
This carnelian, those are the flags of fever

هذا العقيق تلك أعلام الحمى

1. This carnelian, those are the flags of fever
Why the cheek and dusk has overwhelmed?

١. هذا العقيق تلك أعلام الحمى
فإلام وخدك والدجى قد هوما

2. Rest your feet and tears is outburst
No good the blood shedding for the bloodied

٢. نهنه ركابك والدمع فسبة
لا سنة سح الدماء على الدمى

3. Who can I have with moderate stature I imagined
And the branch in the tenderness of robes a twin

٣. من لي بمعتدل القوام تخاله
والغصن في لين المعاطف توأما

4. His eyes his helpers so my illness from them
His lips how lips so I recovered in them

٤. عيناه عوناه فسقمي منهما
شفتاه كم شفتا فبرئي فيهما

5. Behind the morning after dusk and its stars
A face and a cheek like the darkness and smiling

٥. خلف الضحى بعد الدجى ونجومه
وجهاً وصدغاً كالظلام ومبسما

6. He has told of passion and told his excuse
Hid the love inadvertently and slept murmuring

٦. ولقد وشى بالوجد وشي عذاره
كتم الهوى غفلاً ونم منمنما

7. O you who missed my lovers with a wink
Trusted so no vengeance though blood was shed

٧. يا فاتكاً بعاشقيه بمقلة
أمنت فلا قود وقد سفكت دماً

8. If my request from the day of your union was valid
I wouldn't from my patience for your separation run out

٨. لو صح لي من يوم وصلك مطلب
ما كنت من صبري لهجرك معدما

9. Don't make me drink from the wine in you for it
Revives youth or endures affliction in it

٩. لا تسقني من خمر فيك فإنها
تذكي الصبابة أو يدوم بها الظما

10. And so don't smile for your lightning mouth
And tears are rain not enlightened for my anxiety

١٠. وكذاك لا تبسم فثغرك بارق
والدمع غيث ما أضاء له همى

11. It came loyal and the darkness was defeated with a smile
Blinded the eyes so I did not see it had a mouth

١١. وافى وقد هزم الظلام بمبسم
أعشى العيون فما رأيت له فما

12. So it shone like the world in the palm of the generous
And the moon it shines the foggy its beads

١٢. فجلوت كالدنيا في كف الكرى
والبدر تجلوه الدجنة درهما

13. And lightning flashes and clouds like assailants
Make a covenant with it the length of eternity lofty

١٣. والبرق يومض والسحاب كظاعن
الوى به طول الكلال فخيما

14. Like Saad Al-Din’s traits in his aiming
And the delegation was generous as its habit and smiled

١٤. كصفات سعد الدين في قصاده
والوفد جاد كعاده وتبسما

15. They love when the clouds think of its water
And shine if the face of the demanders darkened

١٥. يحبو إذا ظن الغمام بمائه
ويضيء إن وجه المطالب أظلما

16. And they tour wherever the lances intertwined
And if the battalions delayed they progressed

١٦. ويجول في حيث الرماح شوابك
وإذا تأخرت الكماة تقدما

17. How many from the throats of enemies suffering
And rescued the anguished and enriched the destitute

١٧. كم فك من حلق الأعادي عانياً
وأغاث ملهوفاً وأغنى معدما

18. He honored in the distress of calamity the gray-haired
And returned him with wounds a young dark-skinned

١٨. فأجل في ضنك الوقيعة أشهبا
وأعاده بالنقع جوناً أدهما

19. So when he transgressed he meets the darkness and his star
Wounds that rise like the sky and roar

١٩. فإذا اغتدى تلقى الظلام ونجمه
نقعاً ترفع كالسماء ولهذما

20. And the whites are written and the faces erased
And its ink the entrails a lined incomprehensible script

٢٠. والبيض تكتب والوجوه مهارق
ومدادها المهجات خطاً معجما

21. Where he meets in every dune his like
A dune of piled up chrysolite which of them

٢١. في حيث يلقى في كل طود مثله
طوداً من الزرد المضاعف أيهما

22. And the brown to the brown the wind-blown a drink
And the white to the white the hail-stricken a meal

٢٢. والسمر للسمر الذوابل مشرباً
والبيض للبيض القواضب مطعما

23. A hero when the fray rages you’d think him
A lion assaulting the battalions with spear-points

٢٣. بطل إذا حمي الوطيس حسبته
ليثاً يصول على الكماة بأرقما

24. And you’d imagine his apparent armor and lance
Collective and his sword the cutting sharpened

٢٤. وتخال لبدته المضافة والقنا
أجماً ومخلبه الحسام المخذما

25. And from his anger and pleasure he spreads in the furore
My misery even if the envious quenched and bestowed

٢٥. ومن سخطه ورضاه ينشر في الوغى
بؤسى وإن كمد الحسود وأنعما

26. And if the furore feared it is named and waned
And threw ranks upon ranks and signaled

٢٦. وإذا تخاف وغى تسمى واكتنى
ورمى الصفوف على الصفوف وأعلما

27. And solid in the coats of mail his sword
And honorable in the ruling of battle prudent

٢٧. ومحكم في الدارعين حسامه
ومن عز في حكم النزال تحكما

28. My intimate made wholesome though it was fever
And made me lawful though it was taboo

٢٨. أصفى لي النعمى وكانت حمأة
وأباحني الحسنى وقد كانت حمى

29. And made me permitted where the fishes with his spear
Around me for I have become more impregnable than them

٢٩. وأحلني حيث السماك برمحه
دوني فقد أصبحت أمنع منهما

30. And informed me the water of life his generosity
Until I felt safe in his shade even if he built

٣٠. وأعلني ماء الحياة سماحه
حتى آمنت بظله إن أهرما

31. And I became from him victorious until my pen bent
The finger of victories and the most erect of pens

٣١. وغدوت منه مظفراً حتى شبا
قلمي ثنى ظفر الخطوب وقلما

32. It became beautiful and the banners green
Each with its companion spending the night enamored

٣٢. أضحى جميلاً والعلاء بثينة
كل بصاحبه يبيت متيما

33. So congratulate him on a feast that came to him with its like
Habitually intending the generosity and intending

٣٣. فليهنه عيد أتاه بمثله
إلفاً نوى يم السماح ويمما

34. He and his peer his fame and seal
Each tomorrow glorified in both worlds

٣٤. هو والقرين شهره وختامه
كل غدا في العالمين معظما

35. Now the group is united and assembled
And the necklace on the neck of time organized

٣٥. الآن بات الشمل وهو مجمع
والعقد في جيد الزمان منظما

36. Sun and moon in one place
In a little while the two depart the stars

٣٦. شمس وبدر في محل واحد
عما قليل ينسلان الأنجما

37. The one of reputation surpassed what the darkness distanced about him
And generosity most assistant in the countries and most zealous

٣٧. ذو الصيت جاوز ما كبا عنه الدجى
والجود أنجد في البلاد وأتهما

38. And the people are the sons of time and its custom
They are ungrateful to their sons occasionally and permanently

٣٨. والناس أبناء الزمان وعاده
يجفو بنيه قطيعة وتغشرما

39. And he has done wrong so he was righteous bestowing good
At times he was stingy so he was generous benevolent

٣٩. ولقد أساء فكان براً محسناً
أحيان ضن فكان سمحاً منعما

40. So if he gave generously or was generous after stinginess
I think from his comfort he learned

٤٠. فإذا سخا أو جاد بعد تمنع
فأظنه من راحتيه تعلما

41. You founded the pillar of the religion o son of its supporter
If not for your father and you it would have been demolished

٤١. شيدت ركن الدين يا ابن معينه
لولا أبوك وأنت كان مهدما

42. You beautified it and from enemies fortified it
When you armored and the debauched spent the night forbidden

٤٢. حسنته ومن العدى حصنته
لما ادرعت وبات سفيك محرما

43. It had before you been owned by the sublime
He laid the foundation and you came completer

٤٣. قد كان قبلك للمعالي مالكاً
وضع الأساس وجئت أنت متمما

44. You two established the best aid until indeed
The cases spoke with the delegation from you two

٤٤. أثبتما خير الندى حتى لقد
نطقت مع الوفد الحقائب منكما

45. If the sanctuary gave it time and appointment
None would remain in the horizons except a Muslim

٤٥. لو كان أمهله الحمام وقيته
لم يبق في الأفاق إلا مسلما

46. It meets your day after yesterday congratulating
And tomorrow if it could it would make peace

٤٦. يلقاك يومك بعد أمس مهنئاً
وغد لو استطاع السلام لسلما