ النادي قواماً أهيفاً
ظببيةُ الوادي لحاظاً ونفارا

3. And if she who is like the full moon were to become my neighbor, that would be little for one like me.
Did that star shout a farewell and forget? Or did you see her ignite a fire among the thorns?

٣. جفنُ ظبيٍ ذاك أم جفنُ ظبى
أو شفرٌ هو أم أمسى شفارا

4. My patience was lost in the misguidance of love, and my sadness in the darkness, oh how hot it became!
The day of wishes passed me by, and she cast hot coals into my heart, yet no embers.

٤. جاورتْ قلبي وحازت صلفاً
يا رعاها الله ما ترعى جوارا

5. And she came to me while Al-Thurayya (star cluster) was circling, wearing a bracelet from the crescent horizon.
What visitation circumambulated humbly? The night took its gown when it came to visit.

٥. وقليل عند مثلي لو غدت
دارةُ البدر لتلك الشمس دارا

6. Where is Greater Syria from the Hejaz that weakened it? The mind's insight draws near to the sanctuary.
If we had the power when destinies converge, we would have made the stars of the night disperse.

٦. صاحِ ذاك النجمُ بعداً وسنى
أو تراها أوقدت في الحيّ نارا

7. How excellent is an abode whose shade we wore, and whose blossoms we picked as adornments!
While the cheeks of the tender gazelle blushed from shyness, and the wild cows dazzled with beauty and blossoms.

٧. إنَّ صبري ضلَّ في ضال الحمى
وهجوعي في الدجى يا حارِ حارا

8. And desire asked about their curves, while devotion bent the stalks of palms laden with fruit.
How my pouring tears have loved her, showering down in streams from the rain!

٨. فاتني يومَ منى منها المنى
ورمتْ في القلب جمراً ولا جمارا

9. Ask the rain clouds about my tears of anguish, and ask the lightning about my sighs that ignited.
If we slaughtered ourselves in her plains, it would have been our aim, or we would have watered it with our blood.

٩. وأتتني والثريا معصم
من هلال الأفق يحتل سوارا

10. You ignited a fire within my breast, oh kindler of tears, and lit the wicks.
Hearing blame is painful for them. I do not like vowing or being too harsh.

١٠. أي زور طاف تدنيه النّوى
تخذَ الليل إزاراً حين زارا

11. Rather, I only ask for a gentle downpour, the plot of the noble one being smooth and cascading.

١١. أين شامٌ من حجازٍ موهناً
إنَّ عيسَ الفكر يدنين المزارا

١٢. لو قدرنا حين يجلوه الكرى
لجعلنا أنجمَ الليل نثارا

١٣. حبَّذا دارٌ لبسنا ظلَّها
وخلعنا في عذاريها العذارا

١٤. وخودُ الغيد تدمى خجلاً
والرُّبى تبهر زنداً وبهارا

١٥. والهوى يسأل عن أعطافهم
والتثني قضبَ البان الغيارى

١٦. كم حباها فيضُ دمعي هجمة
صافحت فيها من القطر قطارا

١٧. فسلوا عن أدمعي الغيثّ همى
وسلوا عن زفرتي البرق استطارا

١٨. لو عقرنا البدن في ساحاتها
كان قصداً أو سقيناها العقارا

١٩. ولقد أذكيتِ ناراً في الحشى
يا مذاكي الدمع وقيت العثارا

٢٠. وسماعُ اللَّوم لؤمٌ فيهم
لا أحبُّ النذر أوليه نزارا

٢١. لا ولا أسأل إلاَّ ديمةً
كيدِ الفاضل سحاً وانهمارا