1. O my sons! I have grown old and my vision fails me,
Yet I hope for the righteous and am content.
١. أَبَنِيَّ إِنّي قَد كَبِرتُ وَرابَني
بَصَري وَفِيَّ لِمُصلِحٍ مُستَمتِعُ
2. If I should perish, my deeds have built monuments,
That will remain for you - four lasting wonders:
٢. فَلَئِن هَلَكتُ لَقَد بَنَيتُ مَساعِياً
تَبقى لَكُم مِنها مَآثِرُ أَربَعُ
3. A name, when the noble are mentioned, glorifies you,
Ancestral merit is profitable heritage;
٣. ذِكرٌ إِذ ذُكِرَ الكِرامُ يَزينُكُم
وَوِراثَةُ الحَسَبِ المُقَدَّمِ تَنفَعُ
4. Days that for their blessings on Hafiz do call
In gatherings, and thoughts that unite, recall;
٤. وَمَقامُ أَيّامٍ لَهُنَّ فَضيلَةٌ
عِندَ الحَفيظَةِ وَالمَجامِعُ تَجمَعُ
5. Pastime from gain which will enrich you all,
When the soul, its hopes cut short, will disengage;
٥. وَلُهىً مِنَ الكَسبِ الَّذي يُغنيكُمُ
يَوماً إِذا اِختَصَرَ النُفوسَ المَطمَعُ
6. Advice in my breast flows clear for you still,
While of men I discern, or can hear, or see well;
٦. وَنَصيحَةٌ في الصَدرِ صادِرَةٌ لَكُم
ما دُمتُ أُبصِرُ في الرِجالِ وَأَسمَعُ
7. I commend you to fear of the Godhead, for He
Gives whatever is wished to whom He will or denies.
٧. أوصيكُمُ بِتُقى الإِلَهِ فَإِنَّهُ
يُعطي الرَغائِبِ مَن يَشاءُ وَيَمنَعُ
8. By your father's kindness, obey his command!
For of sons the obedient are best in the land.
٨. وَبِبِرِّ والِدِكُم وَطاعَةِ أَمرِهِ
إِنَّ الأَبَرَّ مِنَ البَنينَ الأَطوَعُ
9. The great man, if his folk should oppose his desire,
Is impotent, purposeless, helpless to act;
٩. إِنَّ الكَبيرَ إِذا عَصاهُ أَهلُهُ
ضاقَت يَداهُ بِأَمرِهِ ما يَصنَعُ
10. Renounce all rancour - such ways suit you not.
For rancour in kinsmen is dangerous in fact.
١٠. وَدَعوا الضَغينَةَ لا تَكُن مِن شَأنِكُم
إِنَّ الضَغائِنَ لِلقَرابَةِ توضِعُ
11. Shun him who stirs up the slumbering seeds of dispute -
That sly reviler, himself to attack slow,
١١. وَاِعصوا الَّذي يُزجي النَمائِمَ بَينَكُم
مُتَنَصِّحاً ذاكَ السَمامُ المُنقَعُ
12. Who launches his snakes, that 'twixt you he may put
A war, as the pregnant of Ad' tribe laid low.
١٢. يُزجي عَقارِبَهُ لِيَبعَثَ بَينَكُم
حَرباً كَما بَعثَ العُروقَ الأَخدَعُ
13. Twain that heal not their bosoms, though honey in plenty
They drink mingled with water in vessel designed.
١٣. حَرّانَ لا يَشفي غَليلَ فُؤادِهِ
عَسَلٌ بِماءٍ في الإِناءِ مُشَعشَعُ
14. Trust not a folk whose boy while still in his cradle
Is reared in the feud by the nurse left behind.
١٤. لا تَأمَنوا قَوماً يَشِبُّ صَبِيُّهُم
بَينَ القَوابِلِ بِالعَداوَةِ يُنشَعُ
15. For their hate lives, outlasting their bogus profession,
And the mists on their spirits no efforts dispel.
١٥. فَضِلَت عَداوَتُهُم عَلى أَحلامِهِم
وَأَبَت ضِبابُ صُدورِهِم لا تُنزَعُ
16. A folk, when night darkens round them, like hedgehogs
Start up, and with slanders each other ilsmell
١٦. قَومٌ إِذا دَمَسَ الظَلامُ عَلَيهِمُ
حَدَجوا قَنافِذَ بِالنَميمَةِ تَمزَعُ
17. They are like to Zayd, who corrupted his comrades
Till severed their order and friendship lay torn.
١٧. أَمثالَ زَيدٍ حينَ أَفسَدَ رَهطَهُ
حَتّى تَشَتَّتَ أَمرُهُم فَتَصَدَّعوا
18. Think not that your brothers are those you now view -
Their hearts heal of cankers on seeing you slain;
١٨. إِنَّ الَّذينَ تَرَونَهُم إِخوانَكُم
يَشفي غَليلَ صُدورِهِم أَن تُصرَعوا
19. And two ranks of a lofty tribe, thrusting my hands there,
I opened the door of escape for my train;
١٩. وَثَنِيَّةٍ مِن أَمرِ قَومٍ عَزَّةٍ
فَرَجَت يَدايَ فَكانَ فيها المَطلَعُ
20. And stood facing the insulter whose wrongdoing
From one fallen excuses no eloquence wins;
٢٠. وَمَقامِ خَصمٍ قائِمٍ ظَلِفاتُهُ
مَن زَلَّ طارَ لَهُ ثَناءٌ أَشنَعُ
21. I repelled them, straight judging and making them drink
A draught that soon showed them sharp famine within;
٢١. أَصدَرتُهُم فيهِ أُقَوِّمُ دَرأَهُم
عَضَّ الثِقافِ وَهُم ظِماءٌ جُوَّعُ
22. Then you scattered, each seeming the runt of the litter
Whose nursing dam's udders are dry of milk;
٢٢. فَرَجَعتُم شَتّى كَأَنَّ عَميدَهُم
في المَهدِ يَمرُثُ وَدعَتَيهِ مُرضَعُ
23. And I knew well my palace was sickness' bare den,
And that Sirius' star-rise would thither me bring;
٢٣. وَلَقَد عَلِمتُ بِأَنَّ قَصري حُفرَةٌ
عَبراءُ يَحمِلُني إِلَيها شَرجَعُ
24. Then my daughters wept loud with the tearfullest plaining,
My spouse and my kinsfolk keened over me there,
٢٤. فَبَكى بَناتي شَجوَهُنَّ وَزَوجَتي
وَالأَقرَبونَ إِلَيَّ ثُمَّ تَصَدَّعوا
25. While abandoned to death in the home I abhorred
The winds on my pillar of wood will career;
٢٥. وَتُرِكتُ في غَبراءَ يُكرَهُ وِردُها
تَسفي عَلَيَّ الريحُ حينَ أُوَدَّعُ
26. When I too am borne down my ordained path of doom,
Send ye a man whose heart's hard as iron to bear
٢٦. فَإِذا مَضَيتُ إِلى سَبيلي فَاِبعَثوا
رَجُلاً لَهُ قَلبٌ حَديدٌ أَصمَعُ
27. (For fate strikes man's hopes down and danger creeps near)
To toil, strive, and gather, spend freely and care,
٢٧. إِنَّ الحَوادِثَ يَختَرِمنَ وَإِنَّما
عُمرُ الفَتى في أَهلِهِ مُستَودَعُ
28. In earnest unwearied, no sluggard for food,
Till his tryst with the cistern he never can flee,
٢٨. يَسعى وَيَجمَعُ جاهِداً مُستَهتِراً
جِدّاً وَلَيسَ بِآكِلٍ ما يَجمَعُ
29. Till, their greeting of "Peace" finding none to reply,
Of hearing or prayer that man utterly bare,
٢٩. حَتّى إِذا وافى الحِمامُ لَوقَتِهِ
وَلِكُلِّ جَنبٍ لا مَحالَةَ مَصرَعُ
30. Who gathers and gathers, but never will eat
What he gathered and hoarded with diligent care.
٣٠. نَبَذوا إِلَيهِ بِالسَلامِ فَلَم يُجِب
أَحَداً وَصَمَّ عَنِ الدُعاءِ الأَسمَعُ