
O mother of Amr, do not sever our affinity

يا أم عمرو لا تجدي صرمنا

1. O mother of Amr, do not sever our affinity
How can you sever the rope of one who connects?

١. يا أُمَّ عَمرٍو لا تَجُدّي صُرمَنا
وَكَيفَ تَصرِمينَ حَبلَ مَن يَصِل

2. That is ignorance of you, except that we
Were killed by your love, if love itself kills

٢. وَذاكَ جَهلٌ بِكِ إِلّا أَنَّنا
قاتِلُنا حُبُّكِ إِن حُبٌّ قَتَل

3. My slanderers have chided me with frivolity
Yet their blame is madness from the deranged

٣. باكَرني بِسُخرَةٍ عَواذِلي
وَلَومُهُنَّ خَبَلٌ مِنَ الخَبَل

4. They blame me regarding a need I mentioned
In an age of time and fate that has flowed away

٤. يَلُمنَني في حاجَةٍ ذَكَرتُها
في عَصرِ أَزمانٍ وَدَهرٍ قَد نَسَل