
Wahifa kills her lovers

وهيفاء تقتل عشاقها

1. Wahifa kills her lovers
With the spear of stature and the sword of maidens

١. وهيفاء تقتل عشَّاقها
برمح القوام وسيف الحور

2. She aims the arrow of aloofness with her eyelid
And opens the rose of dawn on her cheek

٢. تسدّد بالجفن سهمً الفتور
وتفتح في الخدّ وردَ الخفر

3. When she calms her forehead with the morning light
A heart she led astray in the night of poetry

٣. إذا ما هدت بصباح الجبين
قلباً أضلت بليل الشعر

4. I confide to her the complaint of passion
So she snarls with blame at he who snarled

٤. أسرُّ إليها بشكوى الهوى
فتجهرَ باللَّوم فيمن جهر

5. We are, as was said in times past
I show her yearning and she shows me the moon

٥. فنحن كما قيل فيما مضى
أريها السُّهى وتريني القمر

6. And I bend his arrow to me determined
Bent at me is shooting or gazing from him

٦. وأحور سهماهُ لي مصميانِ
فسيَّان عندي رمى أو نظر

7. When the war of arrows passes
She takes command above a flowing stream

٧. إذا مرتَ الحربُ قطر السهام
تقلد فوق غديرٍ نهر

8. Flying on a flashing lightning
The darkness of the plains from it remotely dawn

٨. وطار على بارقٍ مارقٍ
دجى النقع منهُ بعيد السحر

9. It veils from us the women of the tents
And shows with each sword, masculinity

٩. يحجّب عنَّا نساءَ الخيام
ويبدو بكل حسامِ ذكر

10. So for fervor from his beauty what was permitted
And for yearning from them what was kept hidden

١٠. فللوجدِ من حسنه ما أباح
وللشوق منهنَّ ما قد ستر